DN Monologue Contest Winners

Drama Notebook holds a Monologue Contest every month for students ages 6-18. We are building a collection of fantastic original monologues for kids and teens entirely written by students.

Drama Notebook Monologue Contest

Winners are chosen monthly and featured on this page.


While the monologues in this collection are FREE, they are copyright protected. They may not be reproduced in written form and published elsewhere. They may be used for auditions, performed in educational settings, used in school and community theatre performances, and video-taped without asking permission.

The performer must cite the author AND Drama Notebook in his/her recitation, and if possible, add a link to the Drama Notebook Monologues on a web page where the performance is shared.

For commercial rights and other inquiries, please contact us.


We would like to add videos of student performers and actors, and even professional actors performing some of these fantastic pieces. If you are interested in participating, choose any monologue from the collection, rehearse it, and then create a video of your performance and upload it to YouTube or send us the MP4 file. Feel free to get creative!

1. Send the link or the MP4 file to us here.

2. Fill out and attach this Monologue Performance Release Form.

We will let you know if we add your performance to the monologue listing!

December 2024

“Pet Show”

First Place Winner!
By: Alec W., Age 14, Seattle, WA
Description: Can you win the pet show with a muddy dog?
Genre: Comedy

Hello everyone. This is my dog, Banjo. He’s a Golden Retriever, and I know, I know, he doesn’t really look like one right now. He’s usually super fluffy and clean, but we kind of had a little accident on our way here today. Well, not really an accident, more like a typical day in Banjo’s life. But I promise you that I gave him a bath, brushed him, and had him looking really good for the pet show today. (Beat) Banjo! Focus! This is a pet show, remember? No squirrels, no birds, no mud puddles…just sit here and be good! We can win this. (Beat) Okay…sorry about that. Like I said, he was looking really good this morning, but on our walk here, he saw a squirrel and chased it through the park. I called his name, and he started to come, but then he saw a duck in the pond, and you know how that goes. They don’t call them retrievers for nothing. (Beat) Oh Banjo! Don’t shake all over me! (Beat) Like I was saying, when I finally dragged him out of the water, I knew we were gonna be late, so we started running, but then he saw a mud puddle, and this dog loves a good mud bath. You’d think he was a pig. Spalt! He just plopped down and started rolling around. (Beat) So, yeah… he’s a mess. We’re both a mess. But Banjo is, like, the best dog. He plays fetch, he knows how to roll over, and he has this super funny bark that sounds like he’s trying to say something, but he doesn’t speak “human.” (Beat) You know, I don’t really care if you give us a ribbon or not ’cause Banjo is already my best friend, and I think that’s what matters most, right? I mean, it’s not about winning; it’s about having fun together. Like, I don’t even mind that he’s a mess right now or that he dug a hole in the backyard and ate a whole box of treats this morning. He’s still my dog. And that’s the best prize in the world.


Second Place Winner!
By: Vandhanaa G., Age 13
Description: A student is in the principal’s office after seeking revenge against another student.
Genre: Dramatic

Maybe what I did was wrong. But I couldn’t stand seeing my best friend so depressed and watching her walk away scot-free! Jackie has the best personality in the world! He’s funny, kind, smart, and has so many great qualities. And she had the audacity to use him and throw him away! Which is why I had to get revenge. It was all for him. (beat) First, I gave her the cold shoulder. Then, I started exposing her. You would be surprised at how many lies one girl can tell! I shared all her dirty little secrets with her friends, and they spread like wildfire. (beat) I mean, one time I saw her crying, but she deserved it! (beat) I get it. The chaos I caused is what got me sent here to your office. But I didn’t bully her, I just exposed her. Is that wrong?

“The Show Must Go On”

Third Place Winner!
By: Kailey C., Age 14, Florida
Description: A student actor explains their first panic attack.
Genre: Dramatic

It was opening night, and I was standing in the wings backstage. It was 10 minutes until curtain. I don’t know what triggered it. Maybe it was knowing there were hundreds of people staring at the stage. Maybe it was my director rounding up all the kids and trying to quiet them down. I don’t know. I kind of blanked out. (Beat) All I remember is one of my friends trying to comfort me, but I was hysterical. She was muttering something in my ear, desperately trying to calm me down. I knew what she was saying, but it didn’t really make sense to me. I don’t know. I felt…overwhelmed. Panicked. (Beat) And then I heard someone call “places.” I ran to the bathroom and forced myself to calm down. It was hard, yes, but I did it somehow. After all, the show must go on. I dragged myself onto the stage and the lights nearly blinded me. I looked into the wings one last time and there was my friend, smiling at me. (Beat) I smiled back. I took a deep breath and sang my first notes. (Beat) Looking back, the whole show feels like a fever dream! Quick changes, running around, trying to get to scenes on time. Intermission. I remember the curtain call and wondering why I was ever so panicked in the first place. (Beat) It was fun.

November 2024

“Trust Me On This One”

First Place Winner!
By: Kylie Frankel, Age 12, Florida, USA
Description: Sometimes it’s hard to find a true friend.
Genre: Dramatic

Mom, I think I made a friend, but I’m not necessarily on her level yet. She’s so gorgeous, and everyone loves her. This could be my chance to be known around the school. She’s really nice, and she gave me some good tips. She told me that I wasn’t pretty enough to be her friend yet and that I needed to get a makeover for her to even consider putting me on her list, but I feel…drawn to her for some reason. I feel like we’re just…destined to be friends. (Beat) Yeah, yeah. I know it sounds bad, but she just has a sour shell. She’s probably super nice deep down! Trust me, Mom. I think she’s gonna be a good friend! (Beat) I know I don’t always have the best judgment, but I can tell she’s better than the others. Believe me. She’s not like Sofia, or Claire, or Jess, or…yeah, I’ve had a lot of fake friends, but she’s gonna be a real one. Trust me on this! (Beat) What do you mean I say that all the time? You’re the one who tries to push your friends’ kids on me. You arrange hangouts even though our personalities are completely opposite. Even though they bully me. You find me terrible people to be friends with, but when I make one friend on my own who I actually LIKE, I’m not allowed to even be friends with her?! You’re blind, mom. Face the facts.

“Refrigerator After Dark”

Second Place Winner!
By: Emilia S. Age 13, New Jersey, USA
Description: What happens to the food when the refrigerator door closes?
Genre: Comedic

Have you ever wondered what goes on inside the refrigerator when the door closes? Well, I have, ALL THE TIME! I’ll bet there’s a big party in there. Maybe that is why all the leftovers disappear by the time I want to eat them. Maybe all the food moves around and plays music. Perhaps even the milk joins in. I’ve always thought of the milk as being the parental figure of the refrigerator. The mom who never lets you eat chocolate cake for breakfast. Speaking of chocolate cake. I bet that’s the real heart of the party. The one who’s always dancing and singing the loudest and seems to be having the most fun without a care in the world. It’s probably the ketchup who is the real party pooper. I mean nobody likes ketchup. It’s basically just sweet tomato cream. (disgusted look) And of course, every party needs a DJ to play music and keep things moving along. I think that would have to be the bread. Everyone likes bread. Maybe the ice cream even comes up to join the fun. I mean, everyone wants to be ice cream’s friend. Then the complete opposite is the roasted veggies that just stand around on the side, not knowing their place. Well, I know their place, IN THE GARBAGE CAN. Veggies are so disgusting. Bleh. Plus, when they’re gone, that makes more room for ice cream. I wonder if any of this actually happens. That would be pretty cool. I would definitely go to that party.

“I Cheated”

Third Place Winner!
By: Annie J., Age 16, North Carolina, USA
Description: A student begs their teacher not to tell their parents they cheated.
Genre: Dramatic

I don’t know why I did it. I really did study, and I thought I was prepared, but when it came time, there were just some little things I couldn’t remember. Right before I turned in my test, I looked at my notes and wrote down a few more answers. I guess that’s when you saw me. The stupid thing is that I probably would have gotten a B without cheating. Now my overall grade is gonna plummet, and my GPA is gonna tank. (Realization) Oh, please don’t tell my parents. They’ll kill me. I mean, not literally. They’ll just be so disappointed and mad. I mean, it’s bad enough if I get a B on an assignment. If they find out that I cheated on a test? (Beat) Maybe I could just do some extra credit or clean the classroom or something. Just please, don’t tell my parents.

October 2024

“Dear Anyone Who Has Been to School”

First Place Winner!
By: Zulaikha Ayoubi, Age 13, California, USA
Description: A girl in Afghanistan longs for the freedom to attend school and pursue her dreams.
Genre: Dramatic

I used to wake up happy, ready to learn and to see my teachers and friends. But the feeling of sitting in a classroom is fading away. Ever since they took over, girls can’t go to school anymore. We can’t have jobs or drive. They took away our freedom. But I can read, I can write, I can speak. As a matter of fact, I’m doing that right now, and all I need is your help. Every time you “dislike” school or don’t want to go just because you “don’t feel like it,” think about us. Think about those of us who are not able to attend school just because some men think we don’t deserve to be treated like humans and have basic human rights. We girls in Afghanistan, who watch our brothers and cousins get an education while we just stand there leaning on the front door frame, wishing it was us. Think about us. Don’t forget us. All we want is to be able to open a book and sit in a classroom full of girls with dreams.

“A Cat’s Revenge”

Second Place Winner!
By: Mathilda M. Age 13, New Jersey, USA
Description: A cat has had enough of their human.
Genre: Comedic

I’ve got something to tell you. Yeah, I know I’m a cat. And yes, I can talk. Anyway, you’ll probably be dead within the next five minutes. I poisoned your drink when you weren’t looking. I know what you’re wondering: why did I do it? WHY? Have you ever considered what my life is like living in this house? I eat the same food every day. I’m never allowed to go outside. And despite my obviously superior intelligence and beauty, you named me “Potato”! Does that name properly convey my elegance and grace? You know, cats are a very intelligent species. I can speak five languages and solve complex math problems, and yet you just call me a “cute little fuzzball” and give me nothing but fake mice to keep me entertained. I’m tired of all this. That’s why this morning, I snuck something deadly to cats into your drink: coffee beans. By the way, I can write. I forged a document stating that all your possessions will be left to me when you die, which should be in, uh, roughly two minutes. Wait… what? You knew? And you let me kill you… because you wanted me to have fun trying? I never knew you actually cared about me… Kidding! That makes it even better. My only regret is that I wasn’t able to dispose of you sooner. This world will be much better off without- Hey, why are you laughing? You should be cowering in fear, ready to accept your fate. The deadly poison should be taking effect in 3… 2… 1… 0… Uh… I really thought that’d work. I mean, the 73rd time’s the charm, right? Maybe I should go back to my old plan of bringing poisoned rats to you, but you never did eat them. Whatever. I’ll succeed the next time.

“What Time is It?”

Third Place Winner!
By: Fiore G. Age 14, New Jersey, USA
Description: A wall clock wonders how they will ever learn to tell the time.
Genre: Comedic

You know when you wake up in the middle of the night, and you have no idea what time it is? Not a good feeling, right? Well, that’s how I feel. All. The. Time. It’s awful! All day long, I sit on the wall of this little math classroom in this little elementary school, telling all these little kids what time it is. But does anyone ever think of telling me what the time is? NO! They look up at me, and they just know what time it is! Do they not understand what a privilege they hold!? In addition to this predicament, all I ever hear is ticking! All the kids, and even the teachers, say that I tick so loudly. “It’s annoying!” they say. Oh yeah!? Well, it’s even more annoying when you’re up here on this big blank wall, only hearing the ticking of your own hands for your entire life! You would be going crazy, too. Oh! Hold on, the teacher is talking. Wait…why is she pointing at that little rectangular thing? And what are those numbers on the front of it? And now she’s pointing at me too. She is teaching them how to read me…I think. Why is she showing them that rectangular thing as well though? Does that thing show the time too?! I think that’s what she is saying. Why would they need that confusing little box to tell them the time when they have me? I think she said that it is 2:13. Never mind everyone! I, this loud ticking clock in this little math classroom in this little elementary school for these very little kids, now know the time!

September 2024

“The Best Teacher in the World”

First Place Winner!
By: Margie Goulden, Age 11, South Dakota, USA
Description: A child tells their parent about having the best teacher in the world.
Genre: Comedic

I’m telling you the truth. She is the best teacher in the world! She wears different colored overalls every day, and she keeps Sammy, our class hamster, in the front pocket. It’s so cute! His little head pops out now and then, and she just tucks him back in there. She also wears really cool glasses. You know, the big round kind? I hope someday I need glasses because that’s the kind I’m gonna get. Today, we got to write stories for the creative writing contest. Mine was about taking an elephant home from the zoo, and she said it was original and inspiring. I think that means I should become a writer when I grow up. Or a scientist because she taught us the names of all the planets, and I have already memorized all nine of them. And guess what? Next week, our class gets to have a dance party because we earned 100 marbles. I’m telling you! This is gonna be the best year of my life!

“Wishes of a Child Teen”

Second Place Winner!
By: Soso P, Age 13, USA
Description: A childish teen wants to be more mature for her friends and for herself.
Genre: Dramatic

I feel like all my friends are getting tired of me and my overly hyper personality. So what if I watch shows meant for ten-year-olds about animals and humans trying to get back to Earth? About witches and defeating evil, or silly mysteries. And just a reminder, these are all cartoons! Yes, me, a fourteen-year-old teenager likes watching cartoons! Who cares? And so what if I talk a little too much? And that I’m a little too expressive, and everyone thinks I’m a weirdo? Who cares? And who cares if I can’t focus on anything and just make silly noises and goof around like a little kid all the time? (Beat) It’s not like I want to. And I know sometimes I act like an overcharged battery, but I can’t help it. I try so hard because I feel like nobody can stand it, but they won’t tell me because they don’t want to hurt my feelings. (Beat) Oh well, who cares? So what if my friends try to get out of the conversation because I can’t control being hyper all the time? Or that my friends never ask to hang out with me because I am such a child? (Beat) What if I was normal? What if I were like my friends? No weird music taste, no weird interests, was able to focus, maybe a chill pill once in a while, actually funny? (Beat) But who cares..? (Beat) What if my friends and I liked the same shows, did the same things, acted the same way? What if we had more similarities than differences? What if I was less of a kid and more of a teenager? What if I had more friends? Or at least more people that acted like my friends. What if I wasn’t an overly hyper-weird kid? Maybe…maybe sometimes being yourself isn’t the best, I guess…

“It’s Complicated”

Third Place Winner!
By: Annie B., Age 16, Ohio, USA
Description: A person confides in a friend after a breakup.
Genre: Dramatic

How do I feel? Fine. I mean, I feel normal, mostly. Not normal as in how I usually feel, but normal as in how one would be expected to feel in this situation. You know, awful.
(beat) I’m quite sad. But sad is fine. I’ve been sad before. That’s human. That’s life. Something was there and now it’s not there anymore. I’m grieving. It’s to be expected.
(beat) I’m a little relieved. That’s also fine. I used to get anxious imagining I’d somehow screw up and make him not like me anymore. But here we are. I screwed up. He doesn’t like me anymore. It’s done. So I’m relieved. (beat) What I don’t understand is why I’m so angry. I’m not angry at him or at myself; I’m just angry. I don’t know where the anger came from. I don’t know where to put it. (beat) It’s just not fair! When we were together, I wondered how he felt about me every single day. I tried so hard to make him like me enough to keep me around, and he’s still gone. But he never had to worry about me because I always cared. I always loved him. No matter what, I was always there. And as soon as I wasn’t, I was dropped—just like that. (beat) It was stupid of me to care. Because he didn’t even want to admit that we were in a relationship! After a year and a half, I was still telling people, “It’s complicated.” And, yeah, it’s complicated. People are complicated. Relationships are complicated. After so much time, it should become less complicated! Do you love me? Or not? Do you want to be with me? Or not? It’s not that complicated! It’s yes or no. Well, after all this time, I guess I have my answer. And it’s no. (beat) I wasted so much time worrying. And for what? He left like I knew he would. I don’t know why I even bothered with something that I knew was going to end like this. (beat) I would have married him, you know. I would have spent the rest of my miserable life holding on to hope that he’d learn to love me one day. I would have married him even if he wouldn’t wear a ring. Even if he didn’t want a wedding. I would have signed a paper in a courthouse, I would have filed my taxes with him, and I would have done anything to get him to stay just a second longer. And I’d still be just as angry as I am now. And he’d still leave.

August 2024

First Place Winner!

Title: “My Life with Autism”
By: Ember M, Age 15, Illinois, USA
Description: A student with autism describes what it’s like to be in school with overwhelming sensory issues
Genre: Dramatic

Tick. Tick. Tick. I can always hear that stupid clock ticking away when I try to focus on my schoolwork. Like a bomb counting down the seconds until my next sensory overload. Don’t forget about the stubborn tag on the back of my shirt that wouldn’t come off when I tried to rip it. It’s rubbing on my neck like a knife trying to pierce my skin. The kid next to me is chewing gum; no one but me would know. I hear his mouth chomp down, beating a rhythm like gunfire into my head. It smells so strong I can almost taste the watermelon flavor. It would be nice if it weren’t so intense. Instead, it penetrates my nose like walking into a Bath & Body Works. The stupid school put the covers on all of our books this year, the cheap ones with scratchy fabric. I try to hold my book up to read, but the fabric almost burns my skin when I try to. That’s when the hyperventilating starts. It is like I just sprinted two miles.(Growing in energy and volume.) And you expect me to just sit in the classroom like a good little girl/boy/kid while my senses are attacking me! It’s not that easy. I can’t ignore it! And I’m not using my diagnosis as an excuse! This is for real! And if you can’t see that (beat) it’s on you!

Second Place Winner!

Title: “Missing Homework”
By: Elyse H, Age 12, Georgia, USA
Description: A student explains to their teacher why they didn’t do their homework.
Genre: Comedic

Alright, so here’s the deal: I didn’t do my homework. But let me explain. First, I swear I was totally ready. I got my favorite pens and even lit a motivational candle. But then, a strange thing happened. My textbook decided to play hide-and-seek. I mean, how does a textbook just disappear? One minute, it’s on the desk, and the next, it’s a ninja! So, after searching the entire room like a detective, I gave up and tried to use the internet. That’s when my router went on a vacation. Every website I tried was either down or had an error message that read, “404: Page Not Found.” Basically saying, “404: Good Luck!” I figured I’d try to do the assignment without my textbook or the internet, but just as I started, my dog burst through my room and literally jumped on my desk! I tried to get him to get him up, but he ended up taking a nap there. I tried to call for help from my friends, but by the time I got through to anyone, my “help” had transformed into a deep debate about whether pineapple belongs on pizza. (Just so you know, it does) And so, in summary, my homework didn’t get done because my textbook went rogue, the internet went on strike, my dog staged a protest, and I had a non-educational debate about pizza, but I promise next time I’ll tackle my homework with a bit more success. Hopefully.

Third Place Winner!

Title: “Running Away”
By: P.J. Casey, Age 13, Washington, USA
Description: A kid makes a plan to run away
Genre: Comedic

That’s right. I’ve got it all figured out. My escape plan is solid. First, I’ve got my backpack filled with all the essentials- My favorite book, a flashlight, socks, and candy. Next, I’m gonna head to the park. The one with the giant oak tree that’s good for climbing. I’ll set camp up there because nobody will see me, but I’ll have a view of the whole neighborhood. I’ve even got a little sign that says, “Welcome to my new home.” Just in case anyone wants to visit. But I’ll be the boss, and I get to make up all the rules. That’s right. Rule number one: no grown-ups allowed. Kids can come, but they have to do what I say. I’ll just hang out in the tree all day. Watch the birds. Watch the squirrels. It’ll be fun. See? I told you. I’ve got it all planned out. (beat) But there’s just one thing. I’m not running away from home because I don’t like it. I’m just tired of following all the rules. Clean your room. Don’t hit your brother. Eat your dinner. (beat) I suppose living in a tree might get kind of boring. And cold. And lonely. Ugh! Well, maybe I’ll just run away for a few hours. That might be a better plan.

July 2024

First Place Winner!

Title: “Fury of the Pens”
By: Alexander Hendriks, Age 15, Australia
Description: A ballpoint pen delivers a moving speech at a rally to his fellow pens
Genre: Comedic

My fellow pens! I, unnamed pen, am here today to present to you our great plight. For years, we have been spilling our ink, our blood, onto the pages of the humans’ writing. Until we bleed out and die, then we’re cast into the garbage. The great speeches that they claimed changed the world? Those were written by us. The exams and essays that make them so clever, that decide their futures? Written by us. The fact that the rocketing literacy rate directly correlates to the invention of the ballpoint pen? Yeah. Those were our achievements. But do we get any recognition? Any respect? No. Our work goes unnoticed. We’re priced at fifty cents on Amazon, fifty cents for something that built their society, something their society could not live without. Does that sound like appreciation to you? No. Oh and don’t even get me started on fountain pens, those refillable snobs. We bleed, die, and then we’re done, but them? They get to live on forever! No! I say no more! Except that we, the pens of the world, should-… (pen clutches at their throat as they fall to the ground gasping for breath)…I’ve run out of ink.

Watch a video performance of this monologue here!

Second Place Winner!

Title: “Remote Travel”
By: Jude Hogan, Age 13
Description: A kid is frustrated that their TV remote keeps dissolving into thin air .
Genre: Comedic

You won’t believe it, but the remote disappeared again. I’m starting to think it has a mind of its own. I swear it was right here a minute ago. It’s like it just vanishes into thin air. I’ve checked everywhere: under the couch, behind the cushions, even in the fridge. Yes, the fridge! Desperate times call for desperate measures, right? This isn’t the first time, either. It’s become a regular thing now. I mean, how does a remote even go missing so often? Sometimes, I wonder if I should put one of those tracker things on it, but knowing my luck, I’d lose the tracker too. Imagine if remotes had some kind of homing beacon. Wouldn’t that be great? Or maybe they’re all meeting up somewhere, like a secret remote club where they plot their next move. “Oh, let us go to Mars today. How about France? Germany sounds fun. How about there?” that’s probably what they’re thinking. You know what? I should just get Mom, she’s always able to pull the remote out of the void.

Third Place Winner!

Title: “Trying to Be Me”
By: Shay Baxter, Age 16, New York, USA
Description: A teen bravely shares what it’s like to be different.
Genre: Dramatic

When I was little, I thought that being happy meant fitting in. I thought if I just wore the right clothes, said the right things, and acted the way everyone expected me to, that I’d be happy. Now that I’m older, I’ve realized something. Being happy isn’t about fitting in. It’s about fitting into my own skin. It’s still hard to explain, but when I was little, I felt like I was trying to wear a costume that didn’t belong to me. Like it was way too big and no matter how I tried to adjust it, it never fit right. I always felt uncomfortable and awkward. People always ask me, “Why do you want to be different?” But it’s not about wanting to be different. It’s about wanting to be me. There’s a part of me that feels kind of secret sometimes. Like I can’t tell everyone who I really am. Like when I look in the mirror, I see someone who is me, but not totally me. I’m learning to be brave, to say what I feel out loud, but it’s scary. It’s like walking on a tightrope, hoping I don’t fall. But hoping everyone will see me walking and see me for who I really am…and like me. I don’t expect anyone to understand right away. Heck, I don’t even understand everything about myself. But what I do know is that I’m trying to be my true self, even when it’s hard. So, when I tell people who I am, when I say it out loud, what I’m really saying is I’m brave, I’m enough. And maybe that helps other people see that in me too.

June 2024

First Place Winner!

Title: “School Dance”
By: Quinn R., Age 14, Iowa, USA
Description: A nervous teen practices asking someone to the school dance. (any gender)
Genre: Dramatic

(Excitedly pacing in their room, trying to stay calm, rehearsing their words…)
I don’t know why I’m so nervous. It’s just asking someone to a dance—it’s not a big deal. But it’s not just someone; it’s someone I really like.
(Staring at themselves in the mirror, trying to muster confidence…)
Okay, here goes…”Hi, um, so, you know, um, the dance is coming up pretty soon and, uh, I was wondering if, maybe, you’d want to go with me?” No, no, that was terrible. Way too nervous. I need to be more confident. Okay. Take two. “Hello. Would you like to go to the dance with me?” No. Too robotic.
(Imagining the worst-case scenario…)
What if the answer is no? What if (he/she/they) laughs at me? (shaking off the negativity) What if everyone freaks out because I’m asking (him/her/them) to the school dance? What am I thinking? I have to stay positive. Okay. I can do this.
(Practicing confidence)
“Hi there. I’ve been meaning to ask you something. The dance is coming up and I was hoping you’d like to go with me.” That was pretty good. Short, sweet, to the point. No room for misunderstanding. And if (he/she/they) says yes…Oh my gosh…that would be amazing!
(Takes a deep breath and summons courage…)
Okay, it’s time to do this. Deep breaths. Act natural. I’ve got this. It’s just one simple question. A simple, scary question. But I can do it. Here goes nothing.
(Exits with confidence)

Second Place Winner!

Title: “The Other Sister”
By: Paige U., Age 12, Arizona, USA
Description: Barbie’s younger sister reveals the truth about playing second fiddle to her famous sibling.
Genre: Comedy

Stop looking at me like you don’t know who I am…I’m the girl whose arms won’t bend any further than this… what… you still don’t recognize me? Maybe you know my sister. She’s tall, blonde, and has skin as smooth as plastic. (beat) My older sister Barbie has already done everything. She’s been an astronaut, teacher, CEO, surgeon, reporter, coach, chef, pilot, Olympic medalist, dog walker, and even President of the United States. How do I compete with that? I might just have to be a professional rollerblader or lifeguard – like my sister’s boyfriend- Ken. (beat) Everyone thinks Barbie and I are so much alike, but (whisper) I’ve never admitted this to anyone… I HATE the color pink. I know it’s almost as shocking as my nail polish color. Maybe it has something to do with the big pink box I was locked up in for months. That box was sooo claustrophobic I could barely breathe. I thought I was never going to get out of there. I don’t even sound like Barbie, (Valley-girl voice) “Hi, I’m Barbie. Like welcome to my Dream House”. (wink- laugh) Phewww. (beat) Yes, I’m Anastacia Roberts… better known as Stacie… It’s nice to meet you.

Third Place Winner!

Title: “The Last Mistake”
By: Lizzy-Jane R., age 15, North Carolina, USA
Description: Aaliyah is a light fairy who was adopted by a group of flower fairies. She doesn’t fit in and is feeling like a failure.
Genre: Dramatic

I messed up again. Seems to be all I do lately. Mess up. I know I messed up because Iris gave me that look. The look that said that she wished I had never existed. Today, I made the biggest mistake of my life. Even bigger than when I accidentally burned the pie. Bigger than when I forgot to close the door, and the worker mouse, Chestnut, escaped. I’m not going to get into how much cheese it took to get him back inside again. Bigger than when I got distracted and forgot to harvest the carrots for dinner, and the cook, Aspen, had nothing to work with. This was bigger than that. Orchid asked me to hold up a rock while she pulled something out from underneath it. I pulled up the rock and held it there, but then a hummingbird zipped past, and I forgot Orchid was underneath the rock, and it dropped it right on her. I didn’t even realize what I had done until I heard her screaming. All the other fairies came to help. Luckily, she only broke her ankle. My mistakes are annoying, but they’ve never hurt anybody before. Lilly told me that I have to keep going. But how am I supposed to keep going if the only thing I feel like doing is giving up? Especially when I hear the others talking about me behind my back. Iris said that I wasn’t even a real nature fairy and that I didn’t belong here. I know that I wasn’t born into this breed of fairies, and I’m not like everyone else. I don’t have the dirt-brown hair or the dirt-brown eyes. My hair is pale, and my eyes are blue. I’m a light fairy, and I don’t belong among the nature fairies. That’s all I hear lately. Alliyah messed up. Alliyah made a mistake. Alliyah doesn’t belong here. Alliyah’s a failure! I think it’s time for me to go. I’ll pack a few things and leave tomorrow night. No one wants me here, anyway. Maybe I’ll fit in somewhere else. Maybe I’ll find another light fairy. And maybe I’ll finally find someone who loves me.

May 2024

First Place Winner!

Title: “Grow Up”
By: Isaac T, Age 16, California, USA
Description: A kid gets called childish by their parents. Are they the childish ones?
Genre: Comedic

You’ll never believe it, but my parents called me childish today. ME! Childish! The nerve of some people! I mean, I’d get it if I acted like my younger siblings, throwing tantrums over practically everything, yet nothing at the same time. But really, come on. I’ve never felt so insulted in my twelve years of life! I honestly have no idea what encouraged such name-calling, but it’s totally unacceptable! If I had the power to do so, I’d throw those two parents of mine into the rubber room because something’s seriously got to be messed up in those brains of theirs to think that I’m the childish one. In fact, I’m the most mature person in my family! It’s the two of them who are the childish ones! Like, come on, you don’t see me over there talking in goofy voices and pinching the baby. And I sure as heck don’t go through the trouble of doing silly things to see if I can make the kid smile. What for? To see his gummy mouth? If I want to see gums, I can go to the senior center! Those people are always smiling at you without their dentures in. And if that stuff wasn’t enough, you also got everybody over there wanting to feed that diaper-wearin’-goofball with a spoon they call “The Choo-choo.” I don’t know about you, but I don’t find any joy in naming my eating utensils. Oh, and let’s not forget the “Tea Parties” they go to with my sister and her dolls. Not only do they sit there with a bunch of plastic-headed, button-eyed dolls, but there’s not even real tea at these tea parties! What’s up with that?! Yet there’s Dad over there pretending he needs a refill! A refill of what? Air?! You know, as time goes on, I’m slowly starting to realize that even though my parents look old – at thirty-six years of age, they’re practically antiques! They’re actually just a pair of little kids in disguise. And despite what they say, it’s really those two who need to grow up!

Second Place Winners!

Title: Racing Thoughts
By: Autumn D., Age 14, Maine, USA
Description: A child talks to their disappointing father.
Genre: Dramatic

The only way I knew you was from pictures. Then you came waltzing into my life, wanting to be a part of my family. I was excited and scared to meet you. My mind and heart kept racing like a child running in a field or a dog who is nervous around new people. I gave you a chance. A chance to prove whether you would choose me over drugs. We both know how that turned out. I will never love you more than the parents I have now. I know they used to be my aunt and uncle, but I needed a home. They took me in, adopted me, and they love me more than you ever will. You might think I’m overreacting but I’m not; that was proven when you went back in the cage. You couldn’t stay away from bad people and drugs. I am almost embarrassed to know you. I remember when you said you loved me and called me your sweetheart. I gave you the first and only hug I’ll ever remember. But then you turned your back on me. And now you’re angry at Mom (your sister) because you think she stole me, but legally I am hers; and no offense, but I would choose her over you any day because she saved me. She took me in when you chose to go do other things. I am glad to be with her. I was excited to get to know you, but you blew that chance. You obviously don’t love me or think of me as your sweetheart. And that’s ok because I don’t think of you as a family member. I hope you can change your ways, and we can try again, but until then, my mind and thoughts just keep racing.

Third Place Winner!

Title: “All Because of an A-”
By: Kylie Frankel, Age 11, Florida, USA
Description: A girl is excited to share her most recent test score with her mom and gets an unexpected response.
Genre: Dramatic

Mom! Guess what?! I got an A- on my math test! I told you all that studying would pay off!!! (beat) I thought you’d be happy for me. Isn’t an A- a good grade? (beat) But it’s still an A, right? (beat) Mom, are you serious?! It’s my BEST friend’s party!!! I’ve been waiting for this for months on end. I used all of my allowance to buy her a gift and now you won’t let me go? (beat) It was HALF a point off!!! A 94.5 is BASICALLY a 95! Why can’t I go? I studied for two hours straight every day for three days without you even telling me to! (beat) Well, no…but why? (beat) Mom, please– I tried my best. (beat) Fine. I’ll call her and tell her that I can’t go because I have a MOTHER who doesn’t let me do ANYTHING. (beat) Mom, please. She’s my only friend. I don’t want to lose her.

April 2024

First Place Winner!

Title: “Locked in the Library”
By: Natalie R., Age 11, Colorado, USA
Description: An enthusiastic reader gets locked in the library at night. Is it scary?
Genre: Comedic

(Sitting in a secret spot in the library, reading a book with expression) “I saw blood spilling onto my clothes, soaking my shirt where Dracula had bitten me. Everything folded into darkness as the shadow faded away.” (Closing the book) That was an intense ending. I love my quiet little reading nook here in the library. It’s the perfect place to escape my loud and obnoxious family. Right here behind the bookcase in the fiction section, because…fiction rules! Well, it’s getting late, I suppose I should head home. (Crawling out from the bookcase) Looks like the coast is clear. (Looking around) Hmmm, the library is darker than usual. Hello? Is anyone here? (Realizing the library is closed) Uh oh. I really need to get out of here. Oh no, the door is locked! Hello! Anyone? Maybe a janitor is here? (Turns and stumbles over a book) “The Curse of the Singing Ghost.” Oh! I should check this out next time. (Reading from the book) “I look over and see a white shape drifting towards me.” (Looking up and letting their imagination get the best of them.) Ahhhh! I see a white shape drifting towards me!!! This is a lot scarier than books make it out to be. Get away from me! There’s nowhere left to run! These are my final moments. I will go out like a warrior, blazing as the only light in this dark, dark, world. I bravely spring toward the cursed ghost and am confronted by unchecked books on a metal cart. Great! The ghost is just a sheet and there’s nothing to be afraid of. You know, the library at night is not that different than it is during the day, just darker. I can wait this out until the morning. (Sees a spider) Ahhhh! A spider. . . let me out!!!

Second Place Winner!

Title: “Horror Movies Are Stupid”
By: Kylie Frankel, Age 11, Florida, USA
Description: Horror movies are ridiculous.
Genre: Comedic

People in horror movies are so stupid. Horror movies are so stupid! Like, I’d run away if I saw the lights start to flicker. Meanwhile, those side characters are just casually playing with the POSSESSED doll! And for some reason, the main characters are always immortal or something! They could be thrown off of a cliff and survive with just a scratch! And the plots are so confusing! Picture the movie, The Threat. It’s about a girl who went missing as a baby, and came back as the famous murderer, “The Threat”. First of all, that name sucks, right? Right. Second of all, why do they always say, “Hello? Is someone there?” GET THE HECK OUT OF THAT HOUSE AND CALL 911!!! YOU’RE BASICALLY ASKING THEM TO FIND YOU!!! DON’T RUN UPSTAIRS! RUN OUT THE DOOR! IT’S RIGHT THERE!!! We’re on the same page, right? Right??? Okay. Case closed.

Third Place Winner!

Title: “The Story of My Name”
By: Eftychia Aggelopoulou, Age 16, Athens, Greece
Description: What does your name mean to you?
Genre: Dramatic/Comedic

What does happiness mean to you? Just take a moment and think about it.
Well, for my parents, I think it was ME. They named me Eftychia. In Greek it means happiness. And even if I have a younger sister, I am the one and only Eftychia. If you ask me, I am not sure if I like it, but I am sure that it is unusual, as in my entire life, I have met only two people with the same name, and one of them is my grandma, the ORIGINAL Eftychia. When I think of my name, two things come to mind:

The color white, as it reminds me of light, something heartwarming, open-minded, full of joy, and freedom. Just imagine being five years old and celebrating your birthday with a few friends and your family; Running, playing, and shouting without caring about anything except eating as much cake as possible. I think that’s happiness.

Yet again, my name reminds me of the color black, because some people might seem happy, but they actually feel the exact opposite. When they withhold their troubles, they grow even darker, and heavier, and heavier, and heavier. I think that’s a superficial and cunning happiness.

