One of the most frustrating things that a drama teacher can encounter is being asked to teach students who do not want to be in the class, or who seem to want to derail the experience for everyone. First, you should know that you are not alone! Hundreds of drama teachers are forced into situations that seem to make it impossible to teach.
The guide includes:
- Advice for dealing with parents or administration
- Specific classroom management techniques to employ in this type of class
- Personal advice for keeping your sanity while teaching
- Eight pages of activities that work especially well in this scenario
When chaos in the classroom or behavioral problems destroy the learning process, administrators, program managers and parents often blame the drama teacher for not ‘having enough structure.’ This can be discouraging to a teacher who is doing his/her best to teach seemingly unteachable students.
This Drama Notebook tutorial was developed with the help of a drama teacher who taught in an extremely rough environment in an inner-city Chicago school. The tactics suggested in this guide helped turn openly aggressive, uncooperative students into students who not only obeyed her, but bowed to her in the halls, and gave her a standing ovation at the end of the year.
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