This drama warm-up is part of a collection of 40 classic drama games found on Drama Notebook.
This activity helps actors to get to know their space as well as practice using their bodies in different ways. Establish clearly defined boundaries for the players to stay inside. Have players move about the room, paying attention to the space around them.
- Keep walking.
- Only now pretend you are walking through pudding.
- Think about what it feels like and how your body would move through pudding.
- For example, you might move more slowly now because pudding is thicker than air.
- After a while, pretend the space has turned into clouds.
- Think about what it feels like, and how you might walk through clouds.
Suggestions for different spaces:
- Honey
- Snow
- Water
- Frozen pond
- Mashed potatoes
- The moon
- Popcorn
- Feathers
- Mud
- Fire
- Taffy
- Pea soup
- Cotton candy
- Marbles
- On a boat in a storm
Instructions for twelve different kinds of space-walks are included in Drama Notebook such as:
- Space walk as different animals
- Space walk to music
- Space walk with weather
- And more!
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