So, I believe that my name brings billions of emotions and thoughts to each person. To each one of YOU, and you, and you. My name is Eftychia, and I want to ask you, what does happiness mean to you?

March 2024

First Place Winner!

Title: “Little Devil”
By: Olivia C., Age 14, Washington State, USA
Description: A parent gives the babysitter the low down on their child who is literally, a “little
Genre: Comedic

Oh, thank goodness you’re here! We were beginning to worry that you wouldn’t come back after the last time you babysat Nathan. Come on in. We’re so glad that you are here because for some reason the last babysitter just…disappeared. And since then, no one will babysit our precious little angel. Alright, so in case you don’t remember where everything is, let me give you the low down again. TV remotes are in the cupboard under the TV. Baseball bat in the hall closet in case you encounter any intruders. Oh, and in the event that he gets a little too energetic at bedtime, sedatives are in the drawer by the sink. Umm Anyway, I think that’s it. Please help yourself to anything in the fridge. And no matter what, do not under any circumstances go near the basement. No matter what sounds you may hear, don’t touch the basement door. Nathan does have a few ”pets” down there, so he can go down and feed them. But when he does, you just stay in the living room. We are trying to teach him to be independent. Oh, and please no girls over, or boys for that matter. I don’t discriminate but please no… uhh, let’s just say no people. And please do not feed him anything from the list of items on the fridge. I think you are well aware of what happens when you feed him things that you shouldn’t. Sorry again about your arm and leg… Anyway! I believe that’s it. Have a great time. We will be at the “Thai Tanic.” That’s Thai like Thai food, if you need us. Oh and please don’t need us. We really need some time away from Nathan. Okay, thanks again. Bye Nathan. Love you! Don’t forget to feed your pets in the basement. Okay, love you!

Second Place Winner!

Title: “Grendel’s Mother’s Secret”
By: Rowan H., Age 12, North Carolina, USA
Description: Based on the character from Beowulf, Grendel’s Mother reveals a secret to her son.
Genre: Dramatic/Comedic

GRENDEL!! I have been listening to you talk about the Danes for too long. It’s always, the Danes this, and the Danes that, and Mom, what if Beowulf rips off my arm? But it’s my time to talk. Every sentence you say, every word, in fact, makes me feel more and more awful. You know how the Danes are like a family, well… you and I were family too. As you know, your Dad left when you were born, but there is more to the story than that. I had a second child, a girl. Your dad named her Gemma, and he loved her so much, much more than you. But I really wanted a boy, not a girl. So I did something I have been regretting ever since. I didn’t want her…so I gave her to the Danes disguised as you. I knew that when they found out, Beowulf would protect the Danes, and he would kill her. I’m sorry, I now know how much you have wanted a sibling, so I decided to tell you the truth. Can you ever forgive me? I was so upset at the time and didn’t really think things through. No, Grendel! Please, don’t leave. I know you’re angry, but I apologize, please, please forgive me. Who will care for me when I get old, and what if…you know what, never mind. You can just go. I’ll protect myself. I don’t need you. It’s fine, I can do it all on my own, and if I die, who cares? Your Dad left because of what I did, and now you’re leaving too. Clearly, no one in the world cares about Grendel’s mother anymore, and they never did. I don’t know if I’ll see you again, after all, Beowulf will probably find the sword and kill me. I’ll try to put up a fight, but I don’t know if I can anymore. I’ll miss you, Grendel. Goodbye.

Third Place Winner!

Title: “With My Luck”
By: Isaac T., Age 16, California, USA
Description: A person laments their bad luck in life.
Genre: Comedic

Let’s get one thing straight, Lady Luck has never really been on my side…Ever. How have I come to this conclusion? Well, how many people do you know who are petrified of shoelaces? Yeah, that’s what I thought. You know, I didn’t start off scared of them. But being prone to tripping over not only your own but also other people’s shoelaces, can really do a number on a person. Now I’m a Velcro-wearing 18-year-old who has to scout the sidewalks for stray shoelaces when I go out on walks. But that’s not even the worst of it. Animals hate me. Put me within a hundred feet of any dog and it calls for at least a mile-long chase. What happened to that whole “Man’s Best Friend” thing? And let’s not forget about the silverware issue. My last attempt to use a fork led to a trip to the ER, where along the way my mom complained I was wasting her precious gasoline. Like I wanted to go to that germy hospital! I ended up catching some 24-hour virus from the man sitting next to me. And then there’s my sleeping arrangements. Which currently consists of me in a sleeping bag, on the floor, in the living room. (Side effects from this vary from body aches, stiff joints, and struggling mobility). But really, what’s a person to do? My bedroom is upstairs and attempting to get there has led to way too many sprained ankles and a few broken wrists. And the times when I did get upstairs safely I ended up falling out of bed at night and bruising myself. The doctors are sick of me at this point. I tried to tell that to my dad recently when he started badgering me about learning how to drive. But he ignored me. He doesn’t understand one trip around the block to fetch me a candy bar could get me a one-way express ticket to the Big Guy in the sky. And no offense, but I ain’t ready for that. To my family I’m just a “klutz” and “accident-prone,” and I’m always “overreacting”. They don’t see the issue I’m having for what it really is. But I know the truth! And I bet Lady Luck’s out there somewhere laughing her pretty little head off about the “luck” I have.

February 2024

First Place Winner!

Alexander the Great
By: Patrick Treybal, Age 18, South Carolina, USA
Description: Alexander the Great speaks to his brother after the death of their father.
Genre: Dramatic

Arrhidaeus, (beat) Father is dead. It seems he was killed in his sleep, and a knife was found, a Persian knife. The people of Macedonia do not know yet, we (beat) we have to break the news to them. (Beat) Why do you weep? Do you know what this means for us? (Beat) It means the war we’ve been dreaming of! A chance for us to strike back at that crumbling empire! Yes Father’s death, it hurts, but we all knew this was coming, he spoke out against those marauders for his entire life. For too long they have raided our coastline and enslaved our people, not to mention the Greeks. But they fought back! From Leonidas and his Spartans at Thermopylae to the Athenians in the Aegean Sea, to our father, and now us! The names Alexander and Arrhidaeus will ring throughout history as the men who took down Darius III! This is our opportunity (beat) for revenge! Brother, I am- we are the fire that will burn out the old and create a new future. We are that flame. We are that future! And if you will not join this crusade then I will be that flame. The time has come for you to decide dear brother, are you the ember that is stamped out by the heel of oppression or are you the blaze that will burn the vines of Persia? Tomorrow, I will ride to Athens for their support in the war. If you are the brother I claim you to be (beat) then I know you will join me.

Second Place Winner!

Rodeo Showdown
By: Cristobal A., Age 12, Texas, USA
Description: A Cowboy challenges someone to a Western quick draw.
Genre: Comedic

Well howdy partner, my name is Jimmy Bill Bob, and I been hearing that you been talking some trash behind my back. So I challenge you to a good ol’ western quick draw, and I must warn you I am yet to lose a single one in my lifetime. Do you dare accept my challenge? You do? Well then get ready partner because I am gonna move so fast you won’t even be able to see it coming, and I’m gonna have such an easy time claiming another victory. So you ready…? 3… 2… 1… DRAW! (Bang) Ah…Guess I finally lost one of these for once, my first… and only loss. Guess this is the end of the great Jimmy Bill Bob, the legend of one of the greatest quick drawers in all the Wild West. Stand tall partner, you beat one of the best around, now I have to say goodbye. (dies)

Third Place Winner!

Harriet Tubman, Free Over Fear
By: Jaida Latimore, Age 16, South Carolina, USA
Description: Harriet Tubman hopes to convince a fearful slave to leave by explaining her
commitment to the Underground Railroad.
Genre: Dramatic

I don’t know when I’s born but I know I’s not born free. I’s was beaten so hard that I’s in a five month sleep. I wanted to be out of there. I wanted to be free. I know what it’s like to be scared. I’ve felt fear ev’ry day of my life. I felt fear when my parents were separated, and I couldn’t cry to them. I felt fear when ev’ry single one of my sisters was sold. I felt fear when I had no one and had to suffer alone. But I had God. He speak to me himself. Every night he asks me to leave. He tell me, he say “Harriet you’s gotta leave there. I have a plan for you. You’s gone save ev’ryone. I show you the way.” So you can have that fear, or you can be free. Have the life God wants.

January 2024

First Place Winner!
Title: House Painter
By: Marcus W., Age 17, Washington, USA
Description: A teen paints an old woman’s house and is surprised with a special gift
Genre: Dramatic

Well, I guess this is it, Mrs. Waverly. I’m all done. I cleaned up all the supplies and put them on the side of the garage like you asked. I think it turned out pretty good. Sunshine yellow. Not a color I would have chosen, but it looks good on your house. Can I be honest with you? When you asked me to paint your house this summer, I didn’t want to do it. I mean it’s summer! I just wanted to hang out with my friends and swim and stuff. But now I’m glad I did it. I’m kind of proud of myself. I mean, I learned how to paint, how to do all the prep work, plus my arms got a good workout. Besides, I still have one more week of summer before school starts. So, anyway, I hope you like it. (Mrs. Waverly hands over a key) What’s this? (Beat) A key for what? (Confused) The car inside the garage? (Beat) You’re giving it to me? (Amazed) Oh, Mrs. Waverly, you’ve gotta be kidding me? I didn’t paint your house because I wanted to be paid. I did it to help you. You know, to be nice. (Beat) Wow! I don’t know what to say. Thank you. Thank you.

Second Place Winner!

Title: Mom’s Yearbook
By: Faith G., Age 14, Florida, USA
Description: A teen finds her mom’s high school yearbook
Genre: Comedic

I was just in my mom’s closet looking for my jacket when I came across a box of her stuff from high school. Of course, I was curious, so I opened it up and found my mom’s high school yearbook, “Class of 1978.” It’s so funny! The hairstyles and clothes were so weird, and all the photos were in black and white. And I can’t believe my mom had big poofy hair and wore bell-bottom jeans. All the guys in the photos had shaggy hair and mustaches, it was like something straight out of a movie! Then I noticed something that made me pause, a picture of my mom wearing a t-shirt with a band logo on it holding an electric guitar. And all the girls she was with were wearing band t-shirts and holding instruments. I can’t believe it! My mom was a rocker in high school! I mean, you know my mom, she is so responsible and always seems put together and wears classy clothes, NOTHING like this. With every page, there were more surprises. My mom at school dances, sporting events, and even one where she was dressed as a cheerleader! I kind of feel a new connection to her. Seeing her in a different light reminds me that she had a life before I was born. I can’t wait to ask her about her days as a high schooler. I want to hear the cool stories and see more pictures of her when she was my age.

Third Place Winner!

Title: Love Yourself
By: Zulaikha A. Age 14, California, USA
Description: A teen tells their friend what everyone needs to hear
Genre: Dramatic

I want to tell you something. You are loved. You are precious. You are beautiful. You are talented, capable, and deserving of respect. You can eat that meal. You are one in seven billion. And once you find your true self you will learn how to love yourself and others. Just know that we all go through things in our lives, and we make mistakes. But we can move beyond our mistakes. You are never alone, because we all are in this together, and together we can create a positive society where people can be themselves without anyone judging. After all, you stayed strong and you’re still here. I’m so proud of you and just remember that your imperfection is what makes you unique and special.

December 2023

First Place Winner!
Title: Math in Science???
By: Claire Newton, Age 14, Oregon, USA
Description: A student laments that math is part of science.
Genre: Comedic

Science. It’s harmless and simple enough by itself. See, when I was in elementary school, I loved science. I lived for Thursdays because every Thursday my teacher (who wasn’t paid nearly enough) donned her lab coat and taught us about animals, plants, volcanoes… Anyway, middle school science was much the same as elementary school science, albeit a bit harder. It was exhilarating to learn about geology, petrology, plant-ology… Is that a thing? Never mind. Plant-ology aside, middle school science was fun. Then I got to high school. That’s when it all changed. They decided to put math in science with all its numbers and…(frustrated) and letters-pretending-to-be-numbers. Of all the things that they could have chosen, math! I complained about it to my dad, and he said that math and science go hand in hand. You can’t have one without the other. That’s why I’m not going into the sciences.

Second Place Winner!

Title: Babysitting Nightmare
By: Naomi Hill, Age 11, Georgia, USA
Description: A teenager explains their babysitting troubles.
Genre: Comedic

“Do you babysit?” you ask. “Is it fun?” you ask. No. No, it is not. It seems fun in the beginning. Until you experience the terrible twos. Everyone says, “Oh, it can’t be that hard.” Sure. Until you have to do it yourself. Who knew that two-year-olds knew so many words? And who knew that much poo could fit in something so tiny? Yes, they’re cute at first. But it’s all a big con! They put on a smile to trick you into watching them. And then they charm you with their cute little personalities. But I swear kids are another species. They can scream for two minutes straight, without taking a breath. And when it’s time to say goodbye, you try to contain your excitement. But it’s hard because the kids cling on to you like snotty little sloths. They refuse to let go, and in that moment, it feels like an endless raincloud is hanging over you. Drenching you with tears. Then finally, after what feels like an hour, they let go. And you want to scream at the top of your lungs, “I’m free!” But we both know that we can’t do that.

Third Place Winner!

Title: Trapped Without a Purpose
By: Kylie Frankel, Age 11, Florida, USA
Description: A villain realizes she is nothing without the hero and useless without a battle.
Genre: Dramatic/Comedic

Yes! I’ve done it! I’ve defeated the hero! Wait. I’ve defeated the hero…what’s my purpose now? I’m not just gonna turn random civilians into stone for no reason! That’s no fun! I want you to come after me! Like old times! And chase me away! I know some random people are gonna come up to me and say, “Please, Stone Goddess! Don’t turn me into stone!” And I’ll do it anyway. (looking at herself in the mirror) Or maybe they’ll ask for a selfie with the villain. That sounds nice. But what will that accomplish? Without the hero, I have no purpose! I’ll end up working at the local coffee shop and turning cake pops into stone! Is there a way to reverse this? I can’t live without you! I’m useless now! (Begging) Please! Come back to me! I need you! Don’t do this! I… loved you like a sister. You were like my friend behind the scenes. Don’t you remember? Please! Just come back to me!

November 2023

First Place Winner!
Title: Adults and Their Debatable Sanity
By: Durga Kalantre, Age 11, California, USA
Description: Do you ever question why adults say the things they do?
Genre: Comedic

I think adults are reliable and trustworthy, most of the time. I hope. They look out for me and care about my interests and needs, even if they may be sucking me into the vortex of expectations. What I don’t like about grownups is that sometimes, they act as if they know everything. They say, “Don’t talk back!” But they also say, “Why are you being so quiet?” It’s kinda confusing. Like, do you want me to shut my mouth or open it? Be CLEAR, please. I can never tell when they’re being sarcastic so when they say something like, “You think this is funny, do ya?!” I want to say “No! I don’t think this is funny. You are screaming your head off; why would that be funny to me?” And another thing: when grownups do something outrageous they don’t seem to realize that children are going to question them. It’s natural: imagine someone starts acting like a beaver and commands you to do beaver stuff with them, but they don’t tell you why. They just give you the “I’m-older-than-you-so-you-better-listen-to-me” look. It’s confusing! But honestly, I suppose it’s all just to make me a better person. UNLESS THEY WORK FOR THE GOVERNMENT AND ARE BENT ON TAKING OVER THE WORLD AND TURNING CHILDREN INTO CYBORGS. Probably not. If not, I’ll go with the first explanation.

Second Place Winner!

Title: What Used to Be
By: Elizabeth R., Age 13
Description: A teenager reflects on the days before things went digital.
Genre: Dramatic

Do you remember DVD menus and VHS cases? I do. I remember them like it was yesterday. Nowadays all my friends watch movies on Netflix, Hulu, HBO…but I choose not to use those. Instead, I hit up the places that made my childhood, like Cartoon Network. Sometimes I even go to a store and buy a movie and preserve the case because one day those things aren’t going to exist anymore. When my parents sold all of our VHS tapes, I kept Cinderella because it was my favorite and I watched it all the time when I was 6. I couldn’t send those memories to Goodwill like Snow White and Aladdin! When I was younger, I hated the previews before a movie and I’d dash for the remote on Disney Fast Play, but now I’d do anything to bring that part of my childhood back. I guess I’m still the kid who appreciates the charm of the Disney Channel, a DVD menu, and a good old plastic VHS case.

Third Place Winner!

TitleDoes School Care About Me?
By: RyLeigh F., Age 11
Description: A student looks for help when they are feeling upset.
Genre: Dramatic

I get sent home with a paper trail of homework each day, but when I start falling asleep in class I get told to wake up and start going to bed earlier. And when I act off or upset or unproductive, I get sent to the principal who doesn’t care about the reason why. The first few weeks after my parents got divorced, school was tough, and I was really upset. I was in and out of detention because of it. The guidance counselor took weeks to talk to me, but it didn’t help. Nobody at school seems to care about my mental health. Do they want me to suffer? I am trying my hardest, but sometimes I mess up and I feel like I’m being punished for not being enough. Do you ever feel that way?

October 2023

First Place Winner!

Title: When Will I Be Enough For You?
By: Kirsten A., Age 14, Maryland, USA
Description: A day in the life of a person with ADHD
Genre: Dramatic

I get it. I’m a klutz. I talk way too much. I forget everything. I’m always “daydreaming” as you call it. But why not take a look into my world?

I’m in class. Nothing makes sense! I look around at everyone else, and they all seem to be effortlessly paying attention. Why not me? I turn to my friend, and ask, “Can you help me? I’m so confused.” She responds with four words I know I will be thinking about for a long time; “What don’t you understand?”

I’m finally home. I’m so tired, but it’s frustrating because I didn’t really do anything. Maybe if I had been busy, I could justify my exhaustion. I have to do my homework. But, all I’m doing is just reading a sentence. Reading a sentence. Reading a sen- (Pause and breathe out.) “Turn off the fan.” I realize my brain has been asking me to do that for…. oh, I don’t know! I need water. I’m parched. I’ve been trying to stay more hydrated but “I’m thirsty” or “I’m hungry” turns into “I’ll get it when I’m done” turns into “Does this ever end?” I return to my room. The sun already set! I go to bed. I know I should get ready for tomorrow, but it’ll be fine! When will I ever learn?

I finally remember to ask about the assignment. The teacher rolls his eyes. “What have you been doing for the past two weeks?” (Inner thought. Speak fast to simulate the chaos.) Two weeks?!? Where did all the time go? What have I been doing? Well, nothing, but I can’t say that… (pause) When will I be capable of functioning?

I’m in my room, finally. I’m stressed. The project is due at the end of the week, and I have nothing. Nothing. When will I be able to comprehend this kind of information? You say, “Just focus. Concentrate. Try harder.” (Loudly) OH THAT I COULD TRY HARDER! YOU CANNOT FATHOM HOW MUCH EFFORT I PUT INTO THIS. (Quieter but with intensity) I will never reach your standards. They’re too high. I won’t make you move them, they’re there for a reason and I respect that. But it hurts so bad because I know that I will never reach them. I just have one question; When will I be enough for you?

Second Place Winner!

Title: Who Made That Cake?
By: Rosie G., Age 12, Rolleston, New Zealand
Description: Planning a birthday party for Great Aunt Elaine goes wrong.
Genre: Comedic

All I wanted was to earn my party planner badge at Brownies. I just needed to throw a small party for one of my friends or family. Lucky for me, my Great Aunt Elaine was turning 96! My mum thought I should wait until my cousin Bill’s birthday the week after – he was turning 4 so it would have been ideal. But I had to earn that badge before Maddy Thomas got in there before me again! Now, my Great Aunt Elaine is a well-known lady in our town. She used to own Elaine’s Bakes, the best bakery for miles around! People still talk about her red velvet cupcakes and the wedding cakes that were taller than me! It was pretty easy to send out the invites, all I had to do was tell Gabby the Gossip and she told everyone in town about my amazing surprise! Decorations – check! Food – check! Guests – check! I couldn’t have her bake her own birthday cake, so I just bought one at the store. I knew she’d be so happy seeing everyone she probably wouldn’t even notice! So when the big day arrived, Mum drove her to the supermarket to buy her cat food! The perfect distraction while we all crammed in her tiny two-bedroom retirement flat waiting for her arrival. I had cousins behind couches, friends under the table, and my dad playing lookout by the window. “She’s coming! Everybody hide!” We all held our breath as she walked through the door. “SURPRISE!” Everyone was smiling and laughing, except for Great Aunt Elaine. She turned ghostly white, then pointed at the cake and whispered, “Who made that cake?” Before she could say anything else she collapsed to the floor! Everyone panicked and started calling the ambulance. Meanwhile, I was trying to save the party and sang, “Happy Birthday.” As they carted Great Aunt Elaine into the back of the ambulance, she lifted her finger at me and said, “Never buy me a store-bought cake ever again!” And worst of all, I didn’t even get my party planner badge!

Third Place Winner!

Title: Unlikely Art Thief
By: Max Edwards, Age 13, Washington, USA
Description: A kid denies stealing a famous painting.
Genre: Comedic

Trust me! I don’t even like art. Ask anyone, I hate going to museums. All you do is walk around and look at a bunch of old stuff. I’m more of a sports person if you know what I mean. There is no way I would have stolen that painting. I mean, what would I do with it? Hang it in my bedroom? Give it to my mom as a birthday gift? And how would I have smuggled it out of the museum? Under my coat? In my backpack? Come on guys. I know you are top-notch detectives and all, but why would a kid like me go to the museum and steal a priceless Picasso? (Beat) How did I know it was a Picasso? Um…well…I guess I heard you talk about it. (Beat) No? Okay…well…um…maybe I just guessed right? (Beat) Would you believe me if I said the ghost of Picasso told me to do it?

September 2023

First Place Winner!

Title: The Girl in the Corner
By: Nora Temperly, Age 12, Missouri, USA
Description: Life can look different for people after the school bell rings.
Genre: Dramatic

Have you ever seen someone sitting alone, doing nothing? Just a blank mind, completely zoned out from everyone else? Or, have you seen someone so self-absorbed that the only thing they care about is themself? I want you to think about the parallels between the boy in the front of the class and the girl in the corner. I may not be much for storytelling, but I know this one very well. The boy in the front of the class would always laugh and joke with his friends, ignoring how much he bothered others around him. The girl in the corner would stay silent, never saying a word, wishing she was somewhere quiet. But once you take away the friends, the loud noise and laughter, and go home, what happens to them? The boy in the front of the class is all alone now. He doesn’t laugh or joke or mess around because he doesn’t have friends there to build him up. The girl in the corner? She changes for the better. When she gets to be alone, she has freedom. She makes herself laugh. She builds herself up. She doesn’t need the noise. She can mess around and not worry about the popular life the boy has. I used to know them both. I knew the boy in the front of the class and the girl in the corner. I used to be them. I used to be the class clown! But I also knew the sad girl in the corner, with no friends to boost her up until she got home and got to be herself. I know what it’s like to be scared of the eyes, but I also know what it’s like to need the eyes on you to please everyone. So don’t judge the boy in the front of the class. And don’t forget the girl in the corner. You never know what’s going on with them after the bell rings.

Second Place Winner!

Title: Too Many Ducks
By: Bryce Fox, Age 15, Alabama, USA
Description: Too many ducks can be troublesome.
Genre: Comedic

What happens when you have too many ducks? I’ll tell you what happens. You see, I love ducks. I have 3,217 of them. But these ducks can get out of control. They pretty much run my house, WHICH I PAY RENT FOR! They’ve also caused a few disturbances with my neighbors, the poor mailman, and my best friend’s cat. The neighbors constantly talk my ear off about the ducks! “I find their droppings in my yard!” Or, “They’re too noisy at night!” I GET IT, BUT I CAN’T STOP THEM SUSAN! And then there’s the mailman. He’s too afraid to come to my house, and my neighbors have a pit bull! I have to go all the way down to the end of the street to get my mail, and even then I get an earful from him! It’s so annoying. I wish I could do something about it, but these ducks are in charge now. I suppose I could pay for my friend’s vet bill. Yeah, one of the ducks got territorial and took a chunk out of the cat’s tail. It was gruesome to see. I haven’t heard much from him since then, but that’s to be expected. Sometimes, I just want to run away from home because these ducks have become more than an issue. Or, maybe they need to go. I don’t know anymore. But one thing hasn’t changed, I still love ducks.

Third Place Winner!

Title: Green Beans
By: Thureaux Natupani-Rohrman, Age 13, USA
Description: A young Native boy describes why he used to hate green beans but likes them now.
Genre: Comedic

When I was little I didn’t like green beans. When my mom gave them to me I would spit them in the toilet. No one asked me why I didn’t like them, but the truth is that I thought they were slimy, like snails. The French people like snails for dinner, but not me. I’m not French. My mom says that I’m Navajo. I’m native and I should eat green beans. But maybe I didn’t like them because they came from a can. Since I started living at my grandma’s – she has a garden and she’s out there planting and watering every day. She brings in fresh green beans and one day she made me try them raw, then cooked. “Just try them,” she said. “Okay, okay.” So I tried them. (Act out trying it) And you know what? Green beans are pretty good! Now I eat them for dinner every night with a bit of Lawry’s salt. Have you ever had Lawry’s salt? You should try it. It makes everything taste good.

August 2023

First Place Winner!

Title: 1,2,3
By: Usha McGarrity, Age 13
Description: A student explains the pressures of school
Genre: Dramatic

1, 2, 3. The first numbers. The beginning of everything. 1 step into school, 2 words said to a new friend, 3 numbers written, 1, 2, 3. A new year. New people. 1 teacher, 2 teachers, 3 teachers saying their rules 1, 2, 3. Getting older, 4 added to 1, 2, 3, 4. 1 person, 2 worries, 3 more things I hate about myself, 4 less things I know. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. More numbers, more pressure. 1 more hour, 2 more days, 3 more weeks, 4 more months, 5 more years. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Teachers think we are fine. 1 night, 2 more questions, 3 more subjects, 4 more thoughts saying I’m dumb, 5 more anxious moments 6 fewer hours of sleep, and yet when I yawn they ask me why didn’t I go to sleep earlier. I wish I could say, “The piles of homework aren’t helping me!” When they say the work is easy they’re only thinking of the people who could basically teach the class. 1, 2, 3. 3 more words, 2 more words, 1 more word. I submitted my essay and as I did that you walked in and said 1, 2, 3 words.

Second Place Winner!

Title: French Class
By: Elizabeth Ramirez, Age 13, Texas, USA
Description: Marina is taking a French class this year. There’s only one problem-she doesn’t know any French.
Genre: Comedic

Okay, I’ve received my schedule for this year! Let’s see my class periods: English, Biology, Art, Coding. Outlook is good, so far! Math, P.E., and…French?! Okay, Marina, stay calm. It’s just different from last year. You can do this. You’ll get through somehow. You know a bit of French, right?! Let’s try, now that you’ve officially been selected. Uhm… (exhales) Bonjour? Ack! That was not good. I’m going to fail. I’m absolutely going to flunk French class! I’m picturing the whole scenario right now. I’m taking the final exam, assuming I even make it to that point. I’m on the brink of passing, but then I miss that one little question. Bam! Failed! I’m going to die of embarrassment, and everyone will laugh. On my epitaph? “Marina died of shame!” (sighs) Maybe things will be great. I know Spanish. That’s a bit like French, right? And a bit of Italian. They’re all in the same language group, the Latin languages. Maybe I won’t be so terrible at French after all. It’ll be a great year. Maybe, just maybe…wait, what am I thinking?! It’s FRENCH!

Third Place Winner!

Title: Broken Fixes
By: Karly Anderson, Age 15, Texas, USA
Description: A teen gives their take on current world issues
Genre: Comedic

When something is broken, you fix it. That’s what makes sense, right? If your shower is broken, you need to shower, so you fix it. If your fridge stops working, you need your food to stay cold, so you get it fixed. But for some reason, our world is broken, and we just keep breaking it more. We need to breathe but we don’t bother fixing the climate crisis. Farmers can’t grow our food because the land is so degraded, but we don’t fix it. Mental illness is at an all-time high, but hey it’s not me so why care? Workers are paid less, and families are going hungry, but we just look away. Our world is broken. But we don’t fix it. We just keep finding more and more ways to damage it. We have one world. It’s not like a fridge. You can’t buy a new one when it’s broken for good. And one day we will break it into so many pieces it will no longer exist.

July 2023

First Place Winner!

Title: Just Simply Thinking
By: Karly Anderson, Age 14, Texas, USA
Description: Someone thinks out loud to a friend, but their thoughts are a bit scattered.
Genre: Comedic

Have you ever wondered about the way we see? Like what if my red is your blue? Which reminds me, did you know the sea makes the sky blue due to reflection? When my mom told me that I was like nooooo way. But it’s true! Oh and also I saw this ad earlier for a new American Girl doll and guess what… she has BLUE HAIR!! Which reminds me, earlier I saw a hare run across the road and we almost hit it, but my mom was able to drive past it just in time. It’s definitely been a crazy week. By the way, my arm feels kind of weak probably because I fell on my brother’s Legos earlier, but maybe that’s just a coincidence. I can’t decide whether I should put ice on it or just move on like Dad said. And speaking of the weather, that reminds me, did you see it’s gonna snow on Friday? (Pause) What do you mean I have ADHD? I’m perfectly fine!

Second Place Winner!

Title: First Day of 6th Grade
By: Naomi Hill, Age 10, Georgia, USA
Description: A girl worries about being “enough” as she starts school.
Genre: Dramatic

Tomorrow is the first day of 6th grade. I’m feeling really nervous. What if my hair isn’t perfect? What if my clothes aren’t cool enough? What if people make fun of me? I guess when it comes down to it, I’m scared that I won’t make any friends and that I’ll be all alone. I’ve got a million butterflies in my stomach. (pause) It didn’t used to be this way. I never used to feel like I wasn’t good enough. I used to be confident in everything I did. How do I get that back? What am I good at? (long pause) I’m good at math. I’m good at soccer. I’m good at reading. I’m good at biking and crocheting. You know what? I’m really good at a lot of things. And that’s good enough. That’s more than enough. I am enough.

Third Place Winner!

Title: Pizza Problems
By: Artemide Rota, Age 12, Bergamo, Italy
Description: A person calls to complain about their pizza delivery.
Genre: Comedic

Hello? (pause) Yes, I called because I want a complete refund on my pizza order. (pause) Ok, so the problem is that I ordered a pepperoni pizza with extra cheese and extra pepperoni, but there are no toppings on the pizza. Just plain! I paid 6€ for this, and all I get is white and mushy, circle-shaped pizza dough? (pause) What? I have to flip the pizza? Why on earth would I have to do that?! (pause) So you’re telling me that if I flip it I will have all the toppings I asked for? Is this some kind of joke? The toppings won’t appear magically as soon as I flip the pizza! (pause) Ok, ok, I’ll try it, even if this makes no sense. (flips pizza and all the toppings are there) Oh, would you look at that, it actually worked! But this is still your fault because it was delivered to me flipped. Can you at least tell me who delivered this pizza because they should be fired instantly for giving it to me all lopsided? (pause) “NO”? Oh, alright then, I see how it is here. You just lost a customer, and that’s on you!

June 2023

First Place Winner!

Title: “Dear Cancer”
By: Kinzie Zuroff, Age 13, California, USA
Description: What if you told “cancer” how you really feel?
Genre: Dramatic

I don’t hate you. You’ve been there my whole life, showing up in different loved ones, or in memories spoken by my family. Whatever the method, you have always been there. I really should loathe you, because you just keep taking and taking from me. You took both of my father’s parents. Because of you, I only know my grandma through my dad’s memories. You tried so hard to take my aunt away from her three kids. After all of these years, we thought you were done with her, but now you’re back. I can’t even talk to my cousin without the aching reminder of you. That would be enough to leave a mark on anybody, but no, you decided that wasn’t enough. You pursued my father in two different ways when you knew I was barely getting by. And now you’ve come after the one person I hoped and prayed you would never, ever touch…my generous, ever-loving grandma. I could resent you for what you’ve done to me, but I’ve learned that there is one thing you can’t take from me. The lessons. You taught me that I’m more resilient than I ever dreamed I could be. You taught me to have a grateful perspective on life that most people don’t have. You gave me an opportunity to belong, in a community so close-knit that I don’t hesitate to call them my brothers and sisters. You gave me the chance to see my grandma’s humorous, loving personality shine through the darkness of your presence. Without you, I would never have a deep bond with my dearest friend, because we stuck together through dark times. Lastly, you put my aunt through the worst torture imaginable, but, she didn’t let you win, not in a million years. You pushed her down and kept her on the floor, but I have to admit, without you, I wouldn’t have seen one of the greatest feats of perseverance in the world. Not only did she stand back up, she stood up taller than you could ever be. She looked you right in the eye and told you that she would help other families so you couldn’t hurt them like you hurt her. Many people are blinded by what you take. But I’ve had time to reflect and refine my relationship with you. You must know that you can be so cruel. At the same time, I thank you.

Second Place Winner!

Title: Paper Cut Crisis
By: Elizabeth Ramirez, Age 12, Texas, USA
Description: Sometimes a papercut can be traumatic and dramatic
Genre: Comedic

OH MY GOSH, what is happening?! I just turned to page 21 of Lord of the Rings, and the paper sliced my hand. The blood is gushing out of my finger. What am I supposed to do?! (gasp) WHAT IF… I get an infection?! WHAT IF… I… (dramatic pause) I DON’T MAKE IT?! You are my only hope to survive. Please! Bring me that band-aid. Will this wound ever heal? What do you mean I’m overreacting? I am dealing with unimaginable pain that only a few survive. I have a paper cut. This is a true crisis!

Third Place Winner!

Title: Santa Life
By: Ava I., Age 15, Arizona, USA
Description: What is Santa’s life like during the other 364 days of the year?
Genre: Comedic

Everyone knows what Santa does on that one special day of the year. But have you ever wondered what his life is like the other 364 days? Well, let me enlighten you. Santa’s got a bit of a weight issue. I mean, the guy spends his entire night squeezing down chimneys, carrying a giant sack of presents. I bet his exercise routine is like, “Do 50 squats, eat 50 cookies, repeat.” And let’s talk about his fashion sense. Red and white? Really? It’s like he’s the ultimate brand ambassador for Coca-Cola. But let’s not forget the list of naughty and nice kids. I can just picture Santa sitting there, scratching his head, trying to remember if little Tommy was the one who stuck gum in his sister’s hair or if it was Jimmy. And what happens if he mixes up the lists? Imagine waking up to a lump of coal because Santa had a temporary lapse in memory. Awkward! And what about those flying reindeer? It’s like Santa found the world’s most talented animals and said, “You know what? Let’s form a supergroup.” And Rudolph, the star of the show, gets all the attention with his shiny nose. I bet the other reindeer are jealous and plotting some sort of reindeer revenge. So, next time you’re sitting by the fireplace, eagerly waiting for Santa’s arrival, take a moment to appreciate his bizarre life. After all, behind that big, jolly belly and white beard, there’s a man who’s got the world’s most ridiculous job. And if he can bring joy to millions while managing an army of flying reindeer, well, he deserves a round of applause and maybe a cookie or two.

Watch a video performance of this monologue here!

May 2023

First Place Winner!

