Drama Notebook is not like a traditional play publisher.
Most scripts on Drama Notebook are one credit, or a little more than $1.
A few full-length plays and plays with additional learning materials
are between 3 and 10 credits and are noted in the descriptions.
You may make as many copies as you need for your students/cast members at no additional charge. You just can’t share them with other teachers/group leaders, or post them on a publicly viewable website. If you wish to make changes to a script, please contact the playwright. Playwright contact information is on page 3 of every script. If there is no playwright email listed (scene collections, etc.) you may make the changes without a permission request.
See subscription options here.
*No royalties.
No licenses needed.
No permissions needed.
No per-script fees.
No video fees.
No other hidden fees.
*No royalties are due when the script is used in an educational or casual setting and no admission is charged. If admission is charged, or donations are taken at the performance(s), you must contact the playwright and inquire about potential royalties.
What’s the Catch?
We do have some rules for using our scripts. Hundreds of wonderful playwrights have virtually donated their work to the site. And the creator of Drama Notebook has put a huge investment into making this quality collection available at a very low price for those working with kids and teens. We’ve created a circle of sharing, so this is what we ask of you…
1. Thank the playwrights.
If you perform one of our plays in front of an audience, either in-person or virtually, you must contact the playwright and let them know you are performing their play! If you are using one of our plays for classroom use, Reader’s Theatre, or in any other way, please take just one minute to write a quick note of appreciation to the playwright. Playwright contact information is on page 3 of every script.
2. Link to Drama Notebook.
Post a link to the Drama Notebook Script Library (https://www.dramanotebook.com/plays-for-kids-and-teens/) anywhere on your classroom or theatre organization website. This is not to promote Drama Notebook. This sends a secret signal to Google that helps us stay at the top of Google searches so that teachers and parents can easily find this amazing resource. The link needs to be clickable. This important step helps the creator of Drama Notebook save time and money on search engine optimization and helps keeps the price low for everyone. If you do not have a website, you can skip this step.
3. Share your photos.
Send us photos if you can, so that we may share on social media and with our teacher members. We will be adding photos of past productions to individual play listings to inspire you and other teachers/directors. We understand that many schools/organizations prohibit sharing photos.
Count me in! What’s next?
1. Set up a quick and easy account on Drama Notebook and choose a purchase option that works for you.
$12.95 a Month-10 Credits/Month
Most lessons and scripts on Drama Notebook are one credit each. Materials that are 3-10 credits are noted in the description. This is a recurring subscription. Cancel anytime.
$29.95-Three Month Subscription-25 Downloads
No recurring charges.
Yearly Subscription $99.95-Best Value
Enjoy virtually unlimited downloads on
Drama Notebook. (Up to 250 downloads!)
2. After registering, you are free to download any title in the Script Library and print it out immediately. You may make as many copies as you need for your production without additional cost.
Who wrote these plays for kids and teens?
