Jack and the Beanstalk is a hilarious adaptation of the classic fairy tale. In this version, Jack must trick his cow, Bessie into going for a walk to the marketplace where he plans to sell her. When he trades his sarcastic cow to an old woman for a few magic beans, his mother is furious! The next day, a giant beanstalk appears in their yard and Mother hires a lumberjack to cut it down, unaware that Jack has climbed it. It’s up to a crazy old woman to save the day in this entertaining play for young performers!
Andy Pavey is a commissioned playwright, who writes short plays for Drama Notebook. He is a student who attends UWC-USA. He previously spent nine years with Davenport Junior Theatre, the second-oldest children’s theatre in the United States, where he acted in productions, managed the props building, and wrote plays for young actors to perform. In addition to writing, Andy is an avid backpacker!
Excerpt from the play:
At rise: JACK and BESSIE are on one side of the stage, talking, when the MOTHER runs in from the opposite side.
Oh, Jack… I have some terrible news.
What? What is it?
We’ve run out of strawberries. And lettuce. And asparagus. And potatoes. And tomatoes. And garlic.
I don’t understand. What’s the problem exactly? That food is boring.
Jack. That’s not all. We’ve run out of Pop-Tarts.
JACK runs to his MOTHER and embraces her.
That is the most horrifying thing you have ever said to me. What can we do to make this right? I want to help.
I’m afraid there’s only one thing we can do. (Stage-whispering) We’re going to have to sell Bessie.
What?! We can’t sell Bessie!
Jack. You’re being irrational. Bessie has grown old and only has a few years of life left in her. We need money to buy fresh vegetables and fruits. They’re the key to a balanced, healthy lifestyle.
And Pop-Tarts.
Sure, yeah. Pop-Tarts.
Okay, deal. What do I have to do?
Take Bessie on a “walk” to the marketplace and sell her to the highest bidder. Don’t let her know we’re planning on selling her.
JACK walks back to BESSIE as the MOTHER exits.
So, what’s the news? Why are you in such a hurry?
Oh, I just thought it would be nice to go to the marketplace to pick up groceries. You want to tag along?
Actually, Jack, I’m still “calf” asleep, so I’ll have to sit this one out. Thanks for the offer, though!
An awkward silence. JACK looks helplessly at the audience.
Great, let’s get going!
Uh, okay, if you insist, weirdo…
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