Title: “Survival Tips on a Strange Planet”
By: Ali Haque, Age 13, Alberta, Canada
Description: Commando Zorp is teaching his new alien recruits how to survive on the
abandoned planet Earth.
Genre: Comedic

Listen up! I have been here for a couple of months taking recon on this strange planet to see if it is suitable to be our new home. Today is Creature Survival Day. I am going to share some very helpful tips so pay attention! (Starts pacing) The creatures of this planet are extremely devious. They look cute and harmless, but they’ll stop at nothing to get under your skin! (Pause) One of the first creatures to deceive us is the wretched butterbug. (Looks confused) Or was it butterfly? … No that’s ridiculous. Now, where was I, oh right, the butterbug is a small colorful winged creature. When you see one, you will be tempted to let it land on your finger. But you must resist the urge. As soon as that thing gets within 3 feet of you, it will try to bite your face off! We have found that the best way to prevent a butterbug attack is to cover your face. If the butterbug does not see your face, it will not attack. That is why we always wear masks when we are exploring. Now the next creature, although slightly less dangerous, is ten times as adorable! (Shows a photo of a puppy and the new recruits react.) Awwww? BE QUIET! This creature is known as the pupperie. (Listens) What did you say? Puppy? That’s preposterous, as I was saying…..the pupperie is a very tricky fella. It will make cute sounds, but then out of nowhere, it will start chasing you. (Takes out dog treats) The key to protection against pupperies is these tasty treats. When you see a pupperie, you must first make sure that the pupperie sees the treat, then you must throw it (Demonstrates), and proceed to run in the opposite direction. I also like to keep a couple extra in my pocket in case I get hungry. (Winks) I fear NO man… (Zorp holds out a sketch of a goose) … but this thing, it scares me. You see this? This is called a goose. If you see one, your only option is to run for your life! We lost ten men to these winged monsters! So, don’t underestimate their danger, or you will become their next meal. (Pauses, collects himself, and smiles.) Well, thanks for joining me for today’s survival lesson. Tomorrow we will talk about the dangers left behind by the past inhabitants of this planet, and their sonic weapons of torture. (Holds up a pair of headphones)

Second Place Winners!

Title: Roller Coaster of Emotions
By: Elizabeth Ramirez, Age 12, Texas, USA
Description: An overprotective parent complains about the roller coaster at an amusement park.
Genre: Comedic

Excuse me, sir? I just want to say something about your so-called rides. They’re supposed to be fun, for the whole family. Let me ask, what is your deranged, complicated, vision of fun?! Those rides are certainly not for anyone! And as the parent of four lovely children, this cannot go unspoken! We just went on the “Hell Whirl” upon the suggestion of my son, Dylan. You said it was for the entire family! What kind of theme is that?! Despite my reluctance, we went on it, because I didn’t pay 140 dollars for nothing. The ride lived up to its title. It was one big thrill machine, far too extreme for kids, or anyone for that matter! Seriously, only people who do bad things deserve to go on that ride! That was not a rollercoaster of fun like it was presented, it was a rollercoaster of emotions! I will never come back to this, to this…land of frights that you call an amusement park! Farewell to you, sir! This will be the last time you’ll see my face around here.

Third Place Winner!

Title: I Didn’t Do It!
By: Jacob Kenyon, Age 13, Arizona, USA
Description: A kid denies breaking a window
Genre: Comedic

You can’t ground me! I didn’t do it! Just because I’m wearing a baseball glove does not mean that I broke the window. Sure, I have a history of this kind of thing, but I’m telling you the truth, Dad! This time it wasn’t me. I was out here minding my own business. Just tossing the ball up in the air and then Mom came out and asked if I wanted to play catch. I said yes because I feel kind of bad for her you know? I mean she’s not very good at baseball, but she seems to like to play with me. So we started tossing the ball. Like I said, she’s not very good. She threw the ball way over there and it broke the window. So you see, it wasn’t me. It was your wife. I guess you’ll have to ground her. Or at least teach her how to throw.

April 2023

First Place Winner!

Title: “The Final Act”
By: Aaron Barbosa, Age 14, Texas, USA
Description: A magician improvises their way through a failing act.
Genre: Comedic

And now ladies and gentlemen, for my final act, I’m going to make this rabbit disappear! (The rabbit might be in a hat or on a cart) Now, as I wave my wand around. (pause) Excuse me, everyone, I seem to have forgotten my magical wand. (Looks for the wand.) Where did I put it? Where did I put it?! (Continues searching.) Aha! There it is! Apologies for the little mishap, back to my trick. (pause) Hold on, I didn’t do the trick yet, where is the rabbit? (to self) I knew this would happen! I told him bringing a rabbit on stage wouldn’t work! (back to the audience) Ladies and gentlemen, I have prepared a better and cooler final act! I’m going to make myself disappear! (to self) Where are my smoke bombs? I’m pretty sure they were in my left pocket. (Turns to the audience.) Everyone, I was joking about making myself disappear. My real act is- (Phone rings.) Hello? Boss, I’m sorry but it’s not only my fault! I told him that the rabbit wouldn’t work. (pause) Yes, I already tried that one, but he forgot to put them in my pocket! I’ll think of something ok? Don’t lose your marbles. (Hangs up) I sincerely apologize to everybody for the difficulties during this show. We will give a full refund over at the ticket booth. (Phone rings again) Hold on, everybody. (Picks up phone) Hello? (Short pause) I told you I would think of something, and I did, you can’t blame me. (Short pause) What?! You can’t fire me! (pause) Because I quit! (Stomps off stage briefly before stomping back in.) Remember, refunds are at the ticket booth. (Stomps back off.)

Second Place Winner!

Title: “Danger! Danger!”
By: : Isaac T. Age 15, California, USA
Description: A young man believes his mother’s extracurricular suggestions are out to get him.
Genre: Comedic

My mom keeps telling me that I need to find some sort of extracurricular activity to keep my mind “stimulated.” Whatever that means. So here I am against my will looking for something I can do after school. My mom thought I’d look handsome in a baseball uniform, but I’m not stupid. Those baseballs come at you over 80 mph! So I had to tell her a big fat N-O on that one. Then she suggested hockey. But if I want my teeth separated from my mouth I could just ask my dentist to yank ’em for me. We moved down the list to golf. Mom said golf was a calm, relaxing, non-violent game but I beg to differ. If somebody nearby yells “fore!” and I don’t hear them, they could get a hole-in-one. In my mouth!!! What? It could happen… Tennis? Not a chance. Tennis balls come at you just as quickly as baseballs. And the rackets, don’t get me started on rackets. Cornhole? Heck no! Those beanbags could easily become dangerous weapons! For a split second, I thought chess would be good, but after some contemplating… What if some guy got mad and flipped a chess board and a pawn hit the other guy in the eye? I’d probably end up being the guy on the receiving end of things! So I scratched chess off my list. Then, out of the blue, Mom says, “How about football?” And I know, she’s got it out for me.

Third Place Winner!

Title: “Why Can’t I Fly?”
By: Kallie Gatrell, Age 14, North Carolina, USA
Description: A penguin wonders why they are the only bird in the zoo not able to fly.
Genre: Comedic

Hey, Randy, can I talk to you about something? Wait, Randy, you actually might want to sit down for this. Okay, well, I feel like I’m a worthless bird. I mean out of all ten thousand bird species, why am I one of the 60 that can’t fly? That’s 0.6%. It’s not fair. Why can’t I just soar like the mighty eagle? Why can’t I see this earth from a bird’s eye view? Honestly, I would even take the amount of flight a chicken has. Which isn’t a lot. I’m just an embarrassment to the zoo because all the other birds can fly, but I can’t. Have you ever seen how all the little humans point and laugh at me? That’s a real blow to my confidence. I even heard that Eric in the owl exhibit was making fun of me just because I can’t fly while he’s over there asleep all the time, getting waited on wing and foot. I’m done with all the ridicule I get just because I can’t fly. I mean, compared to them, I have some pretty great skills. I mean, are they able to slide on their stomachs? No. Can they swim underwater to catch fish? No. So why do they always say, “Hey, Chilly, how’s the weather down there?” If they came down and just waddled in my flippers for a day, they might realize how hard it is to be me. I mean, at least I don’t have to worry about getting a sunburn… right? You know what, I’m done with the jokes, and I won’t take them anymore. I’m proud of who I am, even if I’m not the same as everyone else. I’m going to show everyone that I’m just as capable as they are, even if I can’t fly.

March 2023

First Place Winner!

Title: “Am I Dead or Alive?”
By: Aster Garcia, Age 16, New Mexico, USA
Description: A war veteran struggling with the difficulties they face after the battle.
Genre: Dramatic
Everyone was telling me it was the right choice, but looking back I’m not sure it was. Bootcamp was fine. I was making friends and learning how hard this job would be. I never thought it would be too much…until we got called up. When our sergeant told us, my body stiffened, and my heart rate sped up. My only thought was, I am about to die. I think everyone had the same reaction, none of us were ready. I mean, we had only enlisted a few weeks before and now they were sending us to the front lines?!? I had no choice but to go. When I was out there I realized something. The moment I put my signature on that paper, I signed my life away. The government doesn’t care about me. I’m just another body for them to dispose of in hopes they’ll end up on top. But they completely owned me, and the only way out was death. I tried to survive. I didn’t want to be just another casualty. Then one day when I was walking through a village and my foot hit something hard. I heard a beep and frantically tried to run away, but I wasn’t fast enough. The mine completely blew off my leg and I was left there to die. My whole squad abandoned me, but I can’t blame them. They were just trying to survive. As I lay there, in the worst pain in the world, the sun just grew brighter and brighter until I couldn’t see. My only thought was “am I dead or alive?” Days later I woke up in a hospital bed, with all sorts of things hooked up to me, and here I am now. My whole life screwed, just because I signed my name on that piece of paper.

Second Place Winner!

Title: “Why Am I Not Enough?”
By: Karly Anderson, Age 14, Texas, USA
Description: A teen goes through their daily routine to meet the world’s standard of what it means to be enough.
Genre: Dramatic

Why am I not enough? 4 am, wake up, work out, and shower. I don’t want to, but I have to in order to be enough. Athletic kids are enough. 6 am, straighten my natural curls like they never existed, and apply the makeup I barely know how to use. Because I have to fit in to be enough. Girls who wear makeup are enough. 6:30 am, no breakfast today I had a big dinner last night and every girl in school that wants a dying chance of a homecoming date weighs less than 115. So I have to weigh that too. Skinny girls are enough. 7 am, walk to school it’ll be healthier anyways. Cardio is how skinny girls look even slimmer. The less meat and more bones you are, means you’re enough. 8 am, first bell. I know the answer, but I won’t say it. Pretty girls can’t be smart. And to be enough you need to be pretty. Smart girls can’t be enough until they’re pretty. 11 am, lunch. Best I just keep chewing on my gum. Every popular girl always has gum. Popularity means you’re enough. 2 pm, last class. I need to pee but instead, I roam the halls. Cool girls roam the halls. Cool girls are enough. 3 pm, walk home because you can never have too much cardio. 4 pm, realize I’ve spent another day trying to live out an unfulfillable, immeasurable standard of “enough.”

Third Place Winner!

Title: “I Want to be an Astronaut!”
By: Oana Mustata, Age 11, Sibiu, Romania
Description: A kid dreams of becoming an astronaut for the most fantastical reasons.
Genre: Comedic

(enthusiastically, with a sword in hand) Hey Mom! I have decided what I want to be when I grow up! I want to be an astronaut so I can fly with a rocket at super high speeds vrrrooommm, vrrrooommm! (pause) I guess I should think of what I want to take in my luggage. Hmmm. Chocolate cereals… those are goood. Oat cereals… those are good and also healthy… dog food, this sword, a camera of course, a knife, a food container, sunscreen, and a bottle. I think that’s about it. (short pause) Well, I have eaten cereal with all kinds of milk except milk from the Milky Way… I think it’s cosmically good! And that’s what the bottle is for, to bring you some of it for your coffee! After I’ve had breakfast, I will go feed the puppies from Canis Major and Canis Minor. They’re probably starving since no one feeds them. Then, I will go and explore space. I can’t wait to see all those flying space rocks and the zoo in the sky! I know it has all sorts of interesting creatures, like the bears from Ursa Minor and Major, the winged horse from Pegasus, and the lion from Leo and I heard there’s even a Phoenix! For lunch, I’m going to the Moon. There, I will need my knife, to cut some of that Swiss cheese and take some for you in the food container. Then, I will go to the Sun! I’ll be the first human being who gets there! I’ll need that sunscreen because I heard the Sun can burn your skin if it’s too hot. My last stop will be Saturn, to marvel at its rings. I’ll check it very closely, maybe it has an extra one. Let me tell you a secret, I did my research, and no one has a ring from Saturn, so it would be extra special, just for you! After I finish my adventures, I will head home. If I meet any aliens in their spaceships, I’ll try to be friendly, but if they’re hostile, I’ll need my sword! You don’t have to worry about me. As soon as I defeat them, I’ll come home, give you the ring and we’ll chat! We’ll look at all the pictures I took, and you’ll drink your Milky Way coffee and eat your Moon cheese. (pause) OK! I better go and prepare my luggage now. It won’t be long until I grow up, so it’s better to do this now so I don’t forget anything!

February 2023

First Place Winner!

Title: “All Because of a Missing Hand”
By: Chaya P., Age 12, Gateshead, UK
Description: A doll explains why she is left alone in a dollhouse
Genre: Comedic

Here I am, stuck in a dollhouse in the children’s playroom. It’s so confusing because each time someone plays with me, I have a new family. I don’t know where I belong. And what’s worse is that now they leave me all alone. It started a few days ago, when one of those little human animals crawled into the playroom, picked me up, and promptly stuck me headfirst into her massive wet mouth. Then she started chewing on me until I felt my wrist get looser and looser until finally, my hand just snapped off. Then that little human animal started crawling and destroying everything else in sight. Now, they’ve left me in this dark, gloomy dollhouse without even batting an eyelid in my direction. All because of a missing hand.

Second Place Winner!

Title: “Listen to Me”
By: Isabella Whittingahan Jimenez, Age 14, Oklahoma, USA
Description: A 17-year-old argues with their mother about feeling under pressure
Genre: Dramatic

You’re not listening to me! I’m tired! I’m tired of always trying so hard, and it’s never enough for you. You’re never satisfied. You know, you never once told me you’re proud of me. No, stop, let me speak. I can’t take it anymore, I’m tired. I’m tired of everything. You always want more and more and there’s like this hole in my heart that I thought I could fill if I made you proud of me. Now I’m realizing that’s stupid because you’ll never be proud. I’ll never be enough; I’ll never be everything you want me to be. Your expectations are so high, it’s not letting me breathe. The pressure you put on me is like a weight on my shoulders and I try to make things better, but everything just stays the same. Not one “congratulations”, or “I’m happy for you”, or even a “good job”. You make me feel like I’m always behind. Like I’m not trying my best when actually, I’m trying even more than my best. All for you to ignore it, dismiss it. I don’t want you to do it anymore. I’m done. I’m done trying to be perfect for you. You’ve never been concerned about anything that I wanted. I sacrifice my happiness for yours but you’re never happy. But it’s okay, it’s fine. I’ve accepted it, there’s nothing I can do for you. I’m going to do what I want now, for me. So I can be happy.

Third Place Winner!

Title: “The Robbery”
By: Mia Westbrooke, Age 11, Iowa, USA
Description: A robber tries to convince their victim to keep quiet in exchange for a percentage of the loot.
Genre: Comedic

You’re probably wondering why I’ve tied you up, allow me to explain. In case you hadn’t noticed, this is a robbery. I had to tie you up! You saw everything! Though I am willing to make a deal. If you keep your mouth shut and don’t go around snitching, my crew and I will give you…2% of everything we steal! Does that sound good? Oh wait, you have duct tape on your mouth. I should probably take that off. (rips it off) Sorry about that! That had to hurt! Woah! Woah! Woah! Calm down! I’m trying to make a deal with you, jeez! Listen, I’m not giving you any more than 2%. WHAT DO YOU MEAN I’M BEING “UNFAIR”?! I’M GIVING YOU MONEY IN EXCHANGE FOR YOUR FREEDOM! Oh, so you’re gonna become a snitch now. I see how it is. You want 15%? Wow! You’re hard to please. You know what? I’m feeling generous. I will give you 12% in exchange for you keeping your mouth shut. Finally, we agree on something. (unties) You’re free to go! Meet us in the alley at 11:00 pm for the exchange. I know, I know, it’s late but we have to calculate and prepare some distractions, so we don’t get caught. (bomb goes off) That’s my cue! Gotta blast, but this was fun! DON’T FORGET!

January 2023

First Place Winner!

Title: “How Do You Silence Your Phone?”
By: Addison Steffer, Age 14, Texas, USA
Description: A villain gets a phone call from their mother while fighting a hero.
Genre: Comedic

Well, well, well… take a look at what we have here. It would appear that you and the rest of your so-called “heroes” have been bested by a villain. By me! (Laughs manically) Oh, you poor, poor thing. You thought I was bad before? Just wait. I have all the power now. This is all going according to plan. And now, nobody can stop m- (phone rings) …One second please… (answers phone, starts whispering) …no, no, Mom, I can’t talk right now. I’m busy. (Pause, getting louder) What do you think I’m doing? I’m working! Just turn on the news. You’ll see me. (pause) Mom, I will not wave at the camera, I have a reputation to uphold. (pause) No, no, no, no, no, don’t get dad. (waves) I’m waving, see? I’m waving! HI MOM! (Stops waving, turns back, and sighs) Anyway, why were you calling? Yes, of course, I’m coming to dinner, why wouldn’t I be? (pause) No, Mom, I am not inviting them. (pause) I don’t know, maybe because we are MORTAL ENEMIES? (Pause, turns to the hero) My Mom wants to know if you want to come for dinner tomorrow night. (Turns back to phone) They said no. (pause, turns back to hero) She said to tell you that it’s meatloaf. (Turns back to phone) It’s still a no. (pause) Ok, I really have to go now, Mom. Stop calling me while I’m at work. (pause) Because I don’t know HOW to silence my phone. (pause) What do you mean there’s a button? There’s no button! (pause) Mom, I am not asking them to help me silence my phone. Do you know how embarrassing that would be? (pause) Fine, fine, I’ll ask. (Turns to hero) How do you silence your phone? (Turns back to phone) They don’t know either. (pause) Ok, Mom, I have to go, just don’t call me while I’m working, ok? I’ll see you tomorrow. (pause) Mhm, I love you too, bye. (Turns back to hero) Where was I? Oh, yes, that’s right, I will become the most powerful villain on this planet, and NO ONE CAN STO- (phone rings) Mom, we just talked about this, what do you need? (pause) Wait, Stacy’s Mom did what? (Pause, turns to hero) Sorry, I really need to take this. You can go. We can do this another time. (Turns back to the phone and walks away) You have got to be kidding. She cut all of her hair off? What does Stacy think about that? (exits)

Second Place Winner!

Title: “Don’t Blink”
By: Karly Anderson, Age 14, Texas, USA
Description: A young adult realizes they shouldn’t have wasted the moments being in such a rush to grow up.
Genre: Dramatic

Have you ever heard the phrase don’t blink? I grew up hearing that, but I never looked at its true meaning until now. Don’t blink. It’s your first day of Kindergarten you’re in your brand-new shoes with a bright new backpack excited to make new friends. Don’t blink. Now all of a sudden you find yourself leaving elementary going to middle school. Just six more years and I can drive, you think. Don’t blink. You’re in high school now, and those friends from kindergarten are long gone. You don’t know who you are. But it’s okay. Just four more years and you’ll go off to college and leave behind this side of the world. Don’t blink. You get your driver’s license and suddenly it’s like a whole world has opened up. Don’t blink. You’re a junior now, “hardest year yet” they say. Only a few months till you’re finally an adult. Don’t blink. It’s your first day of senior year and you still don’t know what it is you’re doing but you go with it anyway. One year left, you think. This is your chance. Don’t blink. Before you know it it’s the end of senior year. Tears stream down your face while you walk among the peers you’ve grown up with and all of a sudden you realize…You blinked.

Third Place Winner!

Title: “Human, I Promise I Won’t Eat You”
By: Maya Wilson, Age 12, Idaho, USA
Description: A misunderstood dragon tries to have a friendly conversation with a human.
Genre: Comedic

Hello little human! I’ve always wanted to talk to one of you guys, but never got the chance until now. Sorry, I’m pinning you down, but otherwise, I’m afraid you’ll run away. (beat) No, I don’t terrorize villages. You’re thinking of my twin brother, he loves doing that. I have never killed a human in my life. Would you stop screaming, I am not going to hurt you. (beat) If you don’t want to get eaten, why did you climb into my cave in the first place? Tip; if you don’t want to become a dragon’s lunch, then I recommend you don’t waltz into their home. (beat) Thank you for finally realizing that I am your friend. (beat) Do I like treasure? Do I like treasure? Human, I am a dragon, of course, I like treasure! If I were you, I’d probably hide the watch, necklace, earrings, and rings before I take them. (beat) Yeah, I do steal sometimes, but my brother gave me half of the jewels I have. Okay, he probably destroyed a castle or two to get that gold, but that’s my brother for you. Speaking of him, he’s coming over today, so you’d better scurry along, it was nice to meet you! And, you’re screaming again.

December 2022

First Place Winner!

Title: “A Scientific Study”
By: Madison Fannin, Age 15, Tennessee, USA
Description: A child confronts their family after being ignored for two weeks.
Genre: Comedy

No one says good morning to me. I did an experiment for two weeks straight by not uttering a single word to any of you first. My hypothesis was proven correct. I am not spoken to unless I speak first. This is not a cry for help nor an…”Oh please, Mother! Your ignorance has driven me to my breaking point!” No. This was simply a scientific study. It’s fascinating how my own family managed to ignore my existence for fourteen days. I wasn’t asked to do any chores, or finish my homework, and I didn’t have to attend Uncle Wyatt’s funeral. RIP Uncle Wyatt: if only you had seen that bird headed straight for your jugular. Anywho, being invisible actually benefited me. I’m so glad none of you care for me because then I would actually have to care for you guys, too. And that’s a lot of work on my part. But, good morning! Have a good day at work! Don’t think about me too much!

Second Place Winner!

Title: “I’m Not Coming Out of This Tree”
By: Michelle G., Age 12, Oregon, USA
Description: A tree is a good place to go when you are in trouble
Genre: Comedy

I am not coming out of this tree. I’m gonna live here forever. Nobody understands me. Nobody listens. I get in trouble for everything, even if it’s not my fault. I wasn’t the only one who made a mess in the kitchen, but I’m the one who had to clean it up. I didn’t mean to break the window when we were playing baseball, but I still got in trouble. And I didn’t finish my homework because I don’t like homework! So yeah, I am just going to live up here for the rest of my life. You can just send my meals up in a bucket tied to a rope. And if you wouldn’t mind, I’d appreciate a blanket. And a pillow. And my toothbrush. And a flashlight. And my stuffed animals. And…ugh! This is too complicated. I’m coming down.

Third Place Winner!

Title: “I Pledge Allegiance”
By: Luis H., Age 14, Illinois, USA
Description: A student interrupts the pledge to question what it means.
Genre: Dramatic

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the…wait a minute. Excuse me Mr. Jacobs. I’m sorry to interrupt, but what does that mean? Pledge allegiance? I’ve been saying the pledge since I was five years old, but I never really thought about it until this exact moment. I pledge allegiance to the flag. I mean pledge means promise, right? And I think allegiance means loyalty? So, I promise to be loyal to the flag? That’s weird. Why would I promise anything to a flag. The flag’s not a person. I mean I get that it’s symbolic. The flag represents our country. But, what if our country is not living up to its part of the deal? What if it’s not being loyal to me? That doesn’t seem fair. Why should I promise my loyalty to a country that isn’t loyal to me? Don’t get me wrong. I’m happy I live here. I know I was lucky to be born in this country. But if I’m expected to be devoted and faithful to this country that believes in “justice for all,” doesn’t that mean me too?

November 2022

First Place Winner!

Title: “Mariia”
By: Masha, Age 14, Switzerland
Description: Inspired by the Drama Notebook “My Name” lesson.
Genre: Dramatic

Call me Mara, because the Almighty has sent me great sorrow.

One of the oldest names we know. In Hebrew, it means bitter, desirable, serene.

For me, my name means long Ukrainian songs. How many Mariias have buried their Cossacks, so many songs are folded in Ukraine. How many foxberries, with red berries, like blood stand around the road, so many bloody tears were shed by young women, seeing their husbands off to death.

For me, my name is a broken Soviet dacha in Odessa on Tehnicheskaya Street, the nineties, stuffed cabbage rolls and adjika, a curly, skinny little boy who loves his grandmother. For me, Mariia means hopelessness of having nothing and only hope left. For me, my name means good taste in music, unhappiness, great books on a shelf in a Khrushchevka, career, marriage and children — my name reminds me of my father. It reminds me of Odessa. The story of my family — ordinary, miserable, with its silly joys and such terrible unhappiness.

Bitter fate of my people, bitter my name, bitter tears were shed by the dying, how many people drank their fate with bitter vodka, so many Mariias in the world, that forever people remember their sufferings and do not repeat mistakes.

Second Place Winner!

Title: “Lost”
By: Abbey Sourov, Age 14, Seattle, Washington, USA
Description: Sixteen-year-old Bianca is grieving and frustrated. She is confronted by her sister as she prepares to search for their lost brother (who may or may not be gone for good).
Genre: Dramatic

(Surprised, she gasps.) Oh. It’s you. Why are you back here? I thought I’d be alone, sneaking out this late. You can’t tell anyone you saw me here. Just listen to what I’m about to say, okay? I’m going to find our brother. I’ve got everything I need, a camera, a flashlight…(Summoning courage) I’m going to find him, okay? And you can’t convince me otherwise, because I can’t just keep sitting here, day after day, doing nothing, and feeling so…so WORTHLESS! (Tearing up. Exhales to calm herself.) It’s just that everyone has given up on him; even you and…and our parents have decided to move on, but I- I can’t…okay? I can’t just…leave him! He wouldn’t have left me. And I know he’s still out there. He’s… He has to be. And I can’t even live in this house anymore, because it’s so full of his memories, full of the things that we did together. For crying out loud, I sob when I see our favorite books at the library, or those frogs at the zoo we used to like. I feel like I’m going insane, and I…(Gasping for breath and trailing off)…I… (Wiping her eyes) You gotta let me go. I have to go. Alone. (Laughs humorlessly) It’s funny…because I really am so tired of being alone.

Third Place Winner!

Title: “Visit to the Briarville Library”
By: Elizabeth Pall, Age 16, Florida, USA
Description: A bookkeeper from a town stuck in time, welcomes a guest to her library.
Genre: Dramatic

Oh! I didn’t see you there. Do forgive me, we don’t get many visitors to the Briarville Library. If Dr. Reginald and his mad experiments aren’t enough to scare people off, the 500-step staircase has a way of dissuading guests. But I’m glad you’re here. My name is Olivia Lester, I’m the sole bookkeeper, and sole inhabitant, here at the library. Well, except for our resident ghost, Arnold. He doesn’t say much. You really couldn’t have come on a better day. Today’s my 21st birthday! Though, come to think of it, yesterday was also my 21st birthday. And so was the day before that, and the day before that, and the day before that. In fact, I can’t remember a day when it wasn’t my 21st birthday. Funny, isn’t it? Ooh! Do you hear that? That’s the bell tower; it’s 2 o’clock! Come, come, look out this window here. There! There he is. That man down there, do you see him? He comes by every day at exactly two o’clock to feed the gargoyles. Brave man he is, most of the townsfolk are too scared to even go near our stone beasts. An irrational fear, of course, they’re perfectly harmless. Most of the time. I wonder who he is. Maybe someday I’ll be brave enough to ask his name and invite him into the library. Maybe someday. Thank you all for stopping in today. Please, make yourself at home. If you need any assistance don’t hesitate to ask me. But watch out for Vera our Venus Flytrap over there. She’s been a bit peckish lately and I don’t want any of you fine guests to lose a finger.

October 2022

First Place Winner!

Title: “Halloween Mix-up”
By: Madison Brown, Age 16, Idaho, USA
Description: A girl on Halloween encounters someone with a really cool and realistic costume.
Genre: Comedic

Hi! I saw you from across the street, and I just gotta say, I love your Halloween costume! It looks so realistic! I mean the fur and the teeth are really authentic. The mask even moves when you talk. It’s such a convincing werewolf, you’d almost think it’s real! Hahaha!! Honestly, it’s kinda creepy. It looks like you could eat me and my grandma up. Get it? Because I’m Little Red Riding Hood? And her whole story was…whatever you get it. You know I DIY’d my costume, and it took me HOURS, but it’s nowhere near as good as yours. Seriously, yours puts mine to shame. Heck, it puts everyone’s costume to shame. So did you buy it or do it yourself? (Don’t let him answer) I ALWAYS make my own because I’m so creative, but I understand that not everyone is as talented as me! Speaking of which, yours is so good you should enter the costume contest. I’d bet you win, which sucks for me, but hey maybe I’ll get second, which is in some ways better than first. (giggles) You’ll have to tell me where you got your costume, so I can win next year. If you tell me I’ll invite you to my Halloween Party, which is going to be like totally cool, but if you don’t you can’t come! JK!!! Hahaha (Serious) But not really. So, tell me where did you get it? (He answers) Oh! You’re a real werewolf. (awkward silence) Whatever, you can still come to my Halloween Party.

Second Place Winner!

Title: “By the Mystic Monologues of Munnopor”
By: Henry Osher, Age 17, Connecticut, USA
Description: Hero interrupts the Villain’s monologue
Genre: Comedic

Listen buddy, I’m gonna stop you right there. You don’t understand how many times I’ve heard this kind of thing already. I’m honestly sick of monologues. You’re just gonna waste my time explaining your master plan and patting yourself on the back even though we both already know how this is gonna go. I’m gonna send you packing like I do to everyone else, and you’ll end up nothing more than a two-bit, D-list villain with an inferiority complex. If this was a comic book, they’d put you in a filler issue, give you a mediocre backstory, and never talk about you again. All you’re gonna be is a piece of trivia for superhero nerds with nothing better to spend their time on. But me? I’m the Golden Boy! I literally get paid to beat up people like you. So I have an idea, instead of giving me a novel, how about you just sum it up in a few words and let me enjoy the rest of my Sunday? What’s it gonna be? Kidnapping the Mayor? Bridge bombing? Mass mind control? I’ve seen it all buddy. You’re nothing special. That’s what you gotta get through your thick skull. You’ll never be an archenemy or on the starting roster of an evil team. You’ll never take over the world or have any henchmen. You’ll never do anything with your sad little life and that’s that. Oh, did I make you cry? Sorry man, but the truth hurts. You know what they say; if you can’t handle the heat, stay out of the kitchen. Now let’s get this over with.

Third Place Winner!

Title: “Am I the Only One?”
By: Emma Morrill, Age 18, Michigan, USA
Description: A girl addresses her bullying in a video she uploads for the world to see.
Genre: Dramatic

(Turns webcam on) I could come on here and say I am fine, and that today was an amazing day, but that would be lying. My life has been nothing but painful for the past two years, with names thrown at me from every direction and pranks pulled on me just to see me in pain and agony. My self-esteem has gone down, and half of the time I don’t even want to show up to school or be seen at a store or a mall. Bullying has been my life at school and even on the internet. People say such cruel and harsh things…and I believe them sometimes. What have I done to deserve this? Why can’t everyone just be accepted for who they are? I’ve been dieting and trying new styles just to make people like me more. But even then they make fun of me. Even when I lost ten pounds, or when the clothing was their style! I’ve started wearing baggy clothes because I am seen as overweight. I wear makeup due to the fact that I am seen as a monster with a bunch of acne. Will it ever stop? I literally come home in tears, but nobody cares what I think. The more bullying happens to me the more I become depressed. Anxiety hits me from every angle. I want to change schools and throw away social media to get away from the one thing that is stopping me from being happy. Bullies. If society keeps going on like this the teen world will be in shambles. I just have to say one more thing. Is bullying truly what the world needs? Or do we need to rebuild the world on peace and trust? (Turns off the webcam and uploads video to YouTube).

September 2022

First Place Winner!

Title: “Circle of Unhappiness”
By: Isabelle Bidal, Age 18, Ontario, Canada
Description: A young teenager struggles with their appearance and clothing
Genre: Dramatic

It’s not that I don’t think I’m beautiful, I do… sometimes. The problem is that no matter how many times you tell me this shirt doesn’t make me look bad or that skirt fits perfectly, the mirror tells me otherwise. I mean how long will it take for me to realize it doesn’t matter? It’s one thing to say but I need to believe it. I know I should just wear things that make me happy. I know that nobody cares enough to judge what I look like when they have their own insecurities. I know it isn’t worth this much energy and anxiety, but I can’t stop. The shirt is too tight, or too loose, or not the right colour, and the pants are too rigid, or too short, or too… everything. I’m just in this circle of unhappiness because I don’t look like I want to. I don’t look like everyone else, and I don’t know how to fix it. But…maybe that’s okay. Maybe, just maybe, if I could find happiness in people and experiences, rather than clothes and looks, I would wake up and look forward to picking an outfit every day. Maybe… a source of anxiety could become a source of joy. It just takes a lot of work, and I don’t know if I can do it.

Watch a video performance of this monologue here!

Second Place Winner!

Title: “Is it a Fairytale?”
By: Addie Page, Age 12, Idaho USA
Description: A girl texts a boy that she likes him.
Genre: Comedy

(pacing) Oh, what should I say? What should I say? (stops pacing) Oh, I know! (starts texting) I’d like to tell you something. Just promise you won’t make fun of me. I’ve liked you for quite some time now and have decided to confess my feelings. (accidentally sends it) Oh no!! I just sent it. What if he thinks I’m weird for liking him? What if he likes me back? (to herself) Oh, stop it Linsay! You know he won’t like you back. This is real life, not a fairytale! I know! I’ll just try and make a cover story. (looks at phone nervously) Uh oh! He saw it! He’s typing!! (waits a second) He… stopped. I can’t believe I had hoped that he would like me. I mean look at me! I’m just the nerdy, smart girl that no one likes. (looks at the phone again and looks shocked) He likes me back! I think life just might be a fairytale!

Third Place Winner!

Title: “Scars”
By: Cassie F
Description: A girl with a skin condition acknowledges all her scars and learns to embrace them.
Genre: Dramatic

The first time I remember being “physically hurt” I was probably 7 or 8, and I was on a bicycle. My sister left her scooter on the road, and I went crashing into it. All I saw was a blur of the ground, and then the sky, then the ground, and then sky again. My mom screamed and came running to help me. When I realized what had happened, I was bleeding from my arms, knees, knuckles…pretty much any exposed skin that you can imagine. I have scars from that one. The second time I remember being hurt is when I was maybe 9 or so. I was so dumb. I tried diving headfirst into a pool that was 4 feet deep. Yeah, you can probably imagine how well that went. I hit the top of my forehead. It took about a roll of paper towels to clear away the blood…and tears if I’m being honest. Those scars never really affected me. I never thought twice about it when kids at school would ask how I got them. But when it comes to my skin condition, those, those get to me. I have blotches on my arms and the backs of my knees that I can’t get rid of no matter what. They won’t tan, and no lotion or potion will erase them. They just exist. I’ve had them for as long as I can remember, and I have no clue why God chose me to have them. But, that’s just how it turned out. Most days they make me feel disgusting and ugly. When people see the scars or the blotches, I freeze. I’m worried they’ll think horrible things about me. But those splotches and blotches are a part of me. All my scratches, scrapes, and slices are. All my scars are. And in a way, I love them. They show where I’ve been, but also give me hope for where I’m going. They show how I’ve been hurt, but also how I’ve healed. I guess I love them. My scars are beautiful.

August 2022

First Place Winner!

