This drama warm-up is part of a collection of 40 classic drama games found on Drama Notebook.

Drama Game Park BenchCreate a bench onstage using an actual bench or three chairs. Choose three players to be in the scene and ask them to think of a famous person to portray, or allow them to choose a famous character out of a hat. Have the three players start a scene on the park bench in which the goal is for each character to try and figure out who the other two characters are. Once a player thinks she has identified another character, she should say a line that indicates that she knows who he is without actually naming him. For example, if she suspects that one of the players is the president of the United States, she might say, “I didn’t vote for you, but I think you are doing a good job anyway!” Once a character has been identified, he makes an elaborate excuse to leave and a new player takes his place.y.

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