Huge list of royalty-free plays for children, schools, and young audiences. Musicals, short scripts, reader’s theatre, one-acts, and scenes for kids and teens.

Drama Notebook is a leading resource for royalty-free plays for schools. Perfect for the drama classroom, after-school professionals, theatre companies, and parent volunteers worldwide.

*Please take a moment to read about how the royalty-free script library works…

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Play Scripts for Schools-How to put on a Show
List of play Scripts Schools-Elementary
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Two-person Scenes
Musical plays for children and teens.
Scripts for Schools-Fable Plays
Play Scripts for Schools-Fairy Tales
Play Scripts for Schools-Preschool Plays
Play Scripts for Schools-Shakespeare
Play Scripts for Schools-Poetry
Play Scripts for Schools-Halloween
Holiday Scripts
Play Scripts for Schools-Royalty-free Play Script for Schools-
Scripts Mark Twain Royalty-free Play Script for Schools-
Create Your Own Show for Drama Teachers
Play Scripts for Schools-Radio Plays
Environmental Plays
History Plays
Funny Plays for Kids and Teens
Social Emotional Learning Plays
Teach Drama Online
Plays for Seniors
Plays for Zoom
DN Playes in Spanish

Here is an alphabetical list of original plays and scenes for kids and teens on Drama Notebook.