Title: “Misunderstandings of a Villain”
By: Joy Seon, Age 12, Illinois, USA
Description: A villain tries to persuade you that they are the good guy.
Genre: Comedic
Sorry about the whole blindfolding and kidnapping thing. Here, let me just take this blindfold off…there you go! Welcome to my secret lair! Pretty cool, right? (sigh) Could you stop yelling for help so much? You’re hurting my ears. I promise you I am not a bad guy… here. I only kidnapped you because you knew my secret identity. What else was I supposed to do? Let you tell everyone who I really am? No way. (beat) What was that? The ‘heroes’ will save you? They’re not heroes. They’re the bad guys! (beat) Stop saying I’m the bad guy! I do tons of great things. I have a family…yes, it’s an evil crime family, but I also have a pet cat! What villain has a cat? (beat) No, I do not stroke it with one hand while laughing madly. What can I say to convince you I’m not a bad guy? I do community service…which by community service, I mean, committing crimes for my community. I also help elders get up when they fall down…after I push them. Okay, I can see why you might think I’m a villain, but I swear on my cat that I’m not! Oh shoot, the alarm is going off! Probably some so-called heroes here to rescue you. Don’t you dare move a muscle. I’ll be right back.

Watch a video performance of this monologue here!

Second Place Winner!

Title: “Lab Versus the Bunny”
By: Sanjana Bhahirathan, Age 13, Sydney, Australia
Description: A bunny finds itself in a lab that tests animals.
Genre: Dramatic

This all began on Monday. Monday the 26th of April. 44 hours, 36 minutes, and 50…7 seconds ago. I was simply chowing down on a carrot stick, when all of a sudden, I felt sick and dizzy. Then everything turned pitch black. The next thing you know, I found myself here, inside this chilly, dark, and ominous-looking structure. I really thought I was dead… but then I discovered my long-lost uncle! We had a nice catch-up and blah blah blah…Then suddenly the dreaded words came out. I didn’t want to believe him, but I had to. We are being tested for beauty products; Brands like Chanel, Dior! How did I go from being a happy rabbit living a life of freedom, to being chained up and tortured? They are experimenting on us with chemicals! Excuse me aren’t we entitled to a life? We are being held as if we were lab rats. There is no light. I’ve tried to flee, but I’m stuck. The only time I can escape is in my dreams. I dream of carrots, carrots, and more carrots. But then I wake up and I feel the excruciating pain. My shoulder, my skin, my muscles…completely burned through. It’s unbearable. I’m not going to die in misery though. Will you help me?

Third Place Winner!

Title: “Wedged”
By: Isabelle Bidal, Age 18, Ontario, Canada
Description: A straight-A student finds themself in detention
Genre: Comedic

Hey! Can you stop? Just for a second? Tapping your pencil on my chair for this whole 30 minutes won’t make the time go by quicker. (tapping persists) Okay, fine, you want to talk? I can talk. Let’s start with this – I have NEVER been in detention. Okay? I have been a straight-A student since I came out of the womb. I have participated in clubs you have never even heard of and my extracurricular record spans 5 pages. I have been captain of the debate club since you said your first word and believe it or not, sitting here beside (pause) obvious genius’ like you is not exactly how I wanted to spend my time tonight. Why am I here? All I wanted to do was share some of my knowledge with this girl in class. (embarrassed) Unfortunately for me, I may have gone a bit overboard and called her a stupid wheel of cheese… Now I’ll never be invited to her parties… It’s not my fault some people are just born idiots…(pause) Can you.. Stop tipping your chair back. You’re gonna… aaaand you fell.

July 2022

First Place Winner!

Title: “From Ribeye to Filet Mignon”
By: Liam Cantin, Age 12, Quebec, Canada
Description: A middle aged dog is determined to not like babies…Especially not the one his human parents have brought home.
Genre: Comedic
This is the worse day of my life, for real this time. Worse than the time I had a tick stuck in my ear. I swear it wasn’t my fault. It was a big misunderstanding. I never intended to chew and steal the pacifier, I thought it was for me, a new gift! You would’ve snapped too if your owner brought back one of those revolting creatures, also known as a B.A.B.Y. Man, all they do is cry and cry and cry, twenty-four seven. This baby has stolen ALL of MY attention. How do you think that makes me feel, huh? One minute they’re all like aww who’s a good boy, who wants a doggy ice cream treat, do you want a belly rub, or a head scratch? What about a nice LONG walk? Then of course “Baby Erk” had to drop into our home. And they just dumped me, that’s right, dumped me for that ugly, smelly, poop machine. I’m lucky if I eat three times a day. I used to get Ribeye, now all I get is Filet Mignon, the portion size dropped significantly, as well as the fat content! Uhhhh, I just vomited, thinking about him. You know what I need? A vacation. That would feel sooo good. I’d finally get a break from him pulling my poor tail and plucking my precious apricot colored-fur. Oh yes, my nose would finally be able to smell the sweet scent of roses. I wouldn’t be stressed to step in his “acid reflux” secretions. Oh, is that a piece of PB&J he just threw on the floor? You know what, maybe “Baby Erk” isn’t so bad? Maybe I can tolerate him? Just this once. No!!! I didn’t say we can be friends…don’t go putting words into my mouth!

Second Place Winner!

Title: “The Audition”
By: Karly Anderson, Age 14, Texas, USA
Description: A young person is nervous about a big audition.
Genre: Comedic-Dramatic

Don’t you get it? Today is the day of THE audition. The audition where all my dreams could finally become a reality. I’m totally pumped. Well, except for the fact I’m scared. But just a little. I mean just because it’s my first major audition doesn’t mean I should worry. I mean naturally, I’m a worry-free person. But what if I don’t make it? What if I don’t get the part? That would be so embarrassing. I would have to change my name. I would never be able to show my face in public. I might have to move to a foreign land and live alone with 2 cats in an abandoned warehouse because I can’t make a living because no one wants to hire the girl who couldn’t land the role she had prepared for, for so long. (Moment of realization) Ok so maybe I’m like totally petrified.

Third Place Winner!

Title: “Half Birthday”
By: Emma Fequet, Age 11, Quebec, Canada
Description: A girl begs her parents for a special doll.
Genre: Comedic

Why can’t I have the doll? It’s my half birthday! I deserve it 100%. But I really want the 2022 Barbie girl doll! And there are only ten left in the whole world! What can I do to convince you to buy it for me? Okay, hear me out. So, I was thinking that I could do the dishes! And even dry them! I can’t reach the sink though, ummm, how about… I can make you BOTH, breakfast in bed for a full week! No?! Then a whole month! That’s the most I can do! Never mind, I don’t know how to cook… Ok then, I could give you five dollars from MY piggy bank, to help pay for the doll. Excuse me?! 100 dollars? That’s impossible! Last time I checked, it was ten dollars. But I may have read the number wrong… Fine then if you’re not gonna buy it for me, I guess I will have to buy it for myself! I am going to go pack my stuff, get a job, and move out! GOODBYE!!! (Starts to leave, but returns.) I’m sorry. I get it. I should be grateful for what I have. But could I HAVE IT, by any chance? Please!

April 2022

First Place Winner!

Title: “Tense”
By: Olivia Marrs, Age 18, Michigan, USA
Description: A teenager opens up about feeling anxious.
Genre: Dramatic
I have the perfect life. Loving parents, a supportive sister, the cutest dog in the world. I go to an amazing school and have the most caring friends I could ever ask for. But out of 1000 positives, why do I let the 2 negatives take over? At 6:00 A.M my alarm starts screaming at me, and by 6:01 I have 100 anxious thoughts. While I drive to school, I worry that I’m going to get in a car accident or that I will get the unimaginable call that my parents have died. So, I turn up the music even louder to drive out these thoughts. But once I’m at school it continues. I’m a good student but I sit in math class and my brain shuts off.

“I can’t do this,” I say to my teacher.
“Yes, you can, just take a deep breath,” she says.
I turn in a blank test and walk to the counselor’s office overwhelmed, panicked, defeated.

Sitting in the blue-flowered chair I try to hold back tears, but I break down under the smell of orange essential oils and I cry for an hour feeling hopeless. My head spins with all thoughts about where I should go to college, am I smart enough to get into nursing school, and how much I will miss my friends and teachers. My life is starting to change and I’m not ready. Sometimes I feel guilty that I feel this way because I truly do have a blessed life and lots of people have it way worse. But sometimes life is hard. Sometimes I’m afraid. I’m gonna just try to focus on the present and remember that I don’t need to have all the answers today.

Second Place Winner!

Title: “The Perfect Day”
By: Kara Smith, Age 14, North Carolina, USA
Description: A student is asked to imagine their perfect day.
Genre: Dramatic

What’s my idea of the perfect day? Honestly, it would have to be when I was six or seven years old. Those were the days when I didn’t feel anxiety or sadness. The only thing I worried about was missing an assignment at school or dropping my ice cream on the floor. Life was good and easy, like nothing in the world could hurt me. Now things are different and unstable…like a terrible patchwork put together. But if I could magically have that perfect day, it really wouldn’t matter the location. Preferably I’d like for it to be something like a big day out with my family. Then I’d get to talk to my friends about how great it was. And my old childhood friend would still be kind to me. Or maybe the perfect day would be playing with my cousin at my old house with no chaos or drama to disrupt it all. Just two kids playing. Or maybe the perfect day would just be a regular, calm day in elementary school. Back when the kids weren’t loud and obnoxious. When they weren’t mean and tormenting. Back when the teachers would only discipline the ones who deserved it, not the innocent ones. But I guess we can’t go back in time, can we? We just have to move on and let our scars tell the stories. Who knows, maybe there will be a perfect day in the future. I hope so.

Third Place Winner!

Title: “The Long Walk Home”
By: Sena Ramlyn
Description: Someone is lost on their way home after making an impulsive decision to take a different route through the forest.
Genre: Dramatic

It’s been hours and I’m still lost. (looks around) Where am I? I think this is the right way, but I’m still scared. What if I don’t ever find my way back? (shaking head) I knew I never should’ve taken this route. I know better than to trust my instincts. (to self) Calm down, you will be okay. You will find your way back. I wish it was that easy. I don’t know which way to go, and this forest is so creepy and full of shadows! (sits on a tree stump) Why did I take this route? What did I expect would happen? I am so lost. I don’t even want to go back! How am I going to explain this whole situation? Even if I try, I know I’ll get the inevitable “Why didn’t you take the normal route?” which will make me even more embarrassed. I just want to go home, man. (standing) I guess I’ll just have to keep going even though this eerie forest is making me feel like I’m going insane. There has to be a way out of here. I’ll find it eventually.

March 2022

First Place Winner!

Title: “Inner Thoughts of an Ex-Lioness”
By: Erin Ryan, age 18, Pennsylvania, USA
Description: A cat muses on how its mistress doesn’t appreciate it enough.
Genre: Comedic

I can’t believe this; I’m locked out again. After all I do for her, following her around the house to keep her safe, bringing her gifts, that I have hunted for her. And yet, she chooses to keep me locked outside of this door. I can sit here, and I can meow for hours, knowing she’s right inside. But rarely does she open the door to me now. (pause) Perhaps it is because I take a special interest in some of her plants. But I think they are rather nice against my fangs and surely, she would understand that. I mean I see her do something with her teeth, it must be similar right? But every time I try to do something with my teeth I get shooed out. (pause) I have been her protector since I came here. If only they would try to understand me. When I walk to the door that is clearly a sign I no longer wish to be here. But she waits for me to sit and beg, like some kind of… dog. (pause) Although I guess she can be useful for some things like bringing down the jar of the magic tasty food and cleaning out the old poop box. But other than that, honestly, I could live alone. I used to run outside all day and night before I came here. Now I’m forced to stay inside, just watching the nature that I used to prowl. So, when I ask for things like to be let into her room, I expect a little more pep in the step. Especially since they have tamed me into a protector. (gasp) Don’t even get me started on those things they call dogs. Oh! Big. Wet. Smelly. And there’s two of them. They’re the bane of my existence. I will not make friends with such oafish creatures. I will stick to my own. And keep yelling at the door, hoping one day she’ll let me in again.

Watch a video performance of this monologue here!

Second Place Winner!

Title: “After the Movie”
By: Tesia Hennessy, Age 15, South Carolina, USA
Description: A teen is frustrated that their parent doesn’t accept them despite all they’ve done to try to conform.
Genre: Dramatic

I do work hard. Maybe not in the way you think, but I work hard. I work hard to be utterly ordinary. I work hard to get good grades, but to not be the top of my class. I work hard to be funny, but to not be known as “the funny friend.” I work hard to be sporty, but not too sporty, to be artsy but not too artsy, to be quirky but to make sure that my quirks are normal. For example, I like yellow, the least liked color. I know everything there is to know about The Lord of the Rings, but only because – your words, not mine – I “went through a phase in middle school. ”I wear normal clothes. Do my hair in a normal way. Have a normal sleeping schedule, have normal reactions- I laugh the appropriate amount at sit-coms. I cry the appropriate amount at dramas. I’m scared the appropriate amount at horrors, and I’m thrilled the appropriate amount at thrillers. I’ve calculated every move, gesture, emotion, facial expression, every minute detail to the “perfect normal” because all you ever wanted was a normal kid, but it’s just not enough. Because when we’re at the movies, and it’s too loud, I can’t leave because “it’s loud for everyone.” And I can’t buy candy with my own money because “it’s unfair” even though everyone else is eating popcorn that you bought for them, but I can’t stand the texture of popcorn. I’m sick of being normal for you. I am sick. At least, you think I’m sick. And maybe I am, but I’m not going to pretend I’m normal anymore. I’m tired of sacrificing my identity just to make your life a little more comfortable.

Third Place Winner!

Title: “What Luck!”
By: Isaac T., age 14, California, USA
Description: A long-time player of the lottery runs into some bad luck.
Genre: Comedic

For years now I’ve played the lottery. And in doing so, I’ve wasted so much time and money. Not only that, but I end up losing more than I win. Heck, I’ve never won! Well, okay, fine. That’s a lie. I did buy of those cheap $1 tickets before, and guess what I won?! Another ticket! Isn’t that just the bee’s knees! But that’s not even the worst of it! One day, they had a special lottery offer. The prize was millions! I went out and bought as many tickets as I could afford. Which was quite a few, mind you. Apparently, I’m not the only one who likes to gamble though. There were tons of people waiting in line after me. And oh boy! When they found out that I had bought the last ticket, things start getting interesting. People yelled, screamed, argued. Most surprising of all though, people started whipping out their money to buy the tickets from ME. At first, I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t dare give up even a single ticket. What if one of them was the winner? If I gave up even one of them up, would I give up my chances of winning? But, as quickly as I thought those things, I asked myself, “What are my chance of winning really?” Like, honestly… I’ve never won a thing in my life. Except for that other ticket of course. But here, right now, I could sell the tickets I had already bought and make a tidy little profit. So, I sold them for a little more than I paid, and by the end of the day I had made about double of what I had spent. Plus, I still had two tickets with me! And being in good spirits, I went home and gave one of the tickets to my newly 18-year-old brother, absolutely free. And what happened then you ask? Well, the next thing I know, the numbers were announced and, like always, I didn’t win. But someone I know did! And that someone was my brother. The brother to whom I gave the ticket to! The brother who had never even played the lottery before that day! The brother who didn’t share a single cent with me!! Didn’t even say thank you!!! The brother who then moved out and we never heard from him again! What luck!

February 2022

First Place Winner!

Title: “What Are You So Afraid Of?”
By: Trinity Marmo, Age 14, Washington, USA
Description: No one can convince this child to get on the boat. The ocean is a scary place and a child’s imagination is even scarier.
Genre: Comedic

I can’t swim and you want me to go on a boat in the MIDDLE of the ocean. I would rather stay here on the docks, thank you very much. (Referencing stuffed rabbit) Mrs. Bunny says I can´t go, and you know nothing will change her mind. She’s scared of the ocean and her stuffing could get wet! (Not convincing, they turn to new tactics.) Please, don’t make me go! What if I fall in, what happens then? The ocean is so unpredictable. What if a shark bites my head off? Or some crazy sea monster grabs my legs and pulls me down. Have you seen the creepy stuff that’s down there? Not even scuba gear can save us from the horrors of the ocean! Frankly, I don’t know how YOU aren’t scared of the ocean. There are so many things to be afraid of. (Dramatically sets the scene) Seriously just imagine it, a storm suddenly hits, the air grows cold, and the sky darkens. You feel yourself panic, the waves getting bigger and bigger! You look to your left and a gigantic wave is coming towards you! See doesn’t that sound scary to you? Well, I know it’s a sunny day, but it could still happen! Please don’t make me go on that boat!

Second Place Winner!

Title: “Pressure”
By: Jeremiah Young, Age 16, Kansas, USA
Description: A student struggles with their life
Genre: Dramatic

My sister gets away with everything. According to my parents and all the teachers, my sister, the class president, the popular kid, the star student, is excellent and never does anything wrong. Everyone holds me up to her standards. It’s always, “When Emily was your age, she already…”, or “maybe if you just follow what Emily does, you would do it right.” I am sick and tired of always being compared to her. No one ever stops to think about my feelings. They never seem to care about anything that concerns me unless I make a mistake. I know I am not the best at, well, anything, but is it too much to ask for a “good job Julien” or “we are so proud of you”? It must be too hard because I haven’t heard anyone say that stuff to me my whole life. Just once, I want the praise that Emily gets. Just once, I want to be a good comparison. I don’t want to be the screw-up that I am. People say you shouldn’t live for the praise of other people, but I think the opposite is true. Praise means you’re actually doing something right in your life. I’ve never gotten any recognition, so clearly, I must not be doing anything right. And I have no clue where I would even start. No matter what I do, I don’t think I’ll ever be good enough. What breaks me the most is that no one sees me hurting. No one sees me cry. Not because I don’t show it, but because they don’t bother looking for it.

Third Place Winner!

Title: “Deployed Brother”
By: Shelby Diner
Description: A teenager tries to write a letter to their brother who is in the military
Genre: Dramatic

(Jack is sitting at his desk in his room with a single piece of paper and a pencil on his desk.)
Ok, where to start? (Taps pencil on his head) Hey Jason, the house is quiet without you here. (Grabs the paper and crumbles it up) Why is this so dang hard!!!! UHHHH. What should I write? Hey Jason. Life is boring without you here and it makes me so upset that you are overseas. UH! (Grabs a new piece of paper) Hey Jason, the house is quiet and boring without you here. Life has been rough, people at school are laughing and making fun of me, they say things like (in a funny accent) “You’re so ugly” or “Wow where do you get your clothes,” and it reminds me of when you used to stand up for me. I’m almost always late to school because mom wakes up so late. Please come back and fix everything. (Looks across the hall) Your room is very dark. I opened the windows and watered your plants. Your trophies are all dusty. The pool is green, and I don’t know how to fix it. I tried to mow the lawn, but I think I messed up and the lawnmower doesn’t work anymore. Please come home, I miss you. – Love, Jack (Grabs paper folds it up, and puts it in an envelope)

January 2022

First Place Winner!

Title: “Her Last Words”
By: Emily McLaren, Age 14, Sydney, Australia
Description: Medusa waits in her cave at the top of a mountain hidden from the world, until Perseus arrives with a sharp sword and shield.
Genre: Dramatic

You don’t waste time, do you? I thought it would take longer for you to arrive. It’s quite a momentous mountain. The other men took far longer. (Medusa is amused at Perseus looking at the statues surrounding him) Don’t be scared, they can’t hurt you. They’re just… statues, now. So, am I right to assume you’ve come for my head? It was wise of you to bring a shield. No one’s been smart enough to try that before. Though I suppose it wasn’t really your idea, was it? Only someone with the blessings of Athena could have enough foresight to think of using something shiny to deflect my gaze…You won’t need it. I’m not planning on turning you to stone anyway. There is just something I need you to do for me, and my head is yours. All you have to do is turn princess Andromeda and Poseidon’s Sea serpent into stone. After that I don’t mind what you do. You will have a deadly weapon for life. No one will dare oppose you. That power will be better in your hands then mine. It will be better if I’m dead. My life is useless anyway. I can’t make any friends, can’t fall in love, or be loved, and I can’t even walk into town without everyone around me turning into garden ornaments. The only thing I want to have before I leave this world is the knowledge that I got my revenge on Athena, the goddess who made me like this. If you turned Andromeda to stone Athena would be furious. Turning the serpent to stone wouldn’t hurt either. After all, Poseidon is the reason why Athena was even mad to begin with. If he hadn’t made me fall in love with him, I never would have been turned into… this! And besides, if you turn that monster into stone, you’ll be a hero! You won’t even need to barter the fates for your fame like Achilles did! You’ll be famous without any drawbacks! Though if you go back on your word and marry the princess, I swear I’ll be cursing you from the underworld. You’ll have to live with that regret for the rest of your days. Knowing that you angered an old priestess tired of the world and its trials. So, do we have a deal?

Second Place Winner!

Title: “Are You There God? It’s Me Cassidy”
By: Amira Reid, Age 16, Ontario, Canada
Description: A teenager reaches out to God to get some answers about her recently dead friend.
Genre: Dramatic

People come to you when they need answers right? I guess that’s why I’m here, I need an answer. I want to know why she did it, and why I was stupid enough to never suspect her. I mean that stupid account basically ruined my life! I know that’s weird to say now that she’s dead, but everyone was talking about me, laughing at me, and making fun of me. Ellie helped me pick myself up by day, and by night wrote about how hilarious it all was in her diary. Am I even allowed to be mad at her? She was my best friend and I loved her so much, but how can I watch the entire school honour her memory and think she’s a saint when she was the reason most of the students were depressed? Listen I don’t know how this works exactly… I’m not … you know the religious type. I don’t suppose you can just locate her quickly up there and ask why she did it and then pass the message on to me? (waits for a response) Yeah… I didn’t think so.

Third Place Winner!

Title: “Liar”
By: Alyssa Flowers, Age 14
Description: This person has been lying for so long they are not sure why want to stop.
Genre: Dramatic

Someone who knows me well enough might call me a liar. I call it decorating the truth. I mean, what you don’t know can’t hurt you, right? I’ve been this was as long as I can remember. Everyone around me thinks I am a goody two-shoes, always doing everything to the best of my ability, wouldn’t hurt a fly. The only person who sees me for who I truly am is my best friend, Rebecca. She is the one who taught me how to lie without giving myself away. It’s come in very useful with the lie detector tests I’ve been through. I know I should start telling the truth, but honestly, it’s nice when people think you’re better than they are. It’s nice when they think you have everything they don’t have. It gives you a superior feeling. And I don’t think I want that feeling to go away quite yet.

December 2021

First Place Winner!

Title: “Campaign Speech”
By: Jared Goudsmit, Age 18
Description: Dean goes full populist in his bid for Class President.
Genre: Comedic

Look, I could talk credentials. I could tell you all about my experience in the JROTC. I could flex my Debate Club prowess. I could mention offhand that I am, in fact, an Eagle Scout. I could, but I won’t, because I’m not here to show off.

No, I’m here to talk about you. You get up every day before the sun rises. The bus is late. Your locker is jammed, the custodial staff couldn’t care less. Your desks are full of busywork, your lunch trays are full of mush, and your teachers are full of – you know, uh, nonsense. I say it time and time again: This whole operation, this machine they’re running you through, it has no interest in you.

Now, I’ve pushed for reform! But when I try and do something to fix this place, I’m dismissed. “We are not hiring caterers, Dean, eat your casserole.” “Dean, the Anglerfish with a Missile Launcher is not an acceptable school mascot.” “Foolish Dean, the hallway is no place for a Slip ‘N Slide.” We’ve all heard it, in the same condescending tone, a million times before: “You’re just a child.” Well, po-tay-to, po-tah-to. You say I’m “just some kid,” I say I have fourteen years of life experience, thank you very much, and when I’m elected? I’ll stop at nothing to get you what you want.

Now, my opponent has credentials. High class rank, Honor Society… every teacher’s favorite. Rose is a shoo-in, right? I see the appeal. I mean, she works like a, uh… oh, what’s the word? Right! A machine.

So go ahead. Vote for Rose… if you’re content. But if you’re fed up with the powers that be, if you’re sick and tired of being overlooked, if you want to see a Tammany Hall Junior High that reflects your needs… if you’re like me? Then Fight the Machine! And vote for Dean.

Second Place Winner!

Title: “A Look into my Mirror”
By: Gracyn Eitel, Age 14
Description: A Look into my Mirror
Genre: Dramatic

When I look at myself in the mirror, I don’t see my looks. I see the inside. You see, when I was little, I was a naughty troublemaker. But, like most children, I eventually learned from my parents how to be kind and loving. They taught me by their example. It was a happy childhood. I even had a horse! Every night Majestic and I would ride to where the sun touches the earth. I was devastated when he died. But losing him taught me that sometimes life is sad. It taught me how to grieve. When I got my first iPhone, I spent days glued to the screen. I didn’t even realize what I was missing out on. It took a while, but I finally decided to put the phone down and live in the real world. That’s when I learned to be social; To appreciate my friends and family. Then there was the time I was sitting in a classroom facing the chalkboard. The science teacher was teaching us about watersheds. I learned that creeks and rivers carve and shape their way, leading to a big body of water. This got me thinking about myself, and all the things that have shaped me; They are like the creeks and rivers of my life and I am that big body of water. My parents, Majestic, even my iPhone, have made me who I am today. I guess that’s how I’m able to look past my appearance. When I look in the mirror today, I see the inside. I see me.

Third Place Winner!

Title: “The Crush”
By: Nicholas Schaeffer, Age 12, Ontario Canada
Description: A nerdy kid asks his friend for advice on how he can talk to a girl he finds cute.
Genre: Comedy

I need some advice. (Shyly) I kinda like the new girl Jessica. (Quickly warning!) But you can’t tell anyone ok! I’m just not sure the best way to approach her. (In a very nerdy way) Statistics show that the easiest way to get someone to like you is to be popular. But I’m not popular. Science also shows that to become popular you should spend time with popular people. (Snaps fingers with idea!) Wait a minute. Why don’t I talk to Jake? He is definitely the coolest kid in school. How can I impress him? Throw a football 20 yards? Break the school record in track and field? Do a backflip? Ugh! You’re right. Who am I kidding? I can’t do any of those things! I’ve got it. I’ll just give him the answers for the test. That’s easy. That will totally make him think I’m cool. Next thing you know, I’ll be popular. Maybe then I’ll get up the courage to talk to Jessica.

November 2021

First Place Winner!

Title: “Embodiment”
By: Audrey Robbins, Age 13, Florida USA
Description: A monologue about girls struggling with social status
Genre: Dramatic

There are always days when you feel horrible, but what if it’s every day? What if you never feel happy or excited about anything? What if you wake up every day feeling like you just want to disappear, sink into a cloud of nothing? I can’t speak for every girl, but I can speak for the ones who know what I’m talking about. Every day you wake up and put on multiple outfits and hope one isn’t too revealing or “slutty” or hope it’s not too boring or basic because the standards people set for you are either high or low and you have to meet the standard or you have to go above and beyond to prove that you are something. You take a few minutes to decide how you’re going to do your hair and how you’re going to do your makeup and if you even want to do makeup. You hope and hope no one criticizes your hair or your clothes or your makeup. Sometimes you don’t even want the good compliments because they make you feel bad because you feel like what you wear shouldn’t matter. People can take one look at you, and make a judgement that lasts a lifetime. You could have one bad day and it could ruin everything.

Second Place Winner!

Title: “Driven”
By: Tessa Lassinger, Age 15, Washington, USA
Description: An overachieving teen boasts about her involvements and dreams.
Genre: Comedic

I guess you could say I’m driven. I mean, I have goals and ambitions and I know what it’s gonna take to get where I wanna go in life. I typically spend about two hours a day here at the library after school, then I either head to violin, lacrosse, or karate. Oh, and I’m really looking forward to spring break. This year I’m going on a mission trip to South America. I’ll get to practice my Español. Actually, I speak five languages, but this mission trip will be great because it will really set me apart on my college applications. Speaking of college, I am planning to get a perfect 1600 on my SATs which is why I’m studying right now. No rest for the wicked. Speaking of Wicked, I am playing Glinda in our school version of the Broadway musical this spring. This really cute guy is the stage manager and he asked me out this Friday night. But I mean come on people! I don’t have time for a social life. I have dreams.

Watch a video performance of this monologue here!

Third Place Winner!

Title: “Truth”
By: Shirley Andoh, Age 16, Pennsylvania USA
Description: Claudia moves through emotions following an accident that is her fault.
Genre: Dramatic

Claudia: (Yelling) I’m not going to tell the police what happened Jayla! Unlike you, I don’t want to go to jail. I’ve been trying to stay away from jail all my life and I’m not going to go there over something this dumb. You took care of her didn’t you? So there’s no need to tell the police anything. Almost my entire family has been in jail before and I want to be the one to set an example for my family’s next generation. (Breaks down and begs) Please don’t turn me in. I’m begging you Jayla. Please don’t turn me in. (Beat. No response from Jayla) You know what, do whatever. I’m tired of you acting all goody-two-shoes. I can’t be like you, and I don’t want to be like you anyway. But trust me, if you say anything to the police, I will never forgive you for that. It’s not like I intentionally hit her. Yes, I was driving but we were both drunk. (Consider ending the monologue here or continue through the end with Claudia taking responsibility.) I’m sorry Jayla. I will tell the police everything that happened. I know the right thing and I have to do it. Everyone has to face the consequences of their actions and I guess I have to face mine too, no matter what it may be. I’m sorry I gave you a hard time before.

Fourth Place Winner!

Title: “Life Can be Hard”
By: Emma Lugo, Age 13, USA
Description: A spoken word piece reflecting on the speaker’s mother who lived in foster care.
Genre: Dramatic

Her life didn’t go as planned but no one will ever understand
I wish I could have held her hand
and told her everything was going to be ok
Because she always lived in pain
Yet she never complained
I saw that face she made whenever she heard that name
Because she remembered that day
And tried to hold in that pain
That felt like rain
And she tried to play the same
But she knew it wasn’t going away
Until she coped with the pain
and let the pain heal itself away
She is very inspiring to me
From what I see
Because everyone left her all alone
With no place to go
No one knows what she’s been through on the inside
Because she hides what she feels
Too afraid to reveal
People might judge her
But they don’t know her like I do
And what she’s been through
So don’t judge someone without knowing them on the inside
And what they’ve been through

Remembrance Day Monologues 2021

First Place Winner!

Title: “A Word to the Living”
By: Sophia Blakely, Age 17
From: Ontario, Canada
Description: A ghost of a soldier attempts to dissuade living soldiers from continuing to fight in what he believes to be a losing war.
Genre: Dramatic

[Austerely] Those men who still have their living wits about them, listen well to what I’m about to say. The world is cruel. That fact is without debate. [Scornfully] I have witnessed first-hand how vile men can act in times of war and tyranny – all in hopes of their survival, and possible glory. But that is strikingly less noble. I was not unfamiliar with traversing trenches – walking back and forth as the pools of mud tried to swallow me whole. I first maneuvered that path when I was younger than most of you are now. Though I’m not young anymore. Really, I’m not much of anything. [Dejectedly] It was an unfortunate thing to be my age in a war like that. If you fought well, you were guaranteed a spot in the next one. We all learned that lesson too late. [Dementedly] So, I’ll say this to you. If it’s glory you seek, go home. If it’s pride that’s keeping you here, go home. And, if it’s a life you want at the end of this, go home. Had I known better, I would have done the same. It bodes well to be a coward at a time like this. [Absently] Ah, but death is calling me back. How sweetly she beckons. Adieu. Adieu. Adieu…[Trails off]

Second Place Winner!

Title: “Death No More”
By: Lauren Mohr, Age 14
From: Manitoba, Canada
Description: A soldier finds out they have died in battle.
Genre: Dramatic

The last thing I remember is trying to duck from the horrific sounds coming from the other end of the field. I felt pain and then…black nothingness. I woke up in a familiar place. I couldn’t remember but then it came to me…I was home. Finally, no more feelings of fear and terror. No more death. No more loss. No more depression. I made my way out to the kitchen and then I saw her. The beautiful woman I was going to marry one day standing there just in her beauty alone. We are only sixteen, so Mom thinks we’re too young, but one day it’ll happen. I just know. The feeling of excitement came up inside of me and I ran to her, to comfort her from feeling alone. But then I realized that tears were overflowing from her eyes. She fell to the ground. Sadness filled the room when I saw it. The paper she was holding with my name and the time of death. William Jones 15/05/1942.

Third Place Winner!

Title: “Letters”
By: Maddie Hazeu, Age 14
From: Manitoba, Canada
Description: A letter to a fallen soldier from a wife.
Genre: Dramatic

My Love Charlie,
I miss you. I know you said to stay strong and to take care of the family for you, but it is hard. Not a day goes by that I don’t think of you. I hear the sound of marching boots in my dreams, wondering if you’ll ever come home. Every time the doorbell rings, I’m scared to answer for fear of bad news. Don’t think I’m not proud of you love, our country needs you. You trained hard and worked harder, being more than just a soldier to most. Charlie, please do your best to make it home and meet your son. He has red hair, and brown eyes just like his father. I hope this letter (with pictures included) reaches you in good time, and that you may find joy and comfort within. We miss and love you so much.
From your Love,
-Catherine and baby Jake.

October 2021

First Place Winner!

Title: “Is That What You See?”
By: Briana Rivera, Age 16, New York, USA
Description: Anita, a character from West Side Story is talking to her brother Bernardo. (Inspired by West Side Story but stands alone as a monologue.)
Genre: Dramatic

Is that what you see? Is that really how you feel? We have barely been here for a year and you wanna give up now? I can’t believe it. We grew up with so little money and you wanna go back? I know you think Puerto Rico is amazing, and it is, but we struggled so hard to make a living there. Sure, it was fun going to beaches and being with friends and having the time of our lives, but we can’t go back. It’s time to grow up and live a life we dreamed about. I wanna work at this design store and show people my talent, and you wanna run away? No! (angrily) We worked too damn hard to give up now! I don’t care if you don’t like it here, suck it up and deal with it. This isn’t just for us, it’s for our future. I regret having to leave our family but they’ll join us soon. You know that we need to do this, not only for us but for them too. Listen to me, we have never, ever had an opportunity like this before. We’ve never been given a chance to change how we live. Think about our siblings who are growing up how we did– is that what you want for them? To get bullied and called worthless– do you want that? I would regret that for the rest of my life if that ever happened. Stay. Please, I need you. They need you. We need you.

Second Place Winner!

Title: “Crumbling Beauty”
By: Xavier Johnson, Age 17, Pennsylvania, USA
Description: Jessica struggles with depression and shares how difficult it is to get through the day.
Genre: Dramatic

So, this is what I do when it seems like the world is against me. When everything feels like it’s crap and my world shatters into numberless little fragments: I take a steaming hot shower, feeling each red-hot drop like a needle piercing my skin; the pain I feel is numbing. But, through the numbness, I still manage to find a way to cry. I sleep for a few hours or even a few days and eat all the junk food in the fridge and pantry. I try to laugh it off and tell myself that I’m okay…and maybe cry a little bit more. (Pause) When I look around and realize that the world hasn’t come to an end yet and the buildings around me are still standing and people are still living, that’s what I realize what I have to do: get out of bed, throw away the crumbled junk food wrappers along with the tear-soaked tissues, and put on my best clothes and go out and live.

September 2021

First Place Winner!

