This drama warm-up is part of a collection of 40 classic drama games found on Drama Notebook.

This game is on video in Drama Notebook!

Drama Game Two SticksIn a circle, introduce an object such as a pool noodle. Declare that it can be many things. An ‘elephant’s trunk’ for example.

Pass the object around the circle with each player turning it into something new (no repeats) and saying one line of dialogue such as “My elephant trunk is feeling stuffy today.”

Give reluctant participants two options. They may say “Pass,” if they do not thing they can come up with anything, or “Come back to me,” if they think they will have an idea later. If you find that players are nervous, play a few rounds with the same object until all actors have gone at least once. This is a great little drama teaching trick designed to bring out the more reserved members of your group and this game offers a perfect way to do it.

In addition to secretly encouraging reluctant students, playing several rounds with one object allows students to realize just how endless creativity can be. Just when they think they will run out of ideas, more ideas, and more outrageous ideas begin to flow.

Normal class rules apply: something that isn’t gross or violent, for example. Repeat with other objects.

Here is a helpful list of ideas for objects for this drama game. It’s also fun to visit a home supply store or dollar store, using your imagination to find new objects to use! Focus on selecting items that can be transformed easily-no writing on them or complex design.

Examples of Objects
  • Pool noodle
  • Small pylon (orange construction cone)
  • Yardstick
  • Beach ball
  • Towel
  • Hula Hoop
  • Bucket
  • Soup ladle
  • Empty paper-towel tube

*This game description is indicative of how thorough the materials in Drama Notebook are.  The entire Drama Notebook website is designed to both support new teachers and to inspire teachers who have become bored with using the same material year after year.

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