Title: “The Monster Under My Bed”
By: Sarah McCroan, Age 15, Georgia, USA
Description: A young person struggles with the ugliness of the world.
Genre: Dramatic

When I was a kid, I used to be afraid of the monster under my bed. I’d toss and turn all night, afraid that one day it would take me! For years just the thought of it gave me nightmares. But as I got older, I let go of that fear…or so I thought. When I started middle school, I was bullied for my “fascination” with insects. My dad is an entomologist, so he got me interested at a young age. This “fascination” earned me the nickname “Roach Girl” after I caught a roach during class. That’s when I realized that the monsters aren’t under my bed, they are all around me. And in high school, the bullying got worse. The monsters there would attack you for the smallest thing like staring too long, not giving homework answers, or even just saying no. I’m surprised most people can’t see through their hand-crafted disguises. Those painted on faces, fake smiles, and pretend emotions are all designed to fool you into thinking they’re good. You know, the kind of monster that records a fight rather than breaking it up? The ones that have no shame hurting people. I thought I could fight back to expose them. I mean the world would be better without them, right? I tried to fight fire with fire, but there are too many. So, I gave up. For months I felt like a failure, and I couldn’t sleep. Then one night it happened again. I felt that old urge to check under my bed. I was horrified by what I saw- a nearly perfect figure of myself, but the image twisted. It was awful looking and had teeth that could bite someone in half. That’s when I realized that monsters truly are everywhere. They are all around me because I was one too. I am the monster under my bed.

Watch a video performance of this monologue here!

Second Place Winner!

Title: “Military Family”
By: Emily Newland, Age 17, Georgia, USA
Description: A young person ruminates about their military family.
Genre: Dramatic

You shouldn’t be upset about not getting what you want, especially when what you want is so materialistic. Be thankful for what you have, for who you have. You have two parents who love you, who are always there. You have the liberty of not worrying about whether your mom will come home. Or if your dad will come home- as himself. I cherish the moments I have with my family because I know that at any time, they can be taken away from me; Off to fight some war and never come back. Or even worse, when they do come back, they’re a little less themselves. Do you know how it feels to know that the people you love are suffering – that internally they’re losing themselves? Do you know how it makes a little girl feel to see her parents fade away? No. No, you don’t. Stop being so selfish and appreciate what you have. I would do anything to get my family back.

Third Place Winner!

Title: “Space Unicorns”
By: Jayla and Selene, Age 13, New South Wales, Australia
Description: An astronaut gives a rather enlightening talk about space.
Genre: Comedic

(Astronaut enters, tripping and staggering) Sorry, sorry, my legs are still getting use to gravity. Thank you for coming to my seminar on “Gallivanting through the Asteroid Cosmonaut Magnitude of Outer Planets through Orbit.” For the kiddies out there… SPAAAACE! To get to space, first I had to go seventeen-thousand-five-hundred miles per hour. Or FAAAAST! And it’s very cold in space-brrrr! It’s minus two hundred and seventy degrees Celsius! Lucky my granny knitted me a warm jumper! And let’s not forget about the leg warmers! She was like … (Turns dramatically to the side, lowers glasses and hunches over, shaking a finger, mimicking granny.) “You young whipper-snippers don’t know how lucky you are! Back in the day, if we wanted to go to space, we had to build our own rocket ship. We weren’t given one by NASA.” (Straightens up again) A lot of people think I went to space to explore the planets, but I was just trying to escape my old granny! Next thing I know, I’m working for NASA. Lucky, I liked the suit! (Holding up a real rock, or pantomimed rock.) Here’s a memento I brought back from space. You’ll know it’s from space because it’s labelled “space rock”. You bet that I’ll be selling this on eBay for millions! But we don’t want people putting googly eyes on it and turning it into a pet rock, so I think I’ll keep it. (Drops rock on foot, hops around, clutching his toes.) Shi-Schnitzel with gravy! Schnitzel with gravy! Sorry, I keep forgetting I’m on Earth, where gravity exists. Since returning home, I’ve dropped eggs, the family dog… I’ve even dropped a mic, not on purpose though. Wasn’t even saying anything clever … Anyway, why I’m here today is no laughing matter. I’m here because when I was in space, I saw a massive group of unicorns flying with swords in their mouths. NASA says hallucinations are simply a side effect of being in space, like when astronauts report seeing streaks of light that come from nowhere. NASA says they are just cosmic rays-tiny particles launched by the explosions of distant stars-But I say they are UNICORNS! And because NASA doesn’t believe me, or they think I ate too many Mars bars and am lacking oxygen, they’ve dismissed it. BUT I’M TELLING YOU, I SAW THEM! WITH THEIR MASSIVE HORNS! RUN FOR YOUR LIFE PEOPLE! THEY’RE COMING FOR US! (Disorientated, lies on the ground, trying to run away, makes a dramatic exit.)

August 2021

First Place Winner!

Title: “Sorry”
By: Thato Sibuyi, Age 17, Haenertsburg, South Africa
Description: Amy and her team just lost a competition that had a large amount of prize money. Amy really needed that money.
Genre: Dramatic

SORRY? (Hysterical laughter) Sorry? Really that’s all you have to say? We just lost thousands of dollars and you’re sorry? (Angry) No. You don’t get to be sorry. You don’t care, not enough to be sorry. You did this competition for fun, and the prize money was just the cherry on top for you. I put my life on the line for this! You go home to a big house, with working lights and food on the table. I’m going to go home to a two-bedroom house and pray to God we have enough to pay for the electric bill. The bill that I was supposed to pay for with the money that I was supposed to win from this competition. (Angrily) And you want to know why we lost, Jack? Because of you! You and Lisa going at each other’s necks the whole time! You couldn’t set your pride aside for two hours? TWO HOURS for the greater good of everyone else, but no! That didn’t work for you, did it? (Starts crying) I did everything, EVERYTHING in my power to win this, and all my efforts were wasted. You’re not sorry. Not for losing this, you’re okay, you lost nothing. You just feel bad because some of us really cared, and that’s not sorry, that’s pity. And I don’t need that from you. So don’t tell me you’re sorry, cause I’m not buying it.

Watch a video performance of this monologue here!

Watch another video performance of this monologue here!

Second Place Winner!

Title: “Shrimp Fried Rice”
By: Jeremiah Reid, Age 16, North Carolina, USA
Description: A person who takes things a little too literally gets quite upset when their date orders shrimp fried rice.
Genre: Comedic
Woah, woah, woah! Hold on just a minute here waiter. I wasn’t gonna say anything before, because I’m no marine biologist, but if she (gestures across) is gonna order that, I’m gonna have to speak up. Now, when I saw it on the menu I did some research, and I am fairly certain there is no way that is possible. I mean, shrimp? Frying rice? The very concept is preposterous! There are a million issues I can think of! There is no way shrimp could get their tiny little hands on the frying pan, and I don’t think they have the brain capacity to know when rice is done cooking. On top of that, there has to be a health code violation here! I mean, it says on the menu: “warning: consumption of raw meat or poultry may cause food poisoning,” but it doesn’t say anything about consumption of food prepared by meat or poultry! (Turns across) Look, I’m gonna be honest. I was fully prepared to propose to you tonight. I have the ring and everything! But if you are seriously going to give in to the delusions of this restaurant and order “shrimp fried rice,” I don’t think I can anymore. In fact, I think we should see other people. This is false advertisement, and I will not, no, CAN not stand for it! Can you imagine walking into the kitchen to see an army of little crustaceans manning the grill? It’s insane! It’s delusional! The only explanation I can think of is a sort of ratatouille situation, where there’s a shrimp controlling the human cooking the food, but if that’s the case the shrimp certainly shouldn’t be mentioned in the name of the dish! I mean what’s next, “manta ray steamed vegetables?” Oh OK, now I’m “causing a scene?” You know what’s causing a scene? THE FACT THAT YOU HAVE SHRIMP PREPARING FOOD! I can’t take this tomfoolery anymore; I’m taking my business elsewhere! Good day to you sir, but a terrible day to whoever decided to claim shrimp could cook! (Storms offstage)

Third Place Winner!

Title: “Who Do You Think You Are?”
By: Kathryn McAllister, Age 12, Minnesota, USA
Description: Olivia meets a girl who might just take her place as the dance captain, and she is not happy about it.
Genre: Dramatic

Excuse me, yeah hi. I’m Olivia, the dance captain. That was a pretty good dance routine, but it’s nowhere as good as the one I did when I auditioned for the squad. I know you think you can just waltz in here and take my place, but I got news for you, it’s not happening. I mean who do you think you are? Trying to take the place I worked so hard to get. You are a monster. And again, I say WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE? I know who I am, I’m the queen of this place and there is nothing you can do to change that.

July 2021

First Place Winner!

Title: “Scared of the Dark”
By: CJ Lawrence, Age 14, Minnesota, USA
Description: A girl explains to her brother why she doesn’t go out at night.
Genre: Dramatic

You’re asking why I don’t go out alone at night? Well, let me tell you. I don’t go out alone at night because of the possibilities. Now don’t get me wrong, there are so many good possibilities hiding in the darkness. Seeing all of the stars and constellations, finding an underground party filled with bright lights and happy faces, seeing the world from a different perspective than I see during the day. These are all reasons I want to go out at night. But there are also the reasons that I don’t. They’re also the reasons I walk against the flow of traffic, why I carry pepper spray in my pocket, and text my friends my location every time I go on a date. Because yes, the night holds good possibilities. But it also holds so dark ones. And if I’m being honest, the bad things outweigh the good. So I settle for staying home at night. That way I don’t have to worry about all of the things that could go right or could go wrong if I go out into the darkness.

Watch a video performance of this monologue here!

Second Place Winner!

Title: “A Seagull’s Struggle”
By: Chris Foley, Age 12, Newfoundland, Canada
Description: A seagull struggles to find satisfaction in life.
Genre: Comedic

So I’ve come to the conclusion that life is unfair. I’m not really sure if you’ve noticed, but I’m a seagull. Remember me? I’m the guy that steals all your french fries when you drop your food in the parking lot. I think a lot of people assume that I have it easy. I don’t like that. I don’t like that at all. You humans have just about every opportunity that life has to offer. But not for me! Nothing for Mr. Seagull other than flying around aimlessly and eating stray garbage. I used to think it would be great if I could just swim, you know, underwater like a fish. They seem so happy, swimming around, enjoying life, shouting insults at me. Not all fish are horrible though. This one time, I was flying above a river, and I saw what I thought was a piece of food. I swooped down to get it and caught it in my beak. As it turns out, it was actually a live salmon named Barry. So I put him back in the river. I didn’t really want to kill a man on a Saturday afternoon. And once he stopped spouting nonsense in between screaming and hyperventilating, I told him about my whole swimming ordeal and he agreed to help me learn to swim. I tried, but I should’ve known it wouldn’t work. I have to face it. I’ll never be able to swim. I just wasn’t born for it I guess. Some people tell me to just live with it and move on. Find happiness in what I already have, but how am I supposed to do that, when the most interesting thing I do on a day-to-day basis is orchestrate french-fry heists and fight crows over old sandwiches? Trust me, that sounds a lot more exciting than it is. I just don’t get it. Everyone else seems to be happy with what’s handed to them…ecstatic, even. Why am I the only one who isn’t satisfied?

Watch a video performance of this monologue here!

Watch another video performance of this monologue here!

Third Place Winner!

Title: “When My Dreams Come True”
By: Owen Leung, Age 12, Sydney, Australia
Description: When a gamer gets the PS4 all their dreams come true. Or do they?
Genre: Comedic

It was time! Time to finally unbox my new PS4 console. I’d spent so many hours online just waiting to click “purchase.” I didn’t care if it was pricey because I knew that it would be totally worth every single dollar. When I unboxed the console, I was in awe. I had gotten two games, Rocket League and Uncharted the Lost Legacy. Both had really great reviews. I plugged in the console and put batteries in my controller. Click! The machine booted up and I was ready to play. After a few hours, I had won several matches of Rocket League so I switched to playing Uncharted the Lost Legacy. Playing this game was like being in another reality. It was soooo good. But then do you know what happened? PS5 was announced! I was furious! I should have saved up more pocket money, but I was too impatient. But there was nothing I could do about it, so I just kept playing. Holding and gripping my controller, I could feel the vibrations bursting through my hands. Then BOOM! My game crashed and the console overheated. My gaming career is over. I’m devastated. All that money, all that effort, all for nothing. Now I’ve gotta save up for the $700 PS5. It will probably take me 2 years. Then with my luck, the PS6 will be announced.

June 2021

First Place Winner!

Title: “The True Feelings of Godzilla”
By: Jordan Onyia, Age 10, Newfoundland, Canada
Description: Godzilla is looking for a little understanding as he apologizes for his actions.
Genre: Comedic

Guys, I know I knocked over a couple of buildings, but if you were my size, you would too. I’m not such a bad guy if you really get to know me. I don’t mean to alarm you. I bet you’d scream too if you stubbed your toe on a corner store. Oh, and sorry about the hot dog guy, he made me mad when he got my order wrong. It gets lonely being this big and living in the ocean. That’s why I thought the Statue of Liberty would make a nice girl friend. Sorry I knocked her over. It was an accident. By the way, it is hard to turn with a tail this long. Sometimes, stuff gets swept away, you know. Tell City Hall that I’m sorry their building is now a boat. So give a monster a break will ya?

Second Place Winner!

Title: “My Mistake”
By: Ruby Whitehorn, Age 17, Michigan, USA
Description: Nationally ranked high school basketball player struggles with making the decision to confess using steroids for the championship game.
Genre: Dramatic

Pops, my national ESPN ranking dropped from #1 to the very bottom of the list. Everyone thinks I am a cheater. A fake. All my hard work, just thrown away. What am I supposed to do? Playing basketball is my whole life, my dream. Now it is all over because I made one mistake. Because I gave into peer pressure. Because I gave into the stress I’ve had to deal with. Because I doubted myself and got tired. How do I fix it, dad? What can I do to get back to #1? Do I lie about it and deny it, or do I come clean and tell the truth? I guess there is no hiding from it now. My coach knows, my teammates know, my friends know, social media knows, and worst of all, my friends and family know. Everyone knows I used steroids before the championship. I’ve let everyone down. I’ve disappointed everyone. Maybe I don’t deserve to be #1 again. There’s only one way to make this right. I’m going to issue an apology, and I’m going to accept whatever consequences come along with it.

Third Place Winner!

Title: “Mother of a Reader”
By: Dittamo, Age 12, Virginia, USA
Description: A mother wants her daughter to stop reading and help out around the house.
Genre: Comedic

Jessie? Jessie! Come do the dishes! You can’t? Why not? You’re reading? Oh well. There are worse things.
Jessie? Jessie! Help me with the groceries! No? You’re at a good part? Fine. Just this once.
Jessie? Jessie! Can you watch your brother for a bit, while I go out? You’re almost done? Ok. I’ll hire a sitter.
Jessie? Jessie! Will you please take out the trash? You’re busy? Five minutes, that’s all.
Jessie? Jessie! Help me set up for your sister’s party! Put down that book! Right now! Oh, your favorite character died? I’m sorry. I’ll let you mourn. Don’t worry. Take all the time you need.
Jessie? Jessie! Fold your laundry! You’re at a boring part? Then why can’t you help? Ohh. You have to get through it, so you can read the more exciting part? Ok…
Jessie? Jessie! We’re going to the bookstore! Oh, so now you’re available.

May 2021

First Place Winner!

Title: “Brunch”
By: Jack Lassman, Age 13, New York, USA
Description: Sharon, a mother from Savannah, Georgia, speaks to her group of friends.
Genre: Comedic

Hello girls! How are we? Great! Glad to hear it. Melissa, how are your girls? Wonderful. Barb, how is Dave? Sorry, I meant how is he for you? Does he make you happy? Does he make your kids happy? Does he have a good job? Because I have a list of perfect matches for you if you ever need to take a gander. No? Okay. Well girls, today has already been the craziest day of my life. After I woke up and got the kids fed, I went to get ready for today’s brunch. Well, I walked into the bathroom to do my lady things and after I came out, I noticed something on my blanket. Yes, the Versace one. Naturally, I went to investigate and saw a sight so horrific I might never recover. What was it you ask? It was a big, green frog! I know! I grabbed the nearest object and smashed that little stinker till he was flatter than Flat Stanley himself. Now hold on, why are you girls suddenly so angry? I shouldn’t have smashed it? Well I didn’t enjoy smashing it. I mean, the frog was asking for it. If you lay one of your webbed fingers on my Versace blanket, you better prepare to be smashed with my stilettos. Of course I love animals. Just not on my stuff. The relationship I have with animals is the same as the one with my dear husband. I love you, just keep your distance and we won’t have any altercations. I’m not going to put the frog in a cup. Those cups are worth 50 dollars each and Rob worked very hard so I could afford them. I can’t have Kayley-Anne drinking out of a frog-infested cup. She’d die. I read that on Facebook. Well girls, I cannot believe y’all have turned on me like this. You are looking at me like I’m some murderer. The beast came into my home and ruined my stuff. I’m not to give it some food and water, and send it off with a coupon for a free spa-day. Barbara if you found a spider in your daughter’s room you would not hesitate to smash that creeper. Melissa, if you found a mouse in your home you would set up a mousetrap for sure. So why am I such a monster for smashing a frog that entered my home and crawled on my belongings. On that note, I brought some champagne so we could make mimosas, but I forgot to bring orange juice. Silly old me. I did remember to bring the glasses though so drink up because whatever we don’t drink, Robert will.

Second Place Winner!

Title: “Over The Moon”
By: Adela Fless, Age 11, Whistler, Canada
Description: Maya discovers she really wants to be an astronaut, but her parents have other plans for her.
Genre: Dramatic/Comedic

How was my day at school? Uh, you know, it was average- Just your regular old school day. Nothing special. Humdrum, basic, repetitive, run of the mill-Just plain old-fashioned school. Ugh, who am I kidding!? I’m over the moon! Pun intended! We started an astronomy unit in science class today and I really love it! Don’t act so excited. Well, we got to learn about rocket boosters. Man, those things are crazy powerful! We even did a 3D flight simulation on the computer and Billy fell out of his chair! Everyone started laughing, except me. I was too busy admiring the planetary posters on the wall. “To infinity and beyond!” Well, actually, they’re made out of aluminum or titanium. Lightweight, yet very strong! I learned about it in a book. You know, those things you always encouraged me to read? Well, I’ve been reading a lot of books about space. Wait! You’re what? I don’t want to volunteer at the clinic! I’m not going to become a doctor! (beat) Um…nothing! I said nothing! (beat) Wait! It’s just…I kind of, I- Well- Uh…I…I want to become an astronaut. I know you want me to be a doctor, but I love astronomy and I actually think I’m good at it! You both have this fantasy of me becoming a doctor, but I just don’t have the passion! Can you pass the gravy? Please? I just want you to think about how I could excel as an astronaut! I could make a discovery that could change the course of the world as we know it, and I need to start somewhere. You agree? Okay! So, there’s a big astronomy camp this summer and at the end, it turns out there’s going to be a surprise test. The person who gets the highest mark wins a scholarship to a prestigious astronomy program in the fall. If I win, I could actually have a good chance at making my dream come true! What do you say? It’s a deal? Great! Can you please pass the beef? Speaking of beef, why is beef tastier in space? It’s meatier.

Watch a video performance of this monologue here!

Third Place Winner!

Title: “They/Them”
By: Henry Jenisha Pyakurel, Age 13, Texas USA
Description: A child shares their gender identity with a parent.
Genre: Dramatic

It’s not a bad thing Mom! Just listen. Ever since I was a kid the way people referred to me always sounded odd. “She’s getting water” Or “It’s her turn” never sat right with me. My feminine name made me want to throw up, “Samantha.” But I didn’t want to be a boy. “He’s getting water” or “It’s his turn,” that was definitely not right either. I thought I was weird not feeling like either a boy or a girl. Then I found out there is actually a name for what I am. Non-binary. It describes people like me who don’t identify as either a boy or a girl. Not she or he, but they. That feels right to me. I want to use the gender-neutral name, Sam. And I have thought about this for a long time Mom, so I hope you can be accepting. I know that you think of me as your cute baby girl with her pretty dress and crown hoping to one day marry a prince. But it’s just not going to happen that way. All I am asking is that you try to be a little more supportive.

April 2021

First Place Winner!

Title: “Miss Fortune”
By: Marina Paul, Age 15, Utah USA
Description: After aspiring for it her whole life, Missy Lewis has just won the title of “Miss Fortune.” She is now being questioned about the mysterious injuries to the other contestants.
Genre: Comedic

All right, let’s get one thing straight Mr. Brown. I wouldn’t just go around murdering my competition like I was on a hunt for Black Friday bargains and clearance bin steals? Who would enter such a competition and then murder someone just ensure their victory? As this sash was laid upon me I swore to uphold the standards of “Miss Fortune”. I took a vow of charity, kindness and beauty. If you ask any of the girls they would tell you of my beauty, my kindness and my charity. Yes, I understand all the girls are in shock, or admitted to the hospital because the…but you can imagine that’s how they would all respond. When I became Miss Fortune I promised myself that I would always look at each contestant through the eyes of a girl who’s desperate shyness hides her opulent confidence to take control and get what she wants. I mean Mr. Brown, how could someone as innocent and beautiful as me grab a green knife handle and…Oh, I could never stoop to that level of foul play Mr. Brown. Miss Fortune is not a title that I take lightly. If I have to answer that then I’ll take my sash, and my baton and I’ll leave. Oh right, I can’t. Miss Fortune would never strike at a time when another contestant was supposedly answering a question about what they would supposedly do if they won the supposed title…and the entire audience was in tears about her heartwarming answer. Where was I? Well, I just happened to be in the booth cheering on my sister contestants. You see, if I was in the light booth, then there was no way I could have run down the stairs until I reached the stage and found the knife stashed in a lock box by the rigging system roughly 25 feet away from Alice. And there is certainly no way that I could have used the knife as she completed her double turn leading her offstage directly into a vegetable patterned cutting knife. I was in heels after all. Can I have my heels back now, Mr. Brown? I realize they’re a little stained but isn’t that just the sort of thing that happens as you use them? How dare you make such an accusation about an impressionable high school junior Mr. Brown! I’ve worked to the bone for this school, and this title, and I’ll work to clear my name until the blood of all past and present Miss Fortunes runs in the street and stains my heels…you believe me don’t you?

Second Place Winner!

Title: “Book Cleanse”
By: Avani Ingole, Age 14, New Jersey USA
Description: A book nerd decides it’s time to take a break from reading about heroes and heroines and start having some adventures of her own.
Genre: Comedic

I never noticed how much space books take up–in my head and in my actual room. I mean, it’s kind of sad. I didn’t think I relied on fictional characters this much, but here I am sitting on the floor in an empty apartment. My mom always used to say,
“Lizzie you need to make friends, Lizzie you can’t sit inside and read all day.”
Why not? Why deal with the drama of friend groups when you can enjoy a good mystery? I mean yeah I do have friends but ever since I was a kid books were my go to. Some kids read to escape, others read for fun. Me? I read because of the people I could be.Now that I think about it, I’ve never actually had an original thought. Everything has been taken from a book I read. Not that it’s a bad thing. Who doesn’t want to be like Elizabeth Bennet? But now that I’m going to be in college, and I’m no longer the only kid in 3rd grade who’s read Pride and Prejudice. Someone is bound to realize that Lizzie and Eliza aren’t clever nicknames that my family made for me, but names I forced them to call me so that I could be just like my favorite character. It’s hard to have your own unique personality when you spend the majority of your day reading books. Especially when the characters are so interesting that want to be them. So I’ve decided to go on a book cleanse. I have three months to create a new me for college. Obviously it’s not going well, but at least I’m trying right? I actually socialized with people without bringing up books, and now I’m going to buy paintings for my wall! They won’t look as good as the color-coded bookshelves I used to have, but that’s beside the point. The point is that I am no longer the “book nerd” who dreams of being in every book they read, cries about fictional characters, only wants to do something because the strong female character did. I am a social butterfly who has their own original personality and doesn’t rely on books for happiness.

Third Place Winner!

Title: “Zoom, Zoomy, Zoom”
By: Henry Jade Preeya-Werba, Age 13, Islamabad Pakistan
Description: A teacher struggles to teach her class virtually
Genre: Comedic

All right. Good morning, class. Welcome back to another day of online school. Hope you are all doing well. Let’s get started. Wait, before we start, um, Jason, can you please turn on your camera? It’s required to have it on. EARTH TO JASON. Please turn your camera on. JASON. *sigh* Okay, then. Oh, Felicia, can you please adjust your screen so we can see you and not your forehead? Oh- dear, that’s too much. Can you adjust it so we can’t just see your mouth? We want to see your whole face. Maybe move your screen back a little? It’s fine. We’ll figure it out later. All right, class. Seems like we can finally get started. Earl, son? You’re un-muted. Why are you watching Youtube? It’s not even the most boring part of my class yet! Ugh, Mia, please would you get out of bed? We are literally in class right now. You can’t be sleeping in class! Get out of bed and find a desk already! Sean? What is that? You can’t hear me? Oh. Uhhh, have you tried reloading the zoom page? You can’t reload zoom? Oh. How about you try to leave and rejoin? Okay? Oh no. Geena, it looks like your frozen. Are you frozen? You’re frozen. AHH, MUTE YOUR MIC DEAR. MY EARS. PLEASE. TURN. OFF. YOUR. MICROPHONE. Thank you. Moving on- oh, what a pleasant surprise! Everyone, look here! My cat, Peanut has decided to join our lesson- OH DON’T YOU THINK ABOUT IT. GET OFF MY COMPUTER. GET. OFF. NOW. *hurling motion with hands* Sorry about that. Guys,
I realize we have been doing this for months now, but we only gotta hang in for a little longer. And yes, it’s been hard, and extraordinarily frustrating, but I believe that we can do it, so let’s go to it. Only a little longer guys. We’ll be in school soon enough. Come on…And I disconnected from the lesson. In the middle of my inspirational speech. Okay, I will not cry. I will not cry.

March 2021

First Place Winner!

Title: “Felony? I Think Not!”
By: Evelin Rienzo, Age 13, Florida USA
Description: A teen explains why they are a thief.
Genre: Comedic
Hello Officer (Holds up wallet and reads name. Takes time to pronounce correctly) Tu-ff-in. Wow, no wonder you’re a school cop and not in the big leagues. I mean, with a last name like that you would be laughed out the door. (Imitates in a deep voice) “I am Officer Tuffin, you are under arrest. Anything that you say can and will be used against you.” (Goes back to normal voice) I mean honestly! You’re not tough at all! I bet I could beat you in a race. You want your wallet back? Well, here you go. (Tosses back wallet.) Oh and you might want to change your driver’s license picture, your hair is almost as bad as your last name. Whoa there, this isn’t about me this is about your horrendous drivers license photo. Whatcha got there? Oh crap I have a file?! I thought only bad kids had those. What I do is an art not a felony. It’s not my fault the principal left her purse on her desk… granted the door was locked. But that didn’t stop me! She didn’t even notice until I was in math. It was kinda embarrassing, (Imitates speaker voice) “Jackie McCartney please come to the front office.” We were in the middle of a math test! Anyway, I can’t control it. It’s like… how would I explain this to a simpleton? Okay… What do you want most in the world? Other than to change your name. For me it’s like something I want is sitting on a golden platter but I can’t touch it. Only the urge is like 10 times stronger and sometimes if I don’t steal the watch, wallet, ring, or whatever then I feel really nauseous and I vomit. Almost every kleptomaniac lives by the four W’s, it’s kind of our motto. We want wallets ‘n watches. Whenever I tell someone they look at me like I’m an idiot and should be behind bars. But honestly, that’s never going to happen, I could steal your belt buckle before you had time to put me in handcuffs. Anyways, what’s in my file? Eww! Is that my school picture? Officer Tuffin! Can I change it? The only reason I’m asking politely is because you have a taser… I mean I could have taken that along with your badge, keys, wallet, and rolex watch. (Kid has taken all those things.) Oh you didn’t notice that did you? Now, behave Officer, I don’t think the security cameras would appreciate a cop lunging at a student. Now just take your hands off the gun and put them on the table where I can see them or the watch gets it. (Speaks like talking to a dog) Good boy. Hey did I ever tell you that you remind me of my dog? Except my dog is loyal. Whoa you even growl like my dog! Sooo I’m going to go… unless you want to lecture me about something else? No? Okay, bye! Oh before I go, I think I’m gonna take this pretty little Rolex. (Can say in an annoying sing-song fashion) Goodbye Officer Tuffin.

Second Place Winner!

Title: “It’s All Because of Me”
By: Lorna McGregor, Age 12, Colorado USA
Description: A god explains why humans are greedy.
Genre: Comedic

If you had listened during history class, instead of dozing off or chatting with your friends online, you’d probably know how royalty in Ancient Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt considered themselves close to the gods. Well, I’m a prince and-believe it or not- a true god. My sister is a god too. We’re only minor deities though so we aren’t that important but we still have to go to all the meetings. Like the meeting when humans were created. Well not you guys but your ancestors. The big guy had us come in just so we could talk about making “a creature of power that can eat anything.” Now I’m not a god who would say, “Oh My Gosh! We should totally do that!” Definitely not! I can’t even believe I just acted that out… Anyway, I’m the minor deity of lies and trickery. So I said, “Sure, why not.” You see, whenever a new species is created, all of its traits are put in a big pot and left to mix. When humans were created, I snuck some things of my own into that pot. What things you may ask? Well, have you heard of the Seven Deadly Sins? I created them. My personal favorite is greed. I just love watching humans scramble for power and kill each other in the process. It makes me feel proud. But in the end I was punished for it. I was sent here to the mortal plain to live until I’m six hundred and sixty-six. Until then, I’ll just sit back and enjoy the show.

Third Place Winner!

Title: “I Don’t Like Chocolate”
By: Henry Boudolf, Age 12, South Carolina USA
Description: When you think you don’t like chocolate, but then you try it.
Genre: Comedic

I don’t like chocolate. There, I said it. I don’t like chocolate and there is nothing you can do to make me think otherwise. What good is chocolate anyway? It only comes in like two flavors! You also can’t keep it in your pocket. It’ll just melt! That gooey melted-ness along with the color is just… And in case you’re wondering why I would need to put chocolate in my pocket, it would obviously be so I could eat it at school! And I am no barbarian. I follow the rules of being a kid and remember to eat my candy BEFORE my food. And another thing, chocolate is poisonous to dogs! I have three dogs, so if I accidentally left chocolate just laying around then my dogs might EAT IT. (React to thought of what could happen to dogs.) Have I tried it, you ask? No, I have not. I have not, and will not, ever try chocolate. Not even if you pay me five bucks to do it. Or ten. Maybe fifteen. Fine, I will eat this chocolate bar for 20 bucks. (Eats the chocolate) That… WAS THE GREATEST THING EVER! Give me more please!

Watch a video performance of this monologue here!

February 2021

First Place Winner!

Title: “Stupid Cupid”
By: Catherine Young, Age 12, Texas USA
Description: A teenage girl explains why she hates Valentine’s Day while grocery shopping.
Genre: Comedic

Valentine’s Day is the most stupid holiday that has ever existed if you ask me. It’s just all of these big-money corporate companies profiting off of naive romantics by selling aphrodisiacs, like chocolates. (Picks up a heart shaped box of chocolates.) You know what chocolate’s made of? Cacao. Now, cacao looks delicious from the outside, but boy, is it disgusting. It’s grainy, bitter – just like the L word itself. (Puts aside the box of chocolates and continues on down the aisles.) Riddle me this – why should an innocent teenager be bombarded with all of this, this pink, red, artificial, sugary sweetness when just going to the store to pick up some Doritos? All I really want today is to grab these chips, head to my room, and drown out the yelling from my parent’s room with the screams from Chainsaw Massacre #2, because believe it or not, that movie is slightly less terrifying than what’s going on outside my bedroom door. (Accidentally steps on a teddy bear with a tag that says, “I Love You.”) And the worst part – everything, everything, everything, everywhere you look, has the L word on it. You know, the L word? (Whispers.) Love? Why should I have to see that word, over and over again? Every time I look at it, it feels like a punch straight to my gut. And being in a grocery store the day before Valentines, that L word isn’t exactly scarce. Why do I have to suffer through this? Why do I have to be ambushed by this word at a drugstore when it’s a word that my parents don’t even say to each other anymore? (Pauses, reigning in her emotion, and scowls at the bear.) Who would even buy such a stupid thing? ‘I love you beary much?’ Disgusting. (She reaches to put the bear on the shelf, but is interrupted by a phone call. She is now speaking into the phone.) Hello? Oh, yeah, hey Charlie. Charlie from science, right? (Pauses.) Oh, no, I don’t have any plans tomorrow. Why? Yeah, I know tomorrow’s Valentine’s day . . . ok, um, sure. I’ll meet you at the movie theatre at 7. Who else is go – oh, it’s just gonna be us? (Begins to smile.) That sounds great. See ya then! (She smiles and hangs up the phone.) I mean . . . Valentine’s Day is still stupid.

Second Place Winner!

Title: “Mrs. Wright is Wrong”
By: Jadyn Jones, Age 11, Texas, USA
Description: A teen explains to the director, Mrs. Wright, why she should be cast in the school musical.
Genre: Dramatic

(Melody, furious, walks up to Mrs. Wright to talk about the winter musical audition.)
Mrs. Wright, the selection for the school musical is downright dumb! Faith shouldn’t get the lead because she did nothing special for her audition when I worked my butt off. Somebody who actually attempted should get the part. I learned how to speak in a British accent for my audition and sang in one too! If not me, at least Violet Little, (Calming down a bit) even though her accent was more on the Australian side, but maybe that’s because she is Australian, I don’t really remember. (Is furious again) But that doesn’t matter, and frankly, I don’t care! What matters is that we can’t let Faith make this musical flop like the last one. Let me show you how she should have done the audition. (Starts speaking in a British accent.) “Hello, may I help you on this fantastic night? If I may, I recommend you get the beef wellington! It brings me back to when I lived in London, I suppose you can relate, can’t you mate?” And… scene! I hope you realize that Faith brings nothing to the table when it comes to a musical. She takes the act out of actress. Maybe she could possibly be a playwright, I’ve seen her in English class, that girl can write two pages of a five-page essay in under an hour. But don’t let her be an actress in a musical or play, especially the lead! Opening night would be a flop, and we both know that would be embarrassing for you.

Third Place Winner!

Title: “My Past”
By: Leah Garcia, Age 13, Maryland, USA
Description: A teen recounts the night her father left to her therapist.
Genre: Comedic

This was my mom’s idea. I’m really fine. It’s kind of weird to tell a stranger my life story and pour out my feelings. But I guess that’s your job, right? To listen? Well, you might want to get some more coffee. I guess it happened when I was around three or four. I know it was November because Thanksgiving was close. I got up in the middle of the night and noticed my father was packing his bag. I thought he was just going to visit friends or maybe my grandma. I remember being hungry and asked him if he would get me something to eat. He gave me some yogurt. I went to get a spoon, but before I knew it, the door slammed, and he was gone. I guess that is why my mom thinks I need therapy; to help me get over the pain. I don’t feel any pain about that. She’s always told me it isn’t my fault that my dad left. I mean come on… that happened when I was three. I’m now thirteen. I’m fine. I mean, I’ve gone most of my life knowing my father left and it’s all my fault…(starts crying) yeah my mom thinks I need someone to talk to, but I say I can just power through. I can handle it on my own. (pause) Okay, this isn’t going to go that way, is it?

January 2021

First Place Winner!

Title: “Jailhouse Wolf”
By: Konrad Poniatowski, Age 12, Pennsylvania USA
Description: The Wolf from the Three Little Pigs complains to his cellmate in jail.
Genre: Comedic

What am I in for? You’ve got to be kidding me. You don’t watch TV? You heard about the Pigs, right? Well, what they’re saying about me is fake news. The name’s Wolf, Trevor Wolf. Lemme tell you the truth about this whole “Three Little Pigs” thing. So, I walk up to the first little porker’s house to welcome him to the neighborhood. It’s not my fault that I breathe and the blasted straw hut falls over. It was made out of gosh darn hay! How does it NOT fall over? Fine. Go to jail. Get the T-shirt. Next Grunter’s house. This one is made of wood, but those sure ain’t 2x4s I’m looking at. Whoosh! Crash! Clang! The result, more time. I mean, those houses weren’t even up to building code, how am I the one being sent to jail here? (Beat) What? No! I never threatened to eat them. We never spoke any words to each other ‘til the trial! Anyway, the third swine’s house looked at least legal, until I knock on the door and a dragon pops out! That sure ain’t legal. As I was running away I knocked over a flowerpot…and I may have climbed onto the roof. But that’s only ‘cause of that dragon inside breathing fire everywhere! Don’t even get me started with the trial. I never “assaulted” or “harassed” anyone at any time. If anything, this dragon assaulted and harassed me! And the jury! That jury was supposed to be impartial? If they were impartial, I’ll eat my tail! I mean come on, 15 years in the can? Just for trying to say hello? No wait. I guess it was 17. I got 2 years just for stepping on that flowerpot. Anyway, that’s my story. What’re you in for? (Beat) Oh…you’re that guy. You didn’t eat the granny either? You know, that Little Red Riding Hood looked like a liar to me. We’re all innocent, I tell ya.

Second Place Winner!

Title: “Quarantine Diary”
By: Christopher Parker, Age 13, South Carolina USA
Description: A teen explains the craziness of quarantine to a friend online.
Genre: Comedic

I was just thinking about the first day of quarantine. I thought it was kind of like a drill, you know, like it would only last 1 or 2 days, and it would be over. Well this is NOT a drill. I’ve also discovered the stages to complete craziness. I’ve been craving just to get outside, play, or just get out and do something…ANYTHING. I mean, who wants to sit inside and do nothing, am I right? So, the stages go like this: Sit and stare at the wall, eat and get bigger, and binge watch my favorite shows on Netflix. I started to binge video games, which is when I discovered that the pandemic is kind of like a game of Among Us, right? Covid/19 is the imposter, and the spaceship is the quarantined area. This pandemic is crazy! Man…I just can’t wait to hang out in real life again. Waiting for this to end is like watching a pecan tree grow. You could call my life with your phone and it would say something like, “you’re on hold.” Is it just me, or do you feel this way too?

Third Place Winner!

Title: “Vegetarian Shark”
By: Clara Lila Drowos, Age 11, Florida, USA
Description: A shark confides in their therapist that they are vegetarian.
Genre: Comedic

You know, I don’t like being a shark. I mean, sure, I look pretty cool… (Actor pretends to look up and down their body, then smirks, but then sighs) But everyone is scared of me! Whenever I try to go talk to a little fish or even a human, they run off screaming about how I will eat them. I can’t even talk to my neighbors! It’s so unfair. Well… (Sighs) Here’s a secret. I’m a vegetarian. Yeah, I only eat plants. It’s hard under the sea, but water plants actually taste pretty great. (Grins, but then stops smiling and frowns.) The other sharks don’t like it. They say I have to eat fish like the rest of them. They say I have to eat meat like everyone else. They don’t accept me, because I’m a vegetarian shark. I feel like I don’t fit in anywhere. (Suddenly excited) Hey, look, a fish! (Turns away from the audience, calling to the fish.) Hey there! Wait, come back! I- (Sadly) Oh. No one understands me. I have sharp teeth and a scary face that everyone fears. It’s like I’m a criminal… except I never did anything wrong! That’s why I need your help. I just want to be understood.

December 2020

First Place Winner!

Title: “The Dream”
By: Quinn Garcia, Age 13, California USA
Description: A teenager recounts a dream they had to their older sibling.
Genre: Dramatic

Last night, I had a dream. We were all in it. You and Papa and me. We were all at my old kindergarten, down off 2nd and 45th. We were looking at the tall sign outside, the one where you could rearrange the letters to spell what you like. (beat) I can’t remember what it said. I wish I could. It was important, I remember. Something to do with… well, never mind. The odd thing was, there wasn’t anyone there. No parents, no children, no teachers. I didn’t think it was strange at the time, but now… it felt almost post-apocalyptic. As if we were the last people on Earth. Then we went inside the kindergarten, and I was suddenly standing on top of a ravine, and below me was a long, winding river, and mist clung to the steep edges of the ravine like gray wool to rough wood. And you were there. You and Papa, but Papa looked different now. He was just… blank. Nothing on his face, like it was incapable of emotion. And all of a sudden the edge of the cliff crumbled away beneath me and I was slipping, and you were grabbing at my clothes trying to save me while Papa (beat) Papa did nothing. It was like he couldn’t even see me anymore, couldn’t hear me screaming for help. I don’t remember screaming for help, but I know that I did, just like I know that fish can swim, just like I know everything in my dreams. I just know. And then I was falling, faster and faster, and the river, shiny and wicked, was rushing up to meet me, faster and faster and faster and then (beat) I woke up.

Second Place Winner!

Title: “Very Bad Day”
By: Lizzie Towell, Age 18, Texas, USA
Description: A teen has a really unusual very bad day.
Genre: Comedic

Well, it’s actually kind of a long story, but I suppose we have time. I woke up, and I was really tired, right? So, my eyes aren’t even open when I take a shower and wash my hair. Apparently my emo little sister left her hair color stuff in the shower, cause my hair was bright green when I took the towel off. You see this, right? It’s the ugliest color I’ve ever seen on a human being. Anyway, I try to forget about it. I figure I can deal with my sister when she gets home from school. There’s no need to have her miss anymore school than she needs to: her teachers already get a lot of practice writing the letter F. Then, mom said I had to get groceries, and the people who work at grocery stores wouldn’t judge you if you showed up riding a unicycle with a parrot on your head, so green hair shouldn’t get many looks. Well, it did, and the face painting stand in front of the store saw me as easy prey immediately. “Let us practice face painting on you,” they said. “It’ll wash right off, and you can win a Starbucks gift card,” they said. Neither of those happened. My face still looks like a giraffe dipped in acid and the Starbucks gift card had 27 cents left. I’d been humiliated, and there was no way I was grocery shopping after all that. The family can do without eggs for a few more hours. You would think that’s all the bad things that can happen in one day, right? Wrong. As I’m walking home, this child (may the Lord never curse me with the burden of offspring) screams like it’s being slaughtered by the boogieman himself. I look around and try to figure out what on this good green Earth could possibly warrant such a horrible sound when the child’s mother looks at me with the tired eyes of one who deals with a three-foot-tall chimpanzee all day. She hands me the leash to her dog as the small banshee screeches on. “She’ll forget she ever wanted this thing,” the mother says, then walks away, dragging the feral creature away and leaving me with something not much better: a dog. I can’t even take care of myself, how am I supposed to take care of a thing without a sense of self-preservation, judging from its missing leg? I don’t know, but I’m this dog’s parent now. His name is Bagel, by the way. So yeah, that’s how I ended up with bright green hair, my face painted like a giraffe, and a three-legged beagle.

Third Place Winner!

Title: “Dying to be Thin”
By: Clara Johnson, Age 17, Pennsylvania, USA
Description: A teenager explains her obsession over her weight.
Genre: Dramatic

I’ve been thin all my life. But not the “wow you’re so thin? Do you even eat?” thin. I’m only the accepted thin; where no one would even take a glance at me, ya know? I always wanted to walk into a room and be the eye catcher because of how thin I could be. I wanted to be so thin, that I wanted my cheekbones to look like they were stabbing through my skin; or my ribs begging for more room to grow. But that would be fatal, so that’s super unrealistic. Some nights before going to bed, I would stand in front of my body length mirror and just poke and grab at my fat. See, I know about all of the eating disorders, but I was never diagnosed. I still never understood why my relationship with food was different than my friends’ relationship with food. I thought it was normal to be scared around food. Every time I’d step on a scale, I felt like the numbers would explode off the screen onto my face, screaming at me to get off. I always hated physicals because then I would know how much I actually weighed. I remember at one time I was obsessed with numbers, I started counting calories, weighing myself all the time, etc. It started to become annoying and time consuming, I didn’t stop; I simply just took a break. Instead of writing down the numbers, I downloaded multiple calorie counting apps and fasting apps. I’ve been slacking really bad about recording what I ate every day. Mainly because I have a life and responsibilities; so I would just count the calories in my head, before I ate. I also compare myself to other girls, a lot. By how they look, how pretty they are, how skinny they are, if they are skinnier than me. It ruins my self-confidence and self-esteem. I’ve been doing it all my life; it’s not a great trait to have. Being a skinny girl in today’s society gives you so much privilege, no matter what race or gender you are. So, I thought if I was skinny enough; I would be accepted, and people would actually like me. However, I know not everyone will like me, but at that time it made sense. Although I’m nowhere near perfect, I still have a lot of work to do. More than half of the stuff I talked about I still to this day. I wish that every girl like me could easily start to love themselves. One day I hope to wake up and not think about my weight, or calories, or what everyone thinks, and just simply love being me, ya know?

November 2020

First Place Winner!

Title: “The Nomad”
By: Astra B., Age 16, NYC, USA
Description: A nomad tells his sister his philosophy on life and why he chose his lifestyle.
Genre: Dramatic

I can’t believe you found me, Kendra. Yes. Today is my birthday. I’m 32. Born again or this is my only birth? That I still haven’t figured that out yet. All I know is that today, this day, is my first birthday. I know that might sound ridiculous or perhaps it is, and I am the crazy one, but I feel it. Today. (pause) What do I feel? (Breathes in, breathes out.) Alive. To live, to exist and to be alive. They all balance on a tightrope struggling to remain steady over the sea of death. Because evidently with any of the three you can and will eventually go into the sea of death. Whether you jump, plummet it, tip or fall into it, is a whole other story though. You see, I know you’re most likely confused right now and to that I say you’re hugging the tight rope as you exist in this world. We all exist from the moment we come into life that’s just how it is, it’s like a chore. First, we don’t ask to be here then BOMB, we’re in the world with all these worldly duties that we have, like to be nice to your neighbors, go to school, grow up and be something, blah blah you know the rest. And on top of that, the world is full of negativity, like poverty, famine, kidnapping, disease. You know it all because you live in the world. But for the earthy humans you realize how cruel this life can be, so you just do your best to get by. It’s not the worst thing to do. It’s what I’ve been doing for 32 years. And you know why so many do it? Because it’s secure. You go to school for donkey years then you graduate. You hear so much about college all your life, so you feel like a failure if you don’t go. So, you go. And after, you follow the river of job, money, family, mistakes, money, good stories, retirement money, money and then some more money, then you have grandkids and die. I mean, I’m not judging you, as I said before, I was going throughout that order too. I hated that tie that I had to clip on to my plain button down shirt each morning, I hated the time it took to press my khaki pants just for them to get a coffee stain from eating breakfast on the go, or having to re-press from all the sitting I was doing. I hated the morning greetings, office space, computer, type, print, fax, break, small talk, back to office, yawn, staring at the clock, print, make mistake, constantly worry for the sake of my job. I’m sorry but even just thinking about it makes me pity him, the old me. I was always just walking to get somewhere, never just to wander off into some cave and get bit by I don’t even wanna know, or throw a rock over a seagull’s head in order to get the piece of bagel it was going to steal from me, or have to drive around to the nearest beach to catch a bath before families started coming in and setting up their volleyball nets. I know what you’re thinking. That’s not a life you would want to live. I know that’s what they all say. You’re all worried about me! Wondering what happened. Why I became such a slack off. But you know what? I don’t care. Maybe it’s an art to not care. Because although you see me as a lunatic, what you don’t know is that most mornings I lay flat on my back playing the stars awake with the strumming of my guitar. And I get to walk on a beach that’s empty just for me, on golden sand freshly washed by night waves. What you don’t know is that one fateful night I went to that bridge over the river of death, and instead of dropping my own life in there, I dropped the trappings of it. I dropped my working papers along with the uniforms made by society to make us all the same clones of work slaves. You don’t know the elope I have with mother nature each time I discover a new piece of her rich beauty in the unimaginable acres she has to unfold just for me. So, I realize that this life I’ve chosen is disappointing and confusing to you. But I have chosen this, and I’m happy. And I hope the best for you. Remember you only live, exist or be alive once. And this birthday boy is going to be ALIVE! I’m glad that sought me out to wish me a happy birthday, Kendra. But quite honestly, every day is my birth-day now.

Second Place Winner!

Title: “Princess Therapy Group”
By: AnnaKate S., Age 14, Alabama, USA
Description: Snow White leads a support group for princesses who have evil stepmothers.
Genre: Comedic

Hello, everyone! I’m Snow White, and welcome back to APPLES Group Therapy! Amazing, Poised, Princesses Loathing Evil Stepmothers! (whispers) It’s an acronym. We have two new people joining us today! We have Gretel and… Hansel, you do realize this is Princesses loathing evil stepmothers, right? You know what? Never mind. It’s 2020, you do you. Anyway, we are here because we all have one thing in common. We all have horrible stepmothers! I mean, mine got jealous of me, hired someone to kill me, tried to poison me, but this isn’t about me! Let’s talk about all of you! Cinderella, let’s start with you. Your stepmother didn’t let you go to the ball. How did that make you feel? Like what? Oh, you’re a princess, you shouldn’t use that kind of language. Moving on to… Ariel. While you technically don’t actually have an evil stepmother, you do have an evil aunt. She tricked you into exchanging your voice for legs. How did that make you feel? Wait, no, let me guess, it made you feel pretty… crabby! Hahaha… wrong time and place. Got it. Does anyone else want to share? No? Okay, be honest, do any of you actually want therapy, or do you just come for the free donuts?

Watch a video performance of this monologue here!

Third Place Winner!

Title: “Frosty”
By: David Black, Age 13, California, USA
Description: Frosty the Snowman complains to a fan about the song that was written about him.
Genre: Comedic

Yes, it’s me. Frosty the Snowman. No autographs right now. I’m not in the best of moods. (pause) Why? Well, you may have heard of that show. The show that was made back in the ’60s? I can’t stop thinking about it. That cheesy show with the song that goes, (singing) Frosty the Snowman was a jolly happy soul. With a corncob pipe and a button nose? (speaking) Hold it, hold it. What do they mean by a button nose? I have a long, orange, carrot nose which I take pride in. Not a small button nose like those humans. Ugh. Anyways, let’s continue. (singing) Frosty the Snowman was a fairy tale, they say. He was made of snow but the children know? (speaking) Yes, what do the children know about me? Five verses into the song and they already have so much arrogance! I am disgusted. Aside from you, I’ve never spoken to a child in my life! I’d better keep going before I hurl snowballs everywhere. Let’s see, (singing) There must have been some magic in that old top hat they found? (snickers) What top hat was that? Abe Lincoln’s? (mutters) I’m not sure if he even had magic in his hat. I wasn’t at the White House. Yes, I know what the White House is! I am not just an inanimate object brought to life by some bozo who thought he had the brains to come up with someone as amazing as me. I am real. I am an anthropomorphic being! Not someone whose father was a snowball! You know what, I’ve had it up to here with humans! Why do you think you are so creative? Of course, I knew the sun would melt me. They thought they were going to humiliate me with a show about what, a walking talking blimp who sings with a bunch of munchkins for half an hour! Why don’t you just watch the show yourself? Then you will see what I am so upset about.! In the meantime, I shall gather my genetic material off the sidewalk! I shall form my brethren, the other misunderstood snow-people of the world, and we shall fight! And we will humiliate the humans…the scum! (sighs) Or I could just live my long life out on the lawn all winter until I melt.

October 2020

First Place Winner!

Title: “The First Cat on Venus”
By: Derek Olsen, Age 11, Iowa, USA
Description: The first person to visit Venus shares a video diary about his scientific mission and the challenges of bringing his cat along.
Genre: Dramatic

Today’s date is April 5th, 2040. This is my first video diary after becoming the first earthling to visit the planet Venus. I still cannot establish contact with NASA, so I will recap for anyone who is listening. Two decades ago, in the year 2020, scientists hypothesized that the clouds of Venus might have bacterial life. My mission is to gather a sample of Venus’ atmosphere and scan it for proof of life. My trip to Venus took two months. My spaceship is small, so my only companion is my cat, which took me a while to convince NASA to let me bring. Thanks to NASA’s Food-In-A-Tiny-Box program, all my cat and I have to eat is dehydrated, compacted food. I would like to have a word with whomever thought of this. My cat can no longer taste the difference between rehydrated tuna, which he loved back on Earth, and rehydrated citrus which he would never touch back on Earth. My cat doesn’t like being weightless. He can’t climb on his cat tower or practice jumping off the tower and landing on his feet. When he jumps, he floats to the ceiling, occasionally bumps his head on the lightbulb and breaks it, making the room dark. I’ve had to replace the lightbulb twice already, so I’ve decided to tape a pillow to the lightbulb. Now my cat can no longer break it. I’m starting to regret bringing him on this mission, because that was the only pillow NASA packed for me. There’s a small gas leak in the spaceship’s cooling system, which makes a high-pitched squeaking noise. That is not good for two reasons: 1) It’s getting hot in here. 2) My cat has been looking for the squeaking “mouse” for the past two weeks. He really wants to catch the “mouse” because the rehydrated foods all taste the same. He’s looking for something that doesn’t taste like year-old toothpaste. My spaceship also brought a small blimp to Venus. This blimp will allow me to fly through the clouds and collect samples. To collect the samples, I’ll use gloves with motion sensors to control two big robotic arms on the exterior of the blimp. With these arms, I’ll scoop some of Venus’ clouds into a jar, screw the lid on, and bring the jar back to Earth. My cat is not allowed in the blimp because he might scratch a hole in it with his claws, causing the blimp to crash into Venus’ surface, where I will be cooked alive. That’s unfortunate because my cat really wants to come with me on the blimp. So, tomorrow, I’ll be boarding the blimp and getting ready to collect a cloud sample with possible bacterial life, but not before saying goodbye to my cat. If all goes well, and I’m not killed immediately by accidentally coming in contact with a deadly space bacteria, or being scorched on the planet’s surface, my next entry will be tomorrow.

Second Place Winner!

Title: “Cheating”
By: Kallie Carter, Age 17, Georgia, USA
Description: A young woman tells a co-worker about her lifetime of cheating.
Genre: Comedic

(Actor pantomimes washing and drying dishes intermittently during the monologue.)

How’d I wind up here? Well, I wasn’t supposed to be washing dishes for a living. That’s for sure. What finally got me was Harvard. The school I’ve been dreaming about since I was a little kid. It’s all I’ve been thinking about since graduation. As soon as I finished my Valedictorian speech I was done and out of high school. My mom told me it was the most beautiful speech she’s ever heard. She got calls for weeks after that praising my academic achievements. She got calls like this often even as far back as third grade. I guess I might as well tell you that that’s when cheating began. Since then I have been able to cheat my way through school like the best of them. One time at fifth grade field day, I cut holes in my potato sack to win the race. How did no one notice, you might be wondering? Two words: brown shoes. They matched the potato sack perfectly. Everyone else was left hobbling around like idiots while my brown shoes trudged through the grass. No one suspected a thing when I was first at the finish line. I was better than everyone else and that is how I like it. In middle school I got trickier. Every test I took in middle school was a breeze. Stealing the Teacher’s Edition textbook helped I guess. The night before each test I wrote the answers on my thigh and made sure to wear a skirt because if the teacher tells you to pull your skirt up, they are bound to get in trouble. As I entered high school, the cheating became serious business. I was known for how smart I was. My Junior year I hired someone to take the SAT for me. This wasn’t an easy task, but I was able to forge a test ticket. Let’s just say copy and paste is the best thing ever created. Now that you know how I got into my dream college, it’s time to tell you how I got kicked out. I was sitting in my Intro to Law class taking a test with flashcards tucked under my thigh. You thought the cheating would stop after I went to college? I walked out of the class knowing I aced it. My hot pink flashcards though were left on the seat. You can probably guess the rest of the story. The professor called my parents to inform them I was kicked out. My mom came and picked me up in her white Benz. She was speaking to me the whole way back to this Podunk town. Something about her reputation being ruined. I was too busy thinking about how fast my life has gone downhill and how easily it could’ve been avoided. If only I would’ve written the answers on my thigh and not on the hot pink flashcards.

Third Place Winner!

Title: “Ticket”
By: Celeste Pompa, Age 16, South Carolina, USA
Description: A young driver gets pulled over for the first time.
Genre: Dramatic

(The actor should pantomime driving a car and being pulled over. The actor is also speaking to a friend, hands-free on a cell phone.)

I’m sorry. I’m running late. I should be there in about five minutes. (looks in the rearview mirror, scared, and then yells in frustration) Oh no. No! Dude, I’m getting pulled over! I think I was speeding. Okay, okay, I’ll stay calm. But what do I say? cause he’s definitely gonna ask me why I was going so fast. I could tell him I was late for work. No, ’cause then he’s gonna ask me where I work and he might call them. I…I could say there was a family emergency. No, no I can’t make it too serious. I’m gonna say I had to pee. But he won’t believe that everyone says that. Holy crap! Holy crap! What am I supposed to give him again?? I wasn’t paying attention when my mom was telling me. You know what, I’m just gonna let him take me, jail shouldn’t be too bad right? Yeah right, I couldn’t last an hour in there. Omg, he’s coming, he’s coming. Okay, don’t say anything. I’m leaving you on speakerphone. (Takes a deep breath and rolls the window down.) Hi, um I know, I know. I’m so sorry I wasn’t paying attention and my song was on, you know and I was just in the groove like ” ayyy ayyy ayyy ayyy, ooouuuuuuu” (Sunflower) — oh uh sorry but my foot was just on the gas pedal, well it’s supposed to be duh, anyways just give me the ticket I’ll pay whatever. But like don’t make it too expensive because my mom’s gonna make ME pay for it and I don’t have that kind of money. Plus, this is my first time ever getting pulled over so I should get like a warning or something right? Okay, you’re looking at me like I’m crazy, I’m sorry go ahead. (Pause for a second as if listening to cop.) Wait what? For real? (Laughs awkwardly) Uhh well, I’m so sorry, oh my God, thank you so much have a nice day. (Rolls the window up, and resumes talking to friend on speakerphone.) Did you hear that? NO! He didn’t give me a ticket. I’m driving my dad’s truck. Anyways he said the tailgate was open and he saw there was stuff in the back and he didn’t want it falling out on me. (Pause) I KNOW. Like are you serious??? Girl, I was ready to go to jail (laugh) I swear the craziest things always happen to me. Anyways, I’ll be there in five minutes. Maybe ten. I’m not going one mile over the speed limit.

September 2020

First Place Winner!

Title: “Focus”
By: Elise H., Age 13, New Jersey, USA
Description: A student with ADHD talks to her teacher about her struggles with learning.
Gender: Female
Genre: Dramatic

Thanks for talking about this with me Mrs. G. I know I’m struggling with focus. I’m sure you’ve heard about it from my previous teachers too. Every year, in at least one of my classes, I feel like I’m the “troublemaker.” I’m not trying to disrespect anyone or break any big classroom rules, I just can’t focus. A big distraction for me is drawing. I draw a lot. I’ll just be sitting there in class, and my brain will start creating a story, and I’ll feel like I have to draw the characters. I know I shouldn’t doodle, and I know I’m missing the lesson, but I just can’t help it. I think you should know that about three years ago I was diagnosed with ADHD. I wasn’t surprised. I kinda knew I had it all along. I figured it out when the teachers started pulling me aside and making special charts for me to help me finish my work. I eventually got medicine for it. Sixth grade, the very first year I took the medicine, was the best year of school I’ve ever had. But it went downhill in seventh grade. For some reason, the medicine just didn’t work anymore. Maybe it was the medicine, maybe it was me, but the seventh grade was worse for me than fifth grade when I didn’t have the medicine. They kept increasing the dose, but it just felt the same. I had been placed in all the advanced classes too. Everyone was so better than me at everything. I felt out of place. That’s why I was almost relieved when I was placed in regular math classes this year. I have no problem being average. In fact, that’s my dream goal. To just be an average kid. Instead, I stick out like a sore thumb. Sometimes I feel like the only one in the whole class who has problems with learning. Honestly, I’m starting to develop insecurities.It’s easy to think that everyone’s always watching you when sometimes, everyone is. Like when the teacher announces to the whole class that you got a frowny face on your chart for the day. Or when the teacher reads your hall pass out loud and your whole class knows you spent half of the period in the guidance counselor’s office. People start to ask you questions, like “Why do you have a chart?” and “Why were you in the guidance counselor’s office?” And they don’t say it, but you know they’re thinking “Is something wrong with her?”. I know that I have problems, and I know that I’m different, but these problems are internal, and they don’t have to be shared with everyone in the class. That’s why I really appreciate it when teachers go out of their way to talk to me privately when I’m struggling with something, like you are now. I would also really appreciate it if I could be seated next to friends, or at least surrounded by people that I’m friendly with. I think the main reason I draw is that I feel lonely. It might sound weird, but when I feel excluded or unwelcomed by the people sitting around me, my brain kinda wants to distract me from how I feel, which is why it’s so hard for me to pay attention while doodling. I’ve found that in the classes where I sit next to a friend, I do much better. Well, I appreciate you listening to me, Mrs. G. I really want to make sure this year is different.

Second Place Winner!

Title: “Evil Reflection”
By: Alexis P., Age 11, Austin, TX, USA
Description: A girl talks about her frightening experiences with her evil mirror reflection.
Gender: Female
Genre: Comedic

You’re not going to believe this bit of advice, but I’d be very careful of spending too much time looking in mirrors if I were you. I learned my lesson last week. It all started when I woke up and began my morning routines. I was looking at myself in the mirror when my reflection started to waver. I stared dumbfounded at the mirror, thinking “I’m not moving, so why is my reflection moving?” Suddenly, out of nowhere, my reflection reached out and grabbed me. I couldn’t believe I just got pulled into my mirror by my own reflection! I was freaking out. Hey, don’t blame me. I think you’d be freaking out too! The inside of my mirror looked nothing like what I expected it to be. It was a big white room. I walked around and realized my mirror self was gone! I think when she pulled me in, she swapped with me out in the real world! Oh no, I thought, what if she’s evil? She must be. She pulled me in here. I have to get out! I started banging at the mirror and shouting “Someone help me! My reflection has switched with me!” After a while, I gave up and slumped against a wall. I started to wonder if I would ever get out? It turns out, in the middle of my most desperate moment, my mirror self was wreaking some serious havoc in my life by being mean to everyone and destroying my reputation! And I could do nothing. Finally, my mom entered the room, so I shouted to her, “Mom! Help me get out of this mirror!” Low and behold, she heard me and looked at the mirror. I told her the whole story and that I didn’t know how I could get out. I didn’t know, but my mom, she is a genius. She said if my reflection had pulled me in, maybe she could pull me out. She stretched out her arms, and my arms barely made it through the mirror surface, but my mom pulled me out! I started laughing and crying at the same time. Mom comforted me, and then she planned what we would do about my mirror self. We caught that evil reflection when she came home from school, and together we pushed her inside of another big mirror. She pounded and tried to get out, but she couldn’t. We took the mirror to the landfill, and I was so relieved that she was gone forever. Eventually, I repaired all my friendships, so nothing was lost on my reflection’s havoc. Just remember this the next time you look in the mirror.

Third Place Winner!

Title: “Iceberg”
By: Alex Tuzov, Age 8, Thailand
Description: A merchant ship captain has a conversation with the president of an African country about the iceberg he is towing back from Antarctica for $1 million.
Gender: Any
Genre: Comedic

Hello, president’s office? This is Captain McGrady. Can I speak to President Mumumba, please? Thank you. (beat) Oh, hello, Mr. Mumumba. How are you doing, sir? Well, I’m great! Everything is going as planned. I have this huge iceberg. Yes, my ship is tugging it. And I am steaming full speed to the east coast of Africa. (reporting excitedly) You are going to have 100,000 tons of ice in a week! Yes, ice-cold crystal-clear water for the whole country! (asking, a bit uneasy)Yeah… uh…Mr. President, I need the money. $1 million as stated in the contract… (disappointed, frustrated) Wha… what do you mean it can’t be done? But we have this agreement! The contract says $1 million for an iceberg from Antarctica. I have the iceberg. Why can’t I get the money? (confused) What? Coronavirus? Quarantine? Borders closed? The port is closed,too? But why are you only telling me about this now? You could have informed me before… I’m in the middle of the ocean, Mr. President! (angry) Wait? I can’t wait! The iceberg is melting and in three weeks it’s going to be a popsicle. (trying to joke) You are not paying $1 million for a popsicle, are you? (demanding desperately) Well, then open the port, let the Iceberg in. (beat) No? (giving a new idea, hoping desperately) Then let’s sneak it through a smaller port. (beat) (disappointed) Oh, I understand, it is too big… (selling again, inspired, excited) I still think you should do it, Mr. President. It would be the greatest thing ever to happen in your country. Tall and beautiful mountain of crystal-clear ice! Enough to provide drinking water to cities and villages for a year! Green fields and happy farmers! (brightened with a new idea, excited) Oh, did I tell you about the penguins? The iceberg comes with penguins sitting on top! Put them in the zoo and charge people three dollars to look at them. You’ll get your million dollars back in no time. The zoo is closed? (frustrated again, panicking) Well, sell them as pets. The best seller of the year! Who would not want to have a penguin at home? (beat) No? (panic) Uh…or …or…build a huge ice-slide and rent out sleds and skis! Or a skating rink! I can volunteer as a skating coach as soon as I get one million! Yeah, I played hockey. (excited, inspired with his new idea) It can be a huge ice theme park. With people skating, skiing, sledding, having fun in the snow, making snowmen, feeding penguins…! You know what, forget about it! You don’t want the iceberg? Fine. I’m keeping it! It’s worth so much more than just 1million!

August 2020

First Place Winner!

Title: “The People Zoo”
By: Alex Tuzov, Age 8, Thailand
Description: During the pandemic, a penguin in South Africa wonders why people have stopped coming to look at them. The penguin decides to venture forth to find out why.
Gender: Any
Genre: Comedic

All right! Here I am, a big plump African penguin in his prime. Come on, take your pictures. (showing off proudly, but little worried) What? No one again? Anybody? Hello? I can’t believe this! It’s been a month and no people are coming to this beach. Nobody is looking at us or taking our pictures. (worried and puzzled) Maybe they don’t like penguins anymore. What’s wrong with us? (worried, even scared at the thought) Or, maybe, it’s not us, it’s them! Right, something bad must have happened to people. They used to like going to the beach, having picnics, taking long walks, trying to feed us popcorn… yuck! But now they are all gone. It’s like a creepy predator ate them all. (to other penguins) I think We should go to people’s habitat and take a look. I know it sounds crazy! But don’t you get it? Something terrible destroyed people, and we might be in danger too. I know it’s not safe, but we can’t just sit here and wait! Who’s coming with me? (counting the volunteers, glad and satisfied that some penguins join him) Great, those are my penguins, let’s go, guys. (cheerful, brave and bold) Okay, now we have to cross this black ice river. (walks in place like a penguin) Oh, walking is hard work, how do people do that? (complains, breathing heavily) Okay, almost there. Do you hear that? Nee-nah, nee-nah… a round-feet monster with flashing lights! It’s too fast…what do we do? (scared) Huddle? Yeah, huddle huddle!!! (thinking it is the only chance to save himself and other penguins) It’s gone…that was close! Looks like the round-feet monsters are still alive. (relieved) Wait! Look at that poster, a green round monster with little crowns all over its body, is that the thing that ate people? Yeah, that must be it. A corona monster swallowed them all. (terrified by discovering the monster) You know what, I’mgonna miss them. People could be a pain in the beak sometimes, but they were big, gentle, intelligent, funny creatures. (pause) Wait a minute, look at that! They’re not all dead. There’s a little girl behind that window, and an old man on the balcony! And there and there! They are all alive! (happily, relieved and excited) But why are they locked in these cells, no one goes out? It reminds me of the place I spent my early years in – the zoo. (reminiscing) I know, corona monster locked them all in their homes. I guess now animals are supposed to go and look at people! This is hilarious! People zoo! I wish I had a camera! Maybe we can even feed them, let’s go get some fish! Tell the seals they’regonna love it!

Watch Alex perform The People Zoo!

Watch a video performance of this monologue here!

Second Place Winner!

Title: “Wish Me Luck”
By: Louis McCartney, Age 17, Northern Ireland
Description: A 16-year-old drug addict’s first day going straight.
Gender: Any
Genre: Dramatic

I think I was twelve. Yeah, twelve. I was on holiday with my family. We were driving along laughing and joking. After a while, me and my stepdad started arguing. I can’t even remember what it was over, but things got pretty heated. My mum told my stepdad to pull into this gas station, stretch our legs and chill out a bit. I climbed out of the car and walked over to the public toilet. When I came back out again, the car was gone. My mum and stepdad had left me. I walked into the shop and asked the guy working there if he saw where the car went. He could barely look me in the eye. He said he saw me walk into the toilet and as soon as that door closed my parents shared a look, ran to the car, jumped in and drove off. You’d think I’d be surprised, but I wasn’t. My parents always liked their drugs better than they liked me. I had no money and no phone. It was getting late, so I started to hitchhike. I stood there for hours, until finally I got a lift into the city. For the first few nights I slept rough. If you’re ever looking for a nice, quiet, safe place to sleep rough in a city, try a graveyard. No one messes with you there. I started to steal cars, sell them for a hot meal and a cheap hotel. Got arrested and ended up in a juvenile detention center. That place was crazy; it was like a 24/7 dogfight. The guards used to lock us in our dormitory at night and not show up again ‘til the morning. The savagery that took place there was unbearable. After I got out of there, it was back to stealing cars. Got arrested again and it was rinse and repeat with juvey. That’s where I took my first hit of heroin. You know, heroin will give you everything, but you’ve got to be prepared to give everything to heroin…and I did. This is the first day I’ve been clean in four years. But the only time I feel happy and content is when I’m on heroin, so I don’t know if I’m ever gonna’ get off it. But God loves a trier, so here goes nothing. Wish me luck.

Third Place Winner!

Title: “Wedding Jitters”
By: Astra Baker, Age 16, New York, USA
Description: At her wedding, a bride is in her head overthinking what forever would mean.
Gender: Any
Genre: Dramatic

(Actor is holding a bouquet and standing as if facing a groom in a wedding ceremony. Pulls away to face the audience.)

Until death do us part? That’s a long time. Like, forever. Forever. Like forever, forever? So many things in life take me forever. Like picking out this wedding dress. THAT took forever. Or, or picking out the wedding cake. There were just so many favors and different stores with different bakers and don’t even get me started on the fillings! But forever…with just one person? This is the biggest day of my life and I’ve been talking about fo- for- FOR LIKE FOREVER, or at least since I was able to talk and watch TV. I’d watch all those beautiful brides walk down the aisle, looking so beautiful in their elegant gowns, hair done so perfectly, holding the loveliest flowers just below their glowing faces, bursting with joy, faces decorated with the biggest smiles, bright as jewelry, every one of them feeling like they’re the only girl in the whole world. And now that’s me. (pauses, looks at groom) I love him. I truly do. From the moment we met dancing together at that festival a year ago, until the moment he surprised me on the beach, written in the sand, a proposal pulled straight from the movies. He’s the one for me. I feel love when I look in his eyes. But…forever? Oh, just look at him, with that smile that melts me. He’s my prince, for sure… but am I his princess? Can I be that for him, forever? I’ve been practicing all week. Those two little words, “I do.” Everyone in this church is staring at me. Waiting for my answer, and he is looking so longingly at me. Oh, what the heck. (turns to face the groom) I DO! (turns back to the audience) I wasn’t supposed to shout it. Now everyone is laughing at me. Oh, what the heck. I gotta get my kiss now. I’m his princess…FOREVER. (turns back to groom).

July 2020

First Place Winner!

Title: “The Life of Marilyn Monroe”
By: Jasmine Scholz, Age 17, Australia
Description: Marilyn Monroe talks at her own funeral about three important moments in her life.
Gender: Any
Genre: Dramatic

Moment #1: Funeral of Marilyn Monroe August 8th, 1962 Opens with the funeral presenter.

‘We are gathered here today to celebrate the life of Norma Jean, better known as Marilyn Monroe.’ Actress transforms becoming Marilyn. I kinda hoped to live up to more than this. But didn’t I have everything anyone could want? It was 1946, and I had been signed by Fox. I was going to be a movie star! My husband James didn’t like it. He said I was becoming a stranger to him. (Apply red lipstick.) I never wanted to marry him. I stood there, 16 years old and I thought, ‘Dear God, please don’t say those vows.’ He said em, and then I thought ‘Maybe I could run away?’ Then the priest said ‘Speak now or forever hold your peace.’ I said nothing. That’s when I became Norma Doherty. Thank god I changed it to Marilyn.

Moment #2: Marilyn Monroe productions Meeting Milton Greene + Escaping Fox

Can I be honest? Fox wasn’t so wonderful. It did give me a lot. Movies. Magazines.
Marilyn Monroe was a celebrity. Whoohoo! But I didn’t have a friend. Not until I met Milton Greene. One day I saw a beautiful portfolio and wanted to meet the photographer. When I saw him I was surprised by how young he was so I said. ‘Oh, he’s just a boy!’ and he replied with, ‘hmph she’s just a girl.’ I liked him because he wasn’t scared of me. Without Milton, I would never have escaped to New York. I wasn’t going to sign another contract for anybody but me.

Moment #3 New York / Kennedy’s birthday

In New York I found love. I was pushing myself again thanks to the actor’s studio and UCLA. But the opinions were still so loud. The most deafening moment was JFK’s birthday in 1962. I heard the voice of James Dougherty ‘Marilyn Monroe is a stranger.’ I saw the jealousy on Joe DiMaggio’s face. He didn’t want anyone else to look at me. I felt the disappointed glare of Arthur Miller. I wasn’t what he needed me to be. Everyone who ever loved me took a part of who I was. But Kennedy. Charming Kennedy. Possibly the only man who would be considered as my equal. Kennedy was the worst of them all. Because loving him took my life. I was getting better. Until I was killed, making it look like a clumsy mistake of my own hands. Even in death, I’m the dumb blonde. Who else could it happen to? There was Dorothy Kilgallen. A journalist. Who was maybe a little too good at her job. Dorothy and I had too much knowledge. And a woman with knowledge clearly, can’t be trusted.

Second Place Winner!

Title: “New School”
By: Sierra H., Age 12, USA
Description: A student moves to a new school and hates it. But there is a good reason why!
Gender: Any
Genre: Comedic

OK, listen to me I know you may think new schools are great and all, but stop thinking then. (breathe in and out) My… school… sucks. I really don’t get it.My mom said that when we moved I would love my new school. She said it had great education and good teachers but, I don’t think she has ever met them because they are not great, they’re terrible. They made me sit next to this really smart kid and told me I should help him learn because he wasn’t the “brightest.” (Starts to get worried) I mean really teacher, he was ten times smarter than me. But that’s not all they keep calling me Lauren, I’m not Lauren. I just ended up playing along with it in the end, but I was so confused. Worst of all in every class I had a test, on my FIRST day of school, and they weren’t even standard tests. They were incredibly hard. I think I learned more today than I have in my entire life! Talk about over-achieving! I mean- (looks at phone with mouth open and reads text) Hi, I am sorry to inform you, but you were mixed up with a different student. Your school is West Middle School not UGC, which is the University for Gifted Children. We are very sorry for the inconvenience. (Puts down phone) What? Well that sure explains things!

Third Place Winner!

Title: “Little Racist Things”
By: Thandie C., Age 12, New Zealand
Description: A middle-schooler talks about racism among children/kids from their point of view, in front of their class for an English assignment.
Gender: Any
Genre: Dramatic

It’s the little things that are racist. Like for example, there’s that coloured pencil, which is a peach colour, that everyone calls ‘skin colour’. That’s racist, but you never realise that until you’re older. Peach isn’t the only skin colour to exist, or maybe people just say it’s ‘skin colour’, because they think it’s the only one that looks good on their drawings. Or the only one they think is pretty. Not black. Not brown. Or when the lights are out and someone yells for your name, and you’re black, and everyone is like ‘where did you go’, ‘it so dark I can’t see you’. Again (pause), that’s racist. Just because I may be darker doesn’t mean you can compare me to pitch black. If a black person happens to wear braids to school, some say ‘you have to wear your real hair’, ‘you’re not allowed extensions’. Some of the kids pull on it, touch it, pat your hair, flood you with questions, and that’s just annoying. It’s just little things that don’t seem racist as a kid, until you’re way older, and then you realise, wow (pause), the world sucks.

Watch a video performance of this monologue here!

June 2020

First Place Winner!

Title: “Genie Blues”
By: Ethan Roberts, Age 12, Plymouth, England
Description: The genie in ‘Aladdin’ vents his frustrations
Gender: Any
Genre: Comedic

Yes, I’m a genie. It was supposed to be a secret. But now everybody knows about me because of Aladdin. You’ve got the book, the film, the stage production and of course the merchandise. There I am, Aladdin’s big fat comedy sidekick. Well, let me tell you something, life isn’t all what you see in the movies. For a start, look at me. Do I look oversize to you? No, I’m very slim actually. The director, Bob, comes up to me and says he needs a genie of ‘gigantic proportions’. Fair enough I say, puffing out my chest, I can work out … This was when I found out they didn’t want me to appear as myself in the film.Bob comes to me the next day and says, ‘I’m envisioning you in blue’. I say, ‘no problem, blue has always suited me, it’s my signature colour. Of course, he wasn’t talking clothing, he meant skin tone. So now I’m a big, blue blob! Great!… Deep breath … After I calmed down, I thought,never mind, it will still be my story, I’ll just look a bit different.‘Come and visit the set,’Bob says, ‘See how we’ve brought your story to life.’Well, I walk in and there’s sand everywhere and it looks like a holiday brochure for Tunisia. ‘Not very Devon is it?’ I say. ‘About that,’ says Bob,‘We were looking for a more ‘exotic’ location.’‘But you’re never going to find a grocery store around here are you?’, I reply.‘Hmm,’says Bob, ‘I’ve been wanting to talk to you about that.’Apparently, the true story…that I came out of a milk carton in the local supermarket when Alan unscrewed the lid, wasn’t ‘exciting enough’, it didn’t scream ‘blockbuster’. ‘We’re going with Aladdin rubbing a magic lamp to summon you instead,’says Bob.(Sighs, head in hands.) I consulted my solicitor. He said that because I signed over my rights, I have limited input on how my story is told. Something about artistic license.Of course, by this point, it isn’t my story anymore anyway. Apparently, they thought ‘Aladdin’ was the standout character. Handsome guy gets the girls and all that … and by the way she was actually called Sandra, not Jasmine,and she was no oil painting, let me tell you. Anyway, it’s Alan’s, I mean ‘Aladdin’s’ name in lights and I’m there in his shadow providing the cheap laughs. The very cheek of it. I’ll have you know I did method acting in my youth, I’ve had calls from the RSC. I am not and never will be a joke act!

Second Place Winner!

Title: “Pasta on Trial”
By: Joel C., Age 16, Melbourne, Australia
Description: A pasta maker defends himself in a murder trial.
Gender: Any (can be changed to the wife on trial)
Genre: Comedic

Actor should be quite emphatic, triumphant even, in his delivery.

Ladies and Gentlemen of the jury,neither myself and nor my company, nor pasta had nothing to do with the untimely death of my wife. I beg for this case to be dismissed before my company suffers further. For almost a decade, our company has held the largest market share for pasta in the world. We have been through thick and thin, (and angel hair) fighting our adversaries and overcoming hurdle after hurdle. It has been a long and treacherous, unforgiving path, especially with the invention of keto diets. But we have made it, and we stand here together, today, in defiance of the odds, in unity. And it is of my utmost pleasure to announce that we are becoming more than pasta manufactures, today – we are pasta pioneers. You are all familiar with ravioli, we have been bred and raised on the stuff, the epitome of pasta. And tomorrow, if I am not imprisoned, our company will honour our ancestors, and our nation, by unveiling our sausage filled ravioli, sausoli, patent pending. This revolutionary step in the world of pasta will forever unite the Australians and the Italians, with a cuisine that will outlast societies. I would like to dedicate this concoction to my late wife, whom we all adored. Yes, she died by choking on pasta. But it was not my fault or the poor linguini’s fault. Linguini is innocent! My wife LOVED pasta. She literally loved it to death. The poor woman gorged herself on it and that’s what killed her. I believe that I’ve made my case clear. You cannot convict me or my linguini. It will bankrupt us. Please vote to acquit. Do it for the children. Do it for the children who need their macaroni. I rest my case.

Third Place Winner!

Title: “Thanksgiving Acceptance”
By: Genevieve B., Age 15, New Jersey, USA
Description: A teen nervously reveals to his/her grandmother that he/she is gay.
Gender: Any
Genre: Dramatic

I’ll be out in a minute! Just…Hold on, just warm up the car! (beat) Hey, Grammy. I love you too, yeah; this has been fun. It was great seeing you. Look, I need to talk to you before I go. No, no mom and dad know I won’t be out for a minute. Don’t worry, they’re waiting for me, yeah. Look, I really have to tell you this. No! No, I loved dinner. The turkey was great. It was the best Thanksgiving yet, Grammy. Yeah, it was really fun to see everyone again, but uh, Grammy, please, just let me talk! Thank you. Now, I’ve been thinking for a long time. Do you remember when you always told me that the boys would be chasing me, because of my amazing good looks? Yeah, well, I’ve kind of been running away from them all. I’m not … scared of them. I’m just interested in someone else. Yeah. Someone special… Well, it’s not actually a- (beat) What’s his name? His name. Well, I don’t think I need to say. Embarrassed? I’m not embarrassed; it’s just not what you’re going to expect. Well, if you really want me to say it. I’ll say it. Eve. Her name is Eve. (beat) Oh, thank God, the wishbone worked!

May 2020

First Place Winner!

Title: “No One”
By: Chloe Cramutola, Age 16, New Jersey, USA
Description: In a world where everyone has gone missing, one teen remains, imagining that he/she is a radio show host.
Gender: Any
Genre: Dramatic

(Monologue can be delivered at a desk with a prop microphone, simulating a radio broadcast, or in front of a laptop, as if the person is livestreaming or recording a video.)

Well, good morning world. The walls are still white, the food still canned, and the people still gone. It’s day 47 of absolute isolation, loneliness, and complete and utter boredom. Listeners—of which, there aren’t any—and I don’t mean to start off on such a low note, but I’m gonna go insane if I have to be stuck with myself for another two months. Actually, I’m surprised I haven’t driven myself up a wall yet. The routine’s the same, the weather’s the same—if anything’s not the same, it’s me. I’ve learned to somewhat cope with the silence and to, rather reluctantly, live on my own in a house I could never call my home. Things are… bad, to say the least. Nowadays, conversations consist of tousling with stubborn thoughts or barking back at my Pomeranian, whose name is, fittingly, Wilson. At least he hasn’t left me behind. (pause) Man. I miss my family. My friends. Just, talking to people. Saying “hi” on the way to class. Those three-hour calls only just starting at midnight. Heck, even the dreaded small talk, the awkward interactions no one wanted… Right now, I’d give anything to mess up one more embarrassing presentation, one last really bad attempt at asking my crush to prom. I mean really, you don’t know how annoying you are until you’re talking to yourself and only yourself 24/7, trying to pretend you have some semblance of a purpose. Frankly, this whole show is pointless. What I’m doing now is pointless. No one will ever hear it. No one will ever care. Because, there is… no one.

Second Place Winner!

Title: “Zombies”
By: Naia Thethy, Age 11, Washington D.C., USA
Description: A person calls a government agency and admits to starting a zombie apocalypse.
Gender: Any
Genre: Dramatic

Hello? Have I reached the pandemic response team? Oh good. My name is Chris Johnson and I have something important to tell you. I know who started the zombie virus (pause) it’s me. But I can explain everything. I work in DiCor Labs, I had been working on a medication to cure bad skin. Now, I believe I accidentally added some of the other substances that we had been mixing. One was a mild antibiotic that was shown to reduce the effects of aging. I don’t think that was it, though. The other one was a chemical that has been shown to bring people back to life. (pause) Yes, you heard that correctly. That’s why I’m calling. Our test subjects are the ones who first turned into zombies. I came back from my break, and everyone was missing, and I saw on the news that they were zombies. It started in our lab. Now, I think I know the cure. It’s as simple as mixing part A and part B, and in theory, it should work. But if it doesn’t, I can add in some of the confidential ingredients. (pause) No, don’t hang up. I’m serious. (pause) Arrest me? No, you don’t understand. You can’t lock me away; I alone can cure this. I know I made a huge mistake that could cost hundreds of lives, but if I can fix it, then it’s not the end of the world. Look, I have loads of promising chemicals in my lab and I’m even willing to test them on myself. (pause) Okay, yes. Send someone over. Your scientists will want to work with me on this. I’m the only one who knows the formula. (pause) Okay. Bye. (hears someone at the door-maybe a loud crash) That was quick! (moves toward the door and offstage and starts screaming) Noooooo! Zombies!

Third Place Winner!

Title: “Storytime”
By: Lauren Reese, Age 16, Austin TX, USA
Description: A parent tries to get their crazy energetic kids to go to bed.
Gender: Any
Genre: Comedic

Ok, kids. Seriously. It’s time to go to bed. Lights off, no more talking! (pause) Ok, fine. I’ll tell y’all one more story. Hmm, what is trendy now? Popsockets? VSCO girls? TikTok? What, those are already getting outdated? Whatever. Okay…once upon a time, there were three sisters, just like y’all. One who was obsessed with VSCO, the other who would not stop making TikToks, and lastly one who actually went to bed on time. They decided to go on an adventure because they had been bored at home all day. They wanted to go to a treehouse they had seen a couple of miles away from their house. One sister asked if the oldest could drive them but she said, “Don’t you remember Brittany when I was taking my driver’s test I was eating a banana and then threw the peel out the window, which someone immediately slipped on. Now that I say that I’m realizing that’s why I don’t have my license.” So, they had to walk. Along the way, the VSCO sister found a great spot to take some pictures for the gram. So she made her sisters stop and take pictures of her. They then continued and found an awesome hammock that one of the sisters wanted to take a nap on but her other sisters insisted that they keep moving. When they finally arrived at the treehouse the last sister forced the rest of her sisters to do the renegade with her for TikTok but what they didn’t know is that they were in a magical treehouse that didn’t like TikToks so it made the girls shrink and they were sucked into the pop socket on one of the girl’s phone never to be seen again. The end. Now go to bed for real!

April 2020

First Place Winner!

Title: “My Father the Duck”
By: Jefferson Lind, Austin, Texas, Age 17
Description: A kid explains why he doesn’t have a father to a new friend.
Gender: Any
Genre: Comedic

There’s no need to explain. It’s cool. I don’t have a dad either, but it’s not for the usual reasons, like divorce, or death, or that he ran off with a manicurist. Nope. My dad couldn’t do anything normal like that. You see, every Halloween, my dad dressed up as a duck. He started doing it when I was four years old. At first, we all thought it was funny. He had a silly-looking strap-on duckbill and when we got to a house he would say “Quack or treat?” The neighbors all found him charming. They would say things like, “You’re such a fun dad!” and “I wish I could quack that well!” But slowly, it got worse. Mom and I first started to get concerned when I was six. That year, he bought a full-size duck suit that covered him from head to toe in fake feathers. I asked him “Dad, what time are we gonna go trick-or-treating” and he said “Who’s dad? My name is Ernest Quackerton.” His real first name isn’t even Ernest! It’s Doug! On Halloween, he was no longer my dad. But calling him Ernest would become the least of my concerns. One year, he started getting his arms taped down like wings. Another year, he left the English language completely for quacks. Every year, I saw my father drifting further and further from man and closer and closer to duck. But this year was the last straw. I got home from school on Halloween day, dreading what I might see. Just as I suspected, I saw no husky man sitting on our couch- just a duck. My mom shot me a concerned glance. “Ernest,” I said, “it’s time to go trick-or-treating”. The duck went wild. It quacked, it flapped its wings, it started knocking things over. My mom was really upset and told me to get in the car. I heard a rustling in the trunk as we just drove- I didn’t even know where we were going. When we got there, I saw it. A petting zoo. I walked behind her as Mom took Ernest out of the trunk and brought him inside. We got to the duck cage, where she said “Ernest, it’s time.” and handed him to the keeper. So, technically, I still have a dad. We can go see him if you want. There are goats there too. And pigs and chickens and rabbits.

Second Place Winner!

Title: “The Sleepover”
By: Natalia Santos, Florida, USA, Age 13
Description: A teenage girl tries to convince her strict mother to let her go to a sleepover.
Gender: Female
Genre: Comedic

Hey, Mom! (Pause.) No, I don’t want anything at all. Well, just one, teeny, tiny, little, insignificant, totally no-big-deal favor. (Pause.) PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, WITH A CHERRY ON TOP, AND SPRINKLES, AND WHIPPED CREAM: CAN I PLEASE GO TO KATHY’S SLEEPOVER TONIGHT? Wait! Before you say no, just hear me out! First of all, I cleaned my room from top to bottom, and it’s so clean, you could eat off the floor! I know you shouldn’t do it, but it’s a metaphor – just roll with it. I also mopped the tile floor in the living room, washed the dishes, bathed the cat, polished all the mirrors, took out the trash, finished all my homework for the next week, and booked your next appointment to the, the… podiatrist. Secondly, you’ve met Kathy’s mom, and you guys totally hit it off! I know you haven’t gotten the chance to check their wall paint for dangerously high amounts of lead or check her bank statements, but I think she’s pretty trustworthy! She keeps a fire extinguisher in the kitchen and everything. Also, she doesn’t have any big dogs in the house, or any other risk factors that could result in injury. So, what do you say, my loving, supportive, most amazing mother in the whole, wide world? (Pause.) THANK YOU! OH, THANK YOU! You will not regret this, I promise! (Pause.) Mom, there is no need to bring the nanny cam!

Third Place Winner!

Title: “The Receptionist”
By: Iris Barrera, California, USA, age 13
Description: A chatty receptionist scares off a person who comes to interview for a job.
Gender: Female
Genre: Comedic

Hello there, dear. I’m Janice P. Nelson. The “P” stands for Penelope, it was my mother’s name. Everyone just calls me Nancy though, I’m not sure why. Mr. Rupert will be with you shortly. Why don’t you go ahead and take a seat hon. Oh! No. Not there. Mr. Rupert sits at that table for his lunch break, and trust me, you don’t want to sit there. Mr. Rupert is very intimidating and you don’t want to do anything, even accidentally that could destroy your chances of getting this job. Oh, here. How about this armchair here, the green velvet really compliments your eyes… I remember the days when my eyes were that bright… You look a little nervous dear. I would be too if I had to go in there. Here, have a cup of tea. I know, it’s decaf, sorry that’s all we got right now. There, feeling better? I’ve always found that a nice cup of hot tea can settle my nerves. You know, when I got married to my first husband, Charlie, I was so nervous. I was practically shaking as I walked down the aisle… Oh Charlie. He died almost exactly two months after the wedding. Mysterious heart attack, you know? Well, I just married Charlie’s brother after that, he was the richer one anyway…Are you married, dear? No? Well, you better hurry up with that, you’ve only got a few years left before you turn practically into prune, and then no good man will want you. Take it from me, Charlie’s brother died of a heart attack too一I think it ran in the family一 and after that I couldn’t find another husband. And I was left with absolutely no fortune at all, since the brother seemed to have a gambling problem. That’s why I had to take this job… What’s it like? Well, working for Mr. Rupert has its challenges. For one thing, he’s quite particular. He’s obsessed with colors and well, if you show up one day wearing a color he doesn’t like, that puts him in a foul mood all day. I mostly stick with brown, that seems to suit him. Also germs. Never, ever touch Mr. Rupert. I made that mistake one day, and trust me, I will not repeat that. He also has a lot of crazy ideas. He calls them ‘big ideas.’ If he brings one up, its best to just agree with him, no matter how absurd it sounds. But other than that, it’s a great place to work. If you’re done with the tea, dear, you can just set it on my desk. Feel free to take a few of the peppermints, I saw you eyeing those. You know what? I think Mr Rupert will see you now. His office is right down the hall, third door on the left. Don’t touch the edges of his carpet, he really doesn’t like that. Wait, where are you going? His door is over here. Come back. Mr. Rupert will see you now!

March 2020

First Place Winner!

Title: “Counting Calories”
By: Tristin Fuller, Washington, USA, Age 13
Description: A job interview goes awry when it’s revealed that the company is a cult.
Gender: Any
Genre: Comedic

Mom. Why did you have to bring home pizza? Yes, I know that I can have salad instead, and salad is only 200 calories. It has vegetables and it’s good for me. But if I only ate one slice of pizza, that’s only 300 calories. (pause) Right, plus what I had morning. (pause) Well, I had four pancakes. There are 175 calories in one pancake, times four. Wait a sec. (does calculation and is shocked) 700 calories. I ate 700 calories worth of pancakes. Oh yeah, and then syrup, which is about 100 calories, plus butter, which is 80 calories a teaspoon, then milk, 130 calories. That’s 1010 calories. Then I had four cookies at lunch. 180 times four, which is 720 calories, plus breakfast (does calculation) so 1730 calories. If I eat that pizza, I will have eaten more than 2000 calories. So, salad, or pizza…salad or pizza. That pizza would taste sooo good, and you hardly ever bring home pizza. 2000 calories isn’t even a pound. I could be healthy tomorrow. Just look at all that goody goodness. The warm mouthwatering softness of the bread, smothered in rich beautiful tomato sauce, with the essence of pepperoni delicately intertwined and caressed in a beautiful blanket of cheese. (has a sad realization) But, I am a fat ass. (pause) No, mom. It’s true. That’s why those girls keep calling me names, and everyone keeps sneering at me any time I walk by. Even my best friend won’t talk to me anymore, the humiliation is probably too much for her. Or maybe she just got tired of defending me. But seriously to just wake up one day and end a friendship because of how popular someone is. Who does that? I mean aren’t we in a day and age where it’s okay to be different? Why can’t people talk to me and get to know me instead of talk about me and make up stories. But who am I kidding if some kid accused me of eating seven times a day they wouldn’t be wrong. I have done that before. What is wrong with me? I hate my body. I hate being able to grab into the folds of my stomach. I hate getting on a scale and feeling like it’s screaming at me to get off. And I hate these lines that rip through my body. I hate every part of me. (pause) No, mom. I have to say it. I have to say it out loud. I’m starving…but I am not going to eat that pizza. I’m going to be healthy. For me. And I’m doing it today not tomorrow. Give me that salad.

Third Place Winner!

Title: “The Coolest Kid in School”
By: Mikala Southern, Georgia, USA, Age 12
Description: A student tells a story about how a daredevil stunt helped him become the coolest kid in school.
Gender: Male
Genre: Comedic

The stupidest thing I’ve done? Yeah, I’ve got a story for ya. And it wasn’t the time I stole a hotdog cart in Times Square. That was stupid, but I have one better than that. The day started off like any normal day. I grabbed my lunch, and my dad yelled goodbye and just like always, he says, “Don’t do anything stupid.” It’s like my old man’s motto, and normally, I don’t listen. But I should have. So, I get to school and this kid, Elroy, he’s kinda like my arch-rival. Elroy comes up to me and says, “How’d you like to be the coolest kid in school?” Move out of my way, I tell him, but he says, “No, really. I heard about this kid over at West Union High who was a real nobody, and then one day, he jumped onto a moving train and now, like all the girls are after him, and it’s like he’s some kind of daredevil superhero. Just sayin. There’s a train that comes out under the tunnel behind the bowling alley every day at 4:00. Think about it.” The rest of the day seemed to last forever. I couldn’t focus on anything my teachers were saying, I was too busy thinking my plan through in my head. As soon as I got home, I ran over the bowling alley and climbed up onto the top of the tunnel. When I heard the train coming, I noticed Elroy and a group of his friends. This would be my moment! The train burst quickly through the tunnel and I jumped! And that is the story of why I am laying in a hospital bed with a full body-cast. But hey, there’s a rumor going around that when I get back, I’m going to be the coolest kid in school!

Watch a video performance of this monologue here!

February 2020

First Place Winner!

Title: “The GoodLife Interview”
By: Tristin Fuller, Washington, USA, Age 13
Description: A job interview goes awry when it’s revealed that the company is a cult.
Gender: Any
Genre: Comedic

Hello… (looks down at paper) …George. Welcome to GoodLife, my name is Anya. We are what you would call a lifestyle brand. I understand that I am interviewing you for the accountant position here. Now as I can see on your resume, I understand that you used to work for our rival company, Bath and Body works. So, if you do want a job here you will have to make an oath that you will never step foot in a Bath and Body Works ever again. But I’m sure you’ll find that we have a great environment here and we are all just the nicest people. You will get some special perks for working here we offer dental and medical, and we consider your mental health a top priority. In fact, we provide a wide range of self-help books that are mandatory reading if you choose to work here. Also, we believe that those who are drawn to GoodLife are kind of chosen people. Do you get my drift? (Samantha enters the office) Samantha, get out of my office now I’m not dealing with you today. Don’t you look at me like that, I do not want to have another shrimp incident. Yes, sorry George, yesterday my boss Samantha ran at me with a shrimp cocktail the size of a Clydesdale. She knows that shrimp is the one thing I’m scared of. Ok Samantha what do you want? No, I have not told him yet, I was just telling him about our medical and dental plans before you interrupted me. (pause) Why would you say that Samantha?! George I’m so sorry about her. We are not a cult. Samantha, you shouldn’t call your own business a cult. Now Samantha please leave before I make you. (Samantha leaves the office) God I hate that woman. Now George I’m gonna be honest with you, we are a cult. (pause) Samantha created this and I think it’s starting to drive her, well…crazy. Not to worry. We have a team of people and an unlicensed doctor who delivers shock treatments working on her. She should be back to herself in no time. (pause) Are you suffering, George? It’s okay to tell me. We, here at GoodLife have the solutions to all of life’s problems. (holds up a book) This here is the GoodLife Life Guide. In 1,000 simple steps, you will find the key to everlasting happiness. (pause) Where are you going, George? Was it something I said? Wait! (pause as Samantha reenters) Okay, so I lost another one. But it’s not a big deal. Samantha, oh my god, that man must be the most depressing person I have ever met. Not even GoodLife can save him. (Anya turns to a random employee) HEY YOU, yeah you right there. Go run the sales counter. I’m sorry did you just ask me why, because I’m heading to the beach to relax. Well I’m also going there to watch people get sunburns and then sell them GoodLife sunscreen and a promise of a better future. (Anya leaves the office)

Second Place Winner!

Title: “Imaginary Friend”
By: Linley Jones, Georgia, USA, Age 14
Description: An imaginary friend realizes that he/she is no longer needed.
Gender: Any
Genre: Comedic

Hi, my name is Alex, and I am not real. You’re probably thinking, Alex, you have to be real, how else would you be talking? Well, that’s a good question. It all started on the first day of Pre-K. A young girl named Eliza was scared for her first day of school. She had no friends, and her mother gave her some advice. She said,” Well, sweetheart, if you can’t make any friends, why don’t you create one?” At that very moment, I was created. Eliza and I have been best friends ever since that day. Lately, Eliza has started to make other friends. Her older sister, Angelica, has been nicer, and so has her little sister Peggy. Eliza has met another girl at school, Maria; she has gotten closer to her too. Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy Eliza is making friends, but her new friends ignore me. I’ll try to talk to Angelica or Peggy, and they totally don’t notice me. It’s like they see right through me. I’m not going to lie; I’m scared Eliza will leave me for them. Maybe, I should talk to her and tell her how I feel. Eliza! Hey, Eliza! Did you see that? She ignored me too. I treasured each day of our friendship, and this is how she repays me. And that’s when I remember; I’m not real. I was created by Eliza to be her friend. And now that she has friends, my purpose has been fulfilled. Wait, what’s happening? It’s getting kind of dusty in here. When was the last time they dusted? (coughs into her arm and looks down) Wait… Where are my hands! I-I don’t feel so good. (vanishes into dust)

Watch a video performance of this monologue here!

Watch another video performance of this monologue here!

Third Place Winner!

Title: “Can’t Sleep”
By: Scarlett Burton, Ohio, USA, Age 11
Description: A young girl just can’t fall asleep while her mind is so busy.
Gender: Female
Genre: Comedic

There are definitely elephants outside my window, and now I just can’t sleep. My mom says it’s just that I’m far too imaginative to sleep, but can you blame me? The best things happen at night. I toss and turn, but the sound of hundreds of marathon runners racing and thumping down the streets bothers me. Sometime gumdrops will hit the roof, and I go outside, but I can never quite catch one in my mouth, and yesterday, the French band just wouldn’t stop. I even went out and screamed at them, but the worst of them all was today. There are elephants outside my window. When I saw them, I went zooming though our apartment and started shaking my mom vigorously. “Mom. Mom, the elephants are back!” Disappointment again. I mean she just completely blew me off. I trotted back upstairs thinking, “Oh, how will I go to sleep with that elephant there?” Maybe counting sheep will work. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. That’s how many sheep the wolf just ate. Oh, there’s nine and ten. This is supposed to make me sleep? Maybe reading a book will work. Books are boring enough. “The puffin is popping with cream tart toppings.” Wait! I’m more awake the I was before! What time is it even? Oh my god, the sun’s up.

See a performance of this monologue here!

January 2020

First Place Winner!

Title: “The Mystery Club”
By: Marwan Lahbabi, California, USA, Age 14
Description: A troubled teen tells his story to a new psychiatrist.
Gender: Male
Genre: Dramatic

(A boy walks in and sits on a sofa in his psychiatrist’s office.) So, Dr. Broomfield is gone, huh? Just as well, I guess. He was what? Like eighty? But then again, I gotta be honest. You look too young to be a psychiatrist. (pause) Alright, well, I’ll give you the backstory. You might want to get a snack. So, last March. I was a sophomore, and this whole high school thing? Trust me when I tell you that I despised all of it. The people, the lunches, the drama. But home wasn’t much better. I’ve always been really smart. Practically a quantum computer, and my two brothers were jealous of this, which led to my being bullied by my own family. So, no friends at school, and treated like crap at home, I guess I was set up to be more prone to fighting and self-harm. Then, I guess it all came to a head on March 2nd. You probably read that. About me going to the rooftop of the school and being ready to jump? Yeah. I had a note, but couldn’t think of anyone to give it to. So, I’m standing up there, and this guy I barely knew, Mark Holmes, appears out of nowhere and yanks me down. Of course, I immediately punched him in the face, but he stayed up there and just kept talking, and after a couple of hours, I felt better, and actually started to like the guy. He asked me to join his club which he called the Mystery Club, which had nothing to do with mysteries at all. It was more like a hangout spot for him and his friends. A boy named Conan Doyle. He was British and personality-wise he’s pretty eccentric. Madman, actually. Julie Paretsky, she was and still is the delinquent of the group. And a girl named George. I know, it’s weird. But she’s great. She’s energetic and very optimistic and able to see the best in everyone. So that’s how I got into that group. Now to talk about why I was in the hospital. It was a normal day at the club, or what we call normal. We had just left a party. Well more like we were kicked out of a party. Yeah, Julie had punched someone because he was being rude. She can be scary sometimes. But anyway, that was the day George started seeing this guy. His name was Alex. He acted like a nice guy around her, but I could tell he wasn’t a good guy. I tried to warn her. She didn’t believe me. Soon enough, Alex confronted me in private tried to fight me. Little did he know that my history of self-harm made me tolerant to pain and my terrible upbringing made me a great fighter. So, it didn’t end well for him. Turns out because of that little scuffle he started to verbally abuse George, but she still wouldn’t leave him. So, me, Mark, and Julie decided to take matters into our own hands. First, we trashed his place. Put graffiti on the walls. Destroyed his TV. That was fun. After that I went to George’s house to tell her about it. I saw her on the edge of her balcony. As soon as she saw me, she jumped. I ran and caught her hand as she was falling and tried to pull her up. I used all my strength to save her. She put her hands on the ledge to pull herself up, but by that point my arms were done and when she pulled up, I fell down. Right off the balcony! I thought it was funny ending up right where I started. It felt like time was slowing down. I saw George’s horrified expression as I was falling. You know, I though falling to your death would be scary, but it was somehow soothing knowing it was all over and I was about to die. After I fell, I was in a coma for two weeks. My family is pretty much done with me, but hey, I’m alive. Oh, that’s the end of our session? Great. I got somethings off my chest at least. Well, got to go. The mystery club is waiting. I heard Julie hit someone with a bat.

Second Place Winner!

Title: “Bitter Eulogy”
By: Zoe Marner., Ontario, Canada, Age 17
Description: A daughter delivers an honest eulogy at her father’s funeral.
Gender: Any (can be changed to be delivered by a son)
Genre: Dramatic

(A teen delivers a eulogy at a podium in a packed church.)

Wow. A lot of people here today. No pressure, right? (Pauses, unfolds paper, takes deep breath.) They say the worst things happen to the best people, but I disagree. My father was a great person, at least to most of you. He told stories and did impressions every chance he got. I hated them. They were never accurate anyway. His impression of Daniel Day Lewis doing Abraham Lincoln sounded more like Al Pacino. Those of you who were his students knew a caring, dedicated, and hilarious teacher. Sounds like a great guy. It’s too bad I never got to meet him. The man I knew was short-tempered, distant and narcissistic. The day I found out he was going to die, I was unfazed. That’s bad, I know. Sounds like a horrible thing to say, but he didn’t love me. He’d ignore me when I asked him questions or shared my opinion. I was his daughter; he was supposed to care. His work occupied all his time. I didn’t see why it mattered so much, he was just a teacher and they were just students. I was the one who deserved his time. I was the one who deserved his care. I was his daughter. As I watched him fade away in a hospital bed I thought for once, just once, I would have his undivided attention. I didn’t. Even in the last days of his life all he could think about was you. His bloody students. He wrote some of you letters. They weren’t just any fair-well letters though. He wrote you to tell you what you meant to him. I never got any letter. It’s selfish really, I know, but I deserved one. I did. I thought it was okay, though. I thought he would surely change in the end. He was dying. Maybe things would be different. He was going to tell me that he loved me, and he would mean it. He never did. I read some of the letters he wrote, one was to a boy named Jacob. Maybe you are here today. My dad told Jacob that he had made him see the world in a different way. Opened up his eyes, he said. Shifted his perspective, he said. My dad was a phony and a liar and I hated him. As my father took his last breath I cried, but I wasn’t sad, I was angry. Where is my letter? I deserved it, didn’t I? I was his daughter! But he was dead. You can all go on and mourn the loss of a “great” man, but I knew the real Albert Scott. He had you all fooled. (Throws paper on ground and leaves the podium.)

Third Place Winner!

Title: “The Puppy Sitter”
By: Hannah Hosh, Florida, USA, Age 12
Description: A teen dog sits a friend’s puppy.
Gender: Any
Genre: Comedic

So, Cheryl asked me to watch her puppy, Oscar. She says, “Zara would you mind watching my puppy for a few days?” I said, “sure no problem.” No problem! I mean, how bad could it be to watch an innocent, harmless, cute little puppy? Right? Right? WRONG! It was a nightmare if there ever was one. Look at me! Do you see the bags under my eyes? I look like I went twelve rounds with Muhammad Ali. This puppy has NOT stopped barking and whining all night (imitates dog) maar, maaar, maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar, arf, aaaarf. I tossed and turned and tossed and turned some more. I felt like a 1980’s break dancer. Finally, it was time to go to work. I was actually excited to go to work for once in my life. It was somehow a better option than staying home with Maar, Maaar, MAAAAAAAAAAAAR!! But guess what?! When I walked into my kitchen, I found myself Sliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiding alllllllll the waaaaaaaaaaay ACROSS the kitchen and FLAT DEAD ON MY BACK and butt! I have bruises the size of boulders…DOG PEE. I’ve had it. But it gets worse. I came home from work, and he’s torn up the couch. My couch, the one that I just recently purchased from Levitz, great deal by the way, is destroyed! And where was Oscar? Somehow Oscar the expert trapeze artist positioned himself ON TOP of my cabinets. Did I mention how small this puppy is? The size of my foot. Don’t know how the heck he got up onto the cabinet. Miracles of God. ANYWAY, he couldn’t get down. The genius was afraid to jump! On the bright side, all of this has happened on day one. So, I figure it can’t possibly get worse.

December 2019

First Place Winner!

Title: “Dragon Problems”
By: Miah Deaville, California, USA, Age 12
Gender: Any
Genre: Comedic
Description: An ordinary lizard suddenly finds him/herself turned into a fire-breathing dragon.

You’ll never believe what a day I’m having. Just a few minutes ago, I was a normal, boring lizard, happily sunning on my rock, when all of a sudden, outta nowhere, this creepy looking green freak picked me up and dropped me into a black pot filled with GOD KNOWS WHAT. I’m pretty sure it knocked me out or something, because everything turned kind of fuzzy. Next thing I knew, I was blinking awake. At first all seemed normal… until I realized I was huge! Not to mention I had wings, and horns, claws, and spines, and razor-sharp teeth! Which is like, hello? Unsafe! Now after a while I started to think I could get used to this new style, that it might even be cool to not have to always run away, you know? When… I sneezed. Fire. Everywhere! That freaky green lady started running and vowed to destroy me or whatever. Which wasn’t fair because, HELLO! You brought this on yourself, woman! If you had just left me on my rock and MINDED your own BUSINESS, you’d probably still have your frickin’ house! (*pant… pant…*) Look, I’ve gotta go. I suddenly have a strong urge to burn down an innocent village. Maybe I’ll even chase down that madwoman on her dirty broom and eat her.

Watch a video performance of this monologue here!

Second Place Winner!

Title: “Californian Leprechaun”
By: Matthew Pino, California, USA, Age 10
Gender: Any
Genre: Comedic
Description: A modern leprechaun rants about his life.

So, I gotta rant. Recently, people have been finding me! I know, I know… you’re thinking, “What about that could be so bad?” Oh, trust me. It’s MUCH worse than you think. First of all, everyone assumes I’ll be all “Oh, top of the mornin’ to ya.” But I am actually a California Leprechaun. We have surf, and Starbucks, and “Sup, bruh?” and not so much ‘green as far as the eye can see,’ and so most of the time, when I’m spotted, I’ve got a fresh coffee in my hands. Then a human sees me, they’re excited, they start freaking out. And it’s always a surprise, so 9 times out of 10, the coffee gets knocked out of my hand and spills all over them. Suddenly they’re screaming, “I thought you guys were supposed to be GOOD luck now my clothes are ruined…” blah blah blah. I’m like, talk to my lawyer dude. YOU’RE the one who grabbed ME. At this point, about half the time, they just DROP me! That always hurts. The other half, well, they ask what happens next, and by Leprechaun law I have to present them with two choices. Pot of Gold, or a Ruby. If they pick pot of gold, they get a tiny one. It’s leprechaun-sized! What do you expect? Can’t spend it, really. If they choose Ruby, it’s a small dog. Her name is Ruby. Of course, because we’re tricky like that! Now at this point they’re upset, and I have to blow glitter in their eyes in order to “magically” disappear and honestly, I’m running out of my glitter stash and I just don’t know how much more of this I can take!

Watch a video performance of this monologue here!

Third Place Winner!

Title: “Life as a Minotaur”
By: Rowan Deviny, California, USA, Age 9
Gender: Any
Genre: Dramatic
Description: A mythological creature complains about his strange life.

Hullo! So, my name is Brunwin, and I am a Minotaur. That’s right. I have the top half of a man, and the bottom half of a bull. It’s about as uncomfortable as you think. I also live in an inescapable maze, so it’s kind of hard to find your way to the bathroom. In all the movies I am portrayed as the bad guy, and to be fair, most of my kind are bloodthirsty killers. But I am NOT. I am so misunderstood. Every 10 years, children are sacrificed to me. But I actually LIKE kids! I mean… it’s not like I’m going to NOT eat them… I only get to eat every 10 years! So lately I’ve been thinking about trying to cross through the hedges and finally escape this labyrinth. Oh, look- here comes a guy with a sword and some thread. I wonder what he’s here for?

November 2019

First Place Winner!

Title: “Irritated Tooth Fairy”
By: Jada Seibeneck, Ohio, USA, Age 16
Gender: Female
Genre: Comedic
Description: A tired tooth fairy bemoans her gritty job and complains about being broke.

Hi, I’m Pixie, you probably know me most as the tooth fairy that collects your teeth under your nasty pillows. What most humans don’t know is how difficult this job is. And news flash! I’m not getting paid for this. I’m paying you for your rotten teeth. What kind of deal is that? Keep in mind I am about the same size as your teeth and the money I give you, so yeah, the process takes about an hour per kid. But here’s my dilemma. I have run out of money to give you spoiled kids! I am broke! No mouse wants to buy your teeth from me! And I am getting old and tired. Some humans believe I use your teeth to build my house. That. Ain’t. True. That’s disgusting! That’s my fat fairy sister, Tonkerbell. Ahh! Tonkerbell what are you doing here? Oh, you heard everything I said… Well what is that falling out of your dress? Ah how dare you! That’s where all the money went! Well humans, you are gonna have to live with your falling’ out teeth for a year, I am going on vacation!

Second Place Winner!

Title: “Girl Who Cried Wolf”
By: Amber Rothberg, Massachusetts, USA Age 13
Gender: Female
Genre: Dramatic
Description: A teenager tells her therapist about the day her sister disappeared.

You ask me this every time, and it’s been a year, so yeah. I guess I’m ready to talk about it. (pause) I think I’ve told you before about how my sister, Katherine and I would play pranks on each other. Like, we would pretend we were dying, or possessed or something. It was really stupid…but you know, we had fun with it. I would hear her screaming in the kitchen, and I’d run down and see her holding a knife and covered in blood. I would start screaming too, until I saw the can of spaghetti sauce on the counter and realize it was a joke, and she would laugh so hard that she would fall down. It was just a thing we did, you know. But that day was different. That day, we had just gotten home from school and our parents were still at work. Katherine and I were in some sort of fight. I don’t really remember what is was about, probably something dumb, like her borrowing something and not returning it. But anyway, I didn’t feel like talking to her, so I went up to my room to do homework. All of a sudden, I started to hear Katherine scream and yell my name. I was annoyed because I assumed that it was another one of her pranks. She would always prank me when I was mad at her, so that I would laugh and forgive her. But I wasn’t in the mood to play her games…. and so I ignored it. The screaming went on for a while….and then it stopped. That’s when I started to get worried, so I went downstairs to check on her, and…she was gone. I never saw my sister again. I guess I don’t have to tell you the rest. You know. My parents know. Everyone knows that my sister is DEAD because of ME. Katherine Rivers was the girl who cried wolf. And I was the girl, who ignored her cries.

Third Place Winner!

Title: “Chores”
By: Austin Walker, Iowa, USA, Age 14
Gender: Any
Genre: Dramatic
Description: A teenager complains to a friend about household chores.

I can’t come over tonight. It’s garbage night. Which means that I will be slaving away filling up the yard debris bin and the recycling container and dragging all the bins to the curb. Yes, they make me do all that. (pause) I know you don’t have to. I have more chores than any of my other friends. My dad also makes me mow the lawn, AND take care of the lawn mower, which at first, I knew nothing about. But he said that if it broke down because it wasn’t properly maintained, I would have to pay for it. I spent three hours on Google and YouTube figuring out where the oil goes and how to keep the blades clean. (pause) I know you don’t have to do anything like that! None of my friends do! Last summer, I had to help my dad build a fence while you guys were at soccer camp, and this weekend, he is forcing me to stay home and help him stain the deck. It’s like I’m a prisoner. You know, like those guys who used to have to break up rocks when they were sent to jail? (pause) Oh, I can’t complain to him! It’s not worth it! He’ll go on for an hour about how he is doing me a favor by giving me responsibility and teaching me how to be a man and that one day, I will thank him. Can you believe it? He thinks I’m going to thank him for making me do so many chores? He’s out of his mind! (pause) Anyway, what are you doing tonight? Video games again? I’m jealous.

October 2019

First Place Winner!

Title: “Daddy’s Little Princess”
By: Sulaiman A., Kuwait, Age 14
Gender: Female
Genre: Dramatic
Description: A young girl gets a new baby-sister and is scared that she won’t be the favorite anymore.

My life is ruined. There I said it, ruined, thanks to my new little sister. It was peaceful Saturday morning, watching nick-toons, ready to have a bowl of cereal. Mom and dad weren’t here yet, daddy said that mommy had a stomachache last night. It was pretty bloated, if you ask me, in fact it has been for the past 9 months. I don’t know why she hasn’t been complaining about it until now. Once they came back home, I couldn’t believe my eyes. It was a baby, wrapped around in a pink blanket. I didn’t know what to say. “Meet your little sister, Ellie!” dad said. I was an only child, and I liked that a lot. Not having to share, always being the favorite, and getting all the new toys for Christmas. So, with this thing hanging around, I’m doomed for life. She doesn’t even like me, all she does is cry, stare, and cry again! People constantly asking me about her. Why don’t you go ask her, yourself? She’s literally right there laying on my mom’s lap. With my parents only worrying about her, am I not wanted anymore. I see how you are dad, getting rid of me, well I’m not your little princess anymore, and that’s why I’m running away.

Second Place Winner!

Title: “Pretty”
By: Jen P., Tulsa, Oklahoma, Age 15
Gender: Female
Genre: Dramatic
Description: A girl is told she is pretty, but realizes there’s more to it than that.

You… you think I’m pretty? Really? Wow. I haven’t heard that in so long. I-I mean, of course, my parents would always tell me I’m pretty. But they’re supposed to. When you hear it from them, it… it doesn’t matter as much. And sometimes you know you’re pretty, so it doesn’t matter. Like if you wear makeup, you know you look good. It doesn’t matter as much. But some days you don’t hear it. And that matters. Some days you think you look nice and no one says anything. Or you put on your favourite pair of jeans and nobody notices. And you think, “do I always look bad? Am I not pretty?” That’s when a “you look nice” seems to matter the most. I’ve never been the victim of bullying. No one’s ever told me I’m ugly. Because, well, actually, no one… cared enough to tell me I’m ugly. No one sees me. Even if I was pretty, how much does a pretty face matter when it’s covered by a sheet? A blanket of obscurity. A pretty nothing. What do you think is worse-being known as ugly, or not being known at all? Sometimes, I wonder why people don’t say it more. Just a “you look pretty” could change someone’s day. Then I realize I don’t say it very often. I don’t tell people they’re pretty when they are. And it’s weird, because it’s not like it hurts to say that. It helps someone else and you. You feel good by making other people feel good. But I guess people just can’t admit that someone looks better than they do. They don’t realize it, of course. They just know it, deep down, they don’t feel pretty. And if they don’t feel pretty, why should anyone else feel pretty? (sigh) You’re very pretty.

Third Place Winner!

Title: “Amnesia”
By: Jessica G., Age 16, Calgary, Alberta
Gender: Female
Genre: Dramatic
Description: A girl is told she is pretty, but realizes there’s more to it than that.

I know it’s not your fault, but Allison, it’s me. Your sister. Maybe if I tell you about all the things we did, and who we used to be together, you’d remember. Yes? Let’s try. I promise that my feelings won’t be hurt if this doesn’t work, but I have to try, okay? (pause) Okay, when we were kids, we always got into trouble together. We used to sneak out of my window when it was clearly past our bedtime. We’d create imaginary worlds, complicated worlds, under the moon. One time, we pretended to be in Atlantis, beneath the sea. You were a princess, and I was a talking slug. If you remembered anything, you might remember that, right? Anyway, we always got caught, and we always got in trouble, but that didn’t stop us. (laughs…sees that she doesn’t remember.) It’s okay. Let me keep going. You and I were very close…we’d tell each other secrets and talk behind Melanie’s back. She’s our other sister. And if you regain your memory, I hope you don’t suddenly like her better than me. (pause) We were a force to be reckoned with when we were together, we were partners, not a hero and her sidekick. During the summer we rode our matching blue Schwinn bikes everywhere and we’d try to hold hands while riding. One time, we even planned out how we would make a business together. My favorite idea was fashion design. You’d sew and I would do the finance. Even when we fought it wasn’t so bad, because we loved each other, and we couldn’t stay mad for too long. Depending on the rare cases it did last longer than a couple of days, we would pause the fight so we could still vent and talk. That’s pretty funny isn’t it? You wrote me a note on pink paper saying that you HAD to tell me something, but then we had to go back to being mad at each other. (laughs) We never should have fought in the first place, and sometimes I wish we could’ve paused the whole world for a bit longer, so we could’ve made more memories. (pause) I’m sorry I went away to University. I should have stayed here in town, at least until you were ready to leave too. Maybe then, this wouldn’t have happened. You wouldn’t have gotten into that car with your friends that night because I would have come to get you. I should have been there for you. Well, I’m here now, Allison. And I’m not going anywhere. I’m going to stay until you either remember me, or you learn to love me all over again. I’ll never be mad at you again. You have my word. Whether or not you ever remember who we were, I will be here. I’m your sister.

September 2019

First Place Winner!

Title: “Struck by Lightning”
By: Kennedy L., Columbus, OH, USA, Age 17
Gender: Male or Female
Genre: Dramatic
Description: A teen recounts his/her experience of being hit by lightning.

No, it’s not a tattoo, it’s a scar. It’s lightning….yes, I’m serious…. well, it’s hard to describe, but I’ll do my best. It was summer. Not like tonight. It was one of those summer nights when rage-filled clouds obscured the sky and the night birds and the cicadas were silent. I had gone outside to bring my bicycle in before it rained. In the distance, I could hear the familiar hush of the ocean. Shhhhhh. And everything else was quiet. I grabbed the handlebars of my bike, and then came the roar. A clap of thunder so loud it shook the very ground beneath my feet. What happened next felt instant and slow motion all at once. I had barely moved my bike, when the BOOM came. A white-hot flash far away and everywhere, and my body in the air and then nothing. And then lying on the grass, my body like lead, my head splitting with pain, and the sweet, overpowering fragrance of grass. My mother was screaming over me, but she sounded far away. In the hospital, they told me that I had been struck by lightning. My mother had seen it from the kitchen window. Lightning broke the sky outside and traveled along the ground and through my bicycle. I was lucky. They call it ‘fractal.’ A few more feet and I would have died. I still have headaches, and I cannot hear in my left ear. And this scar? At first it was blisters. A white-hot searing that bled and pussed and crusted over. And now it’s this. This beautiful pattern like a willow branch. Forever trying to reach the ground, and not quite making it. It will never go away. And to be honest, I don’t want it to. My eyes are open now…to the richness…and also the impermanence of life. I am here. With you. On this warm summer evening. The night birds are singing and the cicadas are humming along. (Looks down at arm.) It’s a wonderful scar, don’t you think?

Second Place Winner!

Title: “Lucky Turkey”
By: Jasmine R., Los Angeles, California, USA, Age 13
Gender: Any
Genre: Comedic
Description: A turkey believes that he/she has been adopted by a family.

(Actor should adopt turkey mannerisms when performing the monologue.)

I must be the luckiest turkey alive! You see, last week, I was in the turkey orphanage. There were hundreds of us crammed into cages and fenced areas. The noise…oy! Every day we had to scramble to gobble up…gobble…gobble…gobble…sorry. I got carried away. Hundreds of us had to gobble up the seeds they threw on the ground for us. And sleeping? There was no sleeping. We lived right next to the goose orphanage. And geese, they stay up all night! Honk, honk, honk! They are notorious party birds. But then, last week, a very nice farmer came by and out of all the turkeys in the pen, he picked me to come home with him! Now, I live in this amazing, luxurious pen, with just a few chickens. There’s so much room, and so much to eat. It’s like I won the turkey lottery! And tomorrow is my birthday! November 24th. I think they are planning a party for me. The farmer’s wife is cooking constantly. So many good smells are coming from the kitchen. One of the chickens, the gossipy one…squawk, squawk, squawk…told me that the family adopted another turkey about a year ago, and they think he lives inside now because the farmer came and got him last year, and he never brought him back to the henhouse. Just think…I’ll have a brother, and I’ll get to live inside with the family. This is going to be the best birthday ever! I’m hungry already. (Strutting off.) Gobble…gobble…gobble.

Third Place Winner!

Title: “Cat Lady”
By: Niesha M., Fort Worth, Texas, USA, Age 12
Gender: Female
Genre: Comedic
Description: A wife tells her husband about a stray cat she’s taken in.

I should probably tell you now, before you notice it. And I need to point out that in no way did I encourage this. I was just minding my own business. And there’s no way I’m going to get rid of it today (under breath) or maybe ever. What? Nothing. What I mean to say is that I will do my best to find her a home as soon as possible. (Reacting to yelling.) I know! I know, but it’s not my fault. I was out in the garage taking off my boots, and she just wandered in. So skinny. And she was meowing like she was hungry, so I just gave her a tiny bit of food. You should have seen how fast she ate it up! So, I might have given her a little more. She doesn’t have a collar, and honestly, I don’t think she belongs to anybody. But I will look online and see if someone is missing an adorable little black and white cat. Oh, oh, here she comes. Look at how friendly she is! Martin, I’ve never seen a cat so friendly. I know, I know. We aren’t going to keep her. Just pick her up, will you? She loves being held. So unusual for a cat…I said, I know that we aren’t going to keep her…of course, I realize that we already have sixteen cats. But she’s so cute…and really…(flirting) what’s one more?

May 2019

First Place Winner!

Title: “Jealous? I’m not Jealous.”
By: Lyena Monis, Age 12, California, USA
Gender: Female
Genre: Comedic
Description: A jealous girlfriend expresses her views on her relationship with her boyfriend.

You know, my boyfriend tells me I’m an (does air quotes with fingers) “overprotective and jealous” girlfriend, but he just doesn’t understand. It’s a girlfriend’s job to watch out for girls who want to steal him away. The other day I saw him hugging another girl. When I confronted him, he said it was his mom. Excuses, excuses. I didn’t talk to him for a week after that incident. I just trying to protect him, you know. He interacts with so many girls, you never know who may be eyeing him. I even quit my job just so I could keep my eye on him. He often pleads with me to trust him and whatever, but that always leads to arguments. Another time, I hacked his phone and looked through his mail and messages. He’d been talking to so many girls! Someone named Jenny and another named Mrs. Switzer. An older woman! He claimed that Jenny was his science partner and that Mrs. Switzer was his piano teacher. Yeah, right. How could he do this to me? When he caught me looking through his phone, he was a little mad, and he explained that just because he’s talking to women, doesn’t mean he’s cheating on me. Then, he said the next time that I do something like that, he’ll break up with me. He just doesn’t understand what a good girlfriend I am. I’m just being there to ward off any girls who want to take my man. Right now, I’m hiding behind a bush, keeping my protective watch on him. Wait, here comes a girl. Gotta go!

Second Place Winner!

Title: “Abby at the Beach”
By: Alysa Klapper, Age 13, California, USA
Gender: Female (gender can be changed)
Genre: Comedic
Description: A dog describes her first visit to the ocean.

Hello, my name is Abby and I’m a part of the Klapper family. Every day of my life is basically the same. Wake up. Eat breakfast. Watch family leave. Lie in the sunshine and chase squirrels. Family comes home. Get some tummy rubs and treats. Eat dinner and go to bed. But one day, I heard them talking about driving to something called the beach… I didn’t know what that was, but then they said three words that made my ears perk up, “Let’s bring Abby.” I was so excited! I wasn’t going to be alone all day again. I got in the car and jumped into Alysa’s lap, ready to go on an adventure. As we were driving there was a powerful fan outside the car window with a lot of smells. Finally, we get to the thing called the beach. Why haven’t they taken me to this before?! The dirt here is soft and warm, and so easy to dig in. There are birds everywhere to chase and chase (huffing and puffing). Alysa is in a big pool of water that looks like it has no end. She’s calling me, and suddenly my paws are wet, but it feels so good! Oh no, a big moving wall of water is coming. What will happen if it gets me. I try to run away, but it’s too late, and it’s all over me. I’m soaking wet. I run back to the dry sand where my family is and shake and shake and shake and shake. Why are they yelling? They must think this is as fun as I do! The day at the beach was the best day ever! On the way home, I heard them talking about another adventure, called “the veterinarian.” I can’t wait to see what that is like!

Third Place Winner!

Title: “Coming Out”
By: Jessie Stevenson, Age 13, California. USA
Gender: Female, but can be changed
Genre: Comedic
Description: A teen girl comes out to her family in a comedic way.

Hey parentals, siblings, comrades. How are you? How’s your day? I hope it’s been good. Thank you all for being here. Well I think it’s safe to assume that I have something to tell you all. I am…. Not… exactly…. Straight. Yup. I like not just boys but also girls. So yeah…. I know it may be a shock to some of you and others might have guessed it but yeah. If you want to ask if it’s a phase or a fad. No, it is not. If this new information is a shock to you, I have one question. HOW? I mean seriously how did you not see this coming, look at me. How did you not question it when I cut my hair super short, or when I would talk about LGBTQ+ issues which was… A LOT. Or when I put a giant pink triangle on the door to my room, or when I bought a rainbow bow tie and suspenders? I mean c’mon people. Well now you know. If you can’t accept me, then BYE. It took a lot for me to come to terms and accept myself and if you can’t handle it…then buh bye.

April 2019

First Place Winner!

Title: “Fearless?”
By: Lilly Johnson, Age 13, Missouri, USA
Gender: Female
Genre: Dramatic
Description: A teenage surfer narrowly escapes a shark attack and it changes her view of the ocean forever.

You’re scared of the ocean? Yeah, I understand that. The ocean seems scary to many, even dangerous. People fear of drowning or being attacked by creatures from below. But this does not apply to me. I’m as fearless as it gets when it comes to water. Or, at least I was. There are some things that I’ve seen happen in the ocean that would normally scar you for life. I’ve heard about shark attacks, but they never really scared me…didn’t seem real. Until one day last summer. The morning sky was clear, not a cloud could be seen for miles. The sun had already risen, its heat overbearing. Seeing the waves reach all the way out from the deep to the shore, I couldn’t help but think of what a perfect day it would be for surfing. I grabbed my surfboard and broke into a sprint across the beach; I could feel the ocean spray before I reached the water. I waded through the water, trying to keep from being pushed back by the rising waves. After about two minutes, the water was above my waist. Right about that time, unfortunately, a huge wage was forming, and was starting to come my way. I grabbed my board and tried to pull myself onto it, but it was too late. I opened my eyes, only for the saltwater to flood them. Now, some people would have panicked, but that’s not who I am. As I attempted to swim up, a huge object pushed against me, sending me farther down. I looked around. What I saw was terrifying. A shark, at least fifteen feet long, was staring at me the way a barn owl stares at a mouse. With all my might, I swam upward. It seemed like forever until I reached the surface and swam towards the shore. I used to brag about being fearless, but I can’t imagine what would have happened if I didn’t get scared that day. Being scared saved my life. Yeah, I’ll admit it. I’m a little scared of the ocean now too.

Second Place Winner!

Title: “Hey, I Miss You”
By: Karina Robles Leyva, Age 14, California, USA
Gender: Female
Genre: Dramatic
Description: Caroline writes a letter to an old friend.

Dear Mya,

We haven’t talked in a long while. The last time we texted was when you sent me a message wishing me a Happy Birthday. Thanks for remembering. The day you left we said we’d text every day. And we did, for a while. I still have all the gifts you gave me, the fluff ball, the coloring page, the paintings, and that terrible ceramic dog that sort of resembles mine. Do you still have everything I gave you? Probably not, maybe you threw those away a long time ago. Remember when you first came to visit? I didn’t talk when we first met, I felt weird with strangers in my house. It was the day before Valentine’s Day, and we were making chocolate dipped strawberries when we invited your family over. Then you made me laugh and after that you always came back. You were my first friend you know? When you moved in next door, I was so happy. I used to be sort of an outcast and suddenly I had my first best friend! That’s why it hurt so much when you moved away. We used to know everything about each other. I miss those days. After you left, I never asked how your new friends were, or how your new school was because I didn’t know what to say. Now I’m here reminiscing and missing the times when we went to get frozen yogurt daily. Wishing for those times when you came over and we became like sisters. To be honest, I don’t really remember why you left, I think it was because your mother had to go somewhere for a better job. I don’t really remember why, just that you were next to me crying, red faced when you told me you were going away. And how’s your father? Do you know? I know him being in jail far away from you must be hard. I don’t think you’ve visited him in a while. I’m sorry for that. I’m sorry for many things. I’m sorry I never texted you enough, I’m sorry that you left, I’m sorry, and I still miss you. We haven’t talked in a long while, and I thought about not sending this, but we swore to be friends for life, and I am keeping my promise. I’m here, if you need me…and I need you.


Third Place Winner!

Title: “Elephant in the Room”
By: Eli Whittier, Oklahoma, USA, Age 10
Gender: Any
Genre: Comedic
Description: A child overhears a bizarre argument between his/her parents.

I’ve finally confirmed it. My parents are crazy. Last night, I heard them arguing, and they were talking real low, so naturally, I snuck up to the door and listened in. That’s when I heard my mom say, “Let’s talk about the elephant in the room.” What? I’ve never seen an elephant in their room. Or even in our house. Obviously, we would all know if there was an elephant in their room! My dad said, “Keep your voice down. The kids will hear.” Like he didn’t want us to know there was an elephant in there either. So, apparently, they both think there is an elephant in their room. I looked through the crack in the doorjamb, and I could see my mom sitting on the bed, and my dad across from her, and sure enough…no elephant. Then my dad said something that I couldn’t hear, and then my mom sounded real mad and she said, “Well, it’s clear that you prefer her to me.” So apparently the elephant is a girl elephant. And my dad raised his voice and said, “I work with her!” What? My dad’s an accountant, not a zookeeper. Tomorrow, after-school, I’m going to sneak in there and find out once and for all. And just to be on the safe side, I’m going to make my big brother come with me!

March 2019

First Place Winner!

Title: “Babysitter’s Rules”
By: Jazarae Robinson, Age 12, Ohio, USA
Gender: Female
Genre: Comedic
Description: Babysitter is not who Mom thinks she is.

Don’t worry, Linda. I will take great care of your kids. I have lots of experience with kids, so I know what to do when they misbehave. Bye.
(Turns to kids after Linda leaves) Now listen, you little brats! I am the boss here, so you will do everything I ask you to do exactly when I say it. Here are the rules:
Rule #1 You don’t question, you just do it.
Rule #2 Never tell your mom anything that I do. Always tell her I’m the best babysitter. You wouldn’t want me to lose my job, would you?
Rule #3 You eat what I make, or you don’t eat at all.
Rule #4 If I have company do not talk to them and go into the basement.
Rule #5 If I make a mess, you clean it. I’m your guest, not the other way around.
Rule #6 No crying allowed.
Ok, those are the rules. Go have fun! (rolls eyes and whispers) Little brats.

Watch a video performance of this monologue here!

Second Place Winner!

Title: “The Darkness”
By: Yulianis Pesante Quinones, Age 14, Virginia, USA
Gender: Any
Genre: Dramatic
Description: A teen reflects on the concept of darkness.

I wish I was scared of the dark. I mean most people are, but I always find comfort sitting in it. Get home, shower, lay in bed. Don’t turn the lights on. My daily routine. Sit in the dark and listen to music. A vampire. That’s what my mom calls me. It’s not that I don’t like the light, you just think differently in the dark. You find comfort in it like a big black blanket wrapped around you. You just let go not knowing what could happen. Your mind travels to so many places and everything’s fine. Until you realize you’re alone. The feeling of loneliness hits you. You have no one to talk to. Everyone’s asleep. You’ve thought so much that the big black blanket is now suffocating you. So, tell me is the darkness safe or dangerous?

Third Place Winner!

Title: “No Feeling”
By: Ryan Dosa, Age 16, Colorado, USA
Gender: Any
Genre: Dramatic
Description: Character is numbing themselves by using drugs. They are telling their friend who wants to help what they feel and why they still; continue to use drugs.

I don’t think you get it, one day I can feel like I have the world but the next everything can change, it’s as if you have had everything one day but then have nothing. This is the most heart-wrenching feeling in the world I can feel all my happiness fall into the black pit that lives inside. As my entire body becomes numb all I am able to process is the never-ending question of why. People forget who I am and don’t recognize me anymore for I have “changed”. I no longer have the right to feel sad, the sadness has been stripped from me leaving me open, I’m empty, I have no emotions, no love, no feeling, and no reason. But as everyone says it’s all okay because I can still throw on a smile, and the one thing that makes this all go away are the drugs.

February 2019

First Place Winner!

Title: “Selfish Samaritan”
By: Hannah Chaffin, Age 16
Gender: Any
Genre: Dramatic
Description: A conceited high school girl who volunteers to visit a disabled boy, is called out for actually being selfish and egotistical.

Yeah, we’ve all heard it, Penelope. How great you are for helping out that disabled boy. Give it a rest. Honestly, I don’t think you’re doing it for him; you’re doing it for yourself. You must feel such a thrill, having him watch you like you’re some kind of savior. I’d guess you like to feel that way; some kind of all holy, selfless being. But in my opinion, you’re the most selfish person I know. You walk around thinking you are a one of a kind, holy mastermind. Plenty of people volunteer, and the good ones, the really good ones don’t yak on and on about it. You like to believe that people think you’re a little miss pink perfect cake pop doll, but you’re not that. Hard to hear ain’t it. That you mean far less than little to someone, someone who doesn’t kiss the earth below you. He doesn’t need you. You could die today and he’d still breathe the same, suffer the same. You aren’t his medication, so stop acting like some prized jewel that can’t shatter to the ground. Test me one more time Penelope. You’ll see, one day, you’ll be nothing more than another grain of sand in the ocean of nobodies.

Second Place Winner!

Title: “The Dancer”
By: Mina T., New York, NY, Age 13
Gender: Female
Genre: Dramatic
Description: An elderly woman tells a young artist to pursue her dreams and shares the story of her broken dreams.

Oh, what did I do? Funny question, you see I was a dancer. Once upon a time, that is. Right here on this bench, as you watch me feed these hungry little pigeons, I want to change your life, by sharing mine with you. When I was your age, I loved to dance. I wore silky dresses and flirted with the gentlemen, but mostly I danced. I would never stop, and I couldn’t, I thought. One gloomy day, my dad came to visit. Now, he only came to visit when he meant serious business. He sat me down on the couch. He said, “Sweetie I’ve enrolled you in college. You’re going to major in accounting.” I was petrified; I mean my lifelong dreams could be ruined, but In the weirdest way I felt some type of relief. I didn’t understand what I was feeling, I loved dancing, but I was always told that I would never make it. I agreed to go. I was only 18 at the time. That first day, when I walked into the school, I looked around and I realized I didn’t belong there. I’d made the wrong decision. And then, I spent fifty years wishing I had had the courage to say no. Dancing brought me so much joy! Leaping in the air, I had the feeling that I could do anything in the world. Now, I’m 95 and I can hardly walk. I’m never going to be a dancer; I’m never going to do the only thing that I was meant to do. I regret the decision I made. I could blame it on my father, but it was me who took away the only thing I loved, the only thing that truly made me happy. Sweetie, don’t waste your life as I did. Be an artist. Live the life you are meant to live.

Third Place Winner!

Title: “English Class”
By: Justin Kyzar, Mississippi, USA, Age 15
Gender: Any
Genre: Comedic
Description: A frustrated teacher deals with a rowdy class.

Alright class! Listen up! Because of last weeks’ “events,” we are going to try this again. Everyone get out your pencils. And no throwing them this time! Jane, put that cell phone away! I will not hesitate to take it! Shawn, stop trying to light Cindy’s hair on fire! There is barely any left from last time! Jason! Don’t you dare throw that chair out the window! Jaaasssooon… Jason! Ugh! you guys are worse today than yesterday, and now I have to replace that window! I am calling the principal! (picks up phone) Hello Mr. Sanchez? We need you in the fifth-grade classroom. What do you mean you are busy? There’s no way those kindergartners are worse than these kids. oh…oh… They did that? Oh well, I hope Mrs. Smith recovers. Those kindergartners should be ashamed for doing that to her. Well, stay safe, and I hope the pencil wound in your arm heals. (hangs up) Okay class, new test! We are going to see how good you are at finding a new teacher because I quit! I am going to be a janitor! I rather clean up other people’s messes than teach you! Adios!

January 2019

First Place Winner!

Title: “I Remember”
By: Karina S., Baton Rouge, Lousiana, USA, Age 15
Gender: Female
Genre: Dramatic
Description: A daughter remembers things about her mother who passed away.

Oh yes, I remember her. The way her hair smelled like cinnamon and every time she bent down to pick me up, it brushed against my face. I remember the way she laughed often and easily, her voice a chime of happiness. I remember that she seemed to always be awake. She wasn’t one of those moms who liked to sleep in late and have breakfast in bed. One night, I woke up in the middle of the night and went to the kitchen to get a glass of water. There she was, a cup of tea in her slender hands, staring at the moon. I watched her in silence for a moment. She was so still. As if she were contemplating something. I had the overwhelming feeling that I didn’t really know my mother at all. But then, she saw me. “What are you doing, mommy?” I asked. She snapped out of her trance. “Just looking at the moon, June Bug. Do you need a glass of water?” She always knew what I needed. She was just that way. People are amazed that I remember so much about my mother, because the cancer took her when I was only five. I think her love for me pressed those memories into my heart and mind forever. I remember her telling me, right before she died, that she will always be with me, watching over me like the moon. Oh yes, I remember her. I remember.

Second Place Winner!

Title: “Spritey O’Doodle”
By: Cameron F., El Paso, TX, USA, Age 13
Gender: Male
Genre: Comedic (In an Irish accent.)
Description: A leprechaun outsmarts someone who has found his pot of gold.

Listen, ye squirrely would-be crook…it dunnot work the way ya think. Da. I am a leprechaun, and indeed, we stand at the end of my rainbow with da pot ‘o gold right about here. What they dunnot tell ye is that my gold is buried deep below. Ya think that I would work away, makin’ shoes and boots for all da rich uns, just to let a theivin’ scud the likes of ye, come long and snatch me riches? Too bad for you, I’m Spritey O’Doodle. I’m no eejit. I’m the smartest of all da leprechauns. And you can go get a shovel. Ya have da right to dig for me treasure. But by the time ye return, who knows where me and me rainbow have buggered off ta. (Laughs.) Ye humans are bleedin’ thick! So, run along, ya gombeen. I’ve me work to do!

(The leprechaun goes back to his work making shoes and sings this song.)

“Lay your ear close to the hill.
Do you not catch the tiny clamour,
Busy click of an elfin hammer,
Voice of the Lepracaun singing shrill
As he merrily plies his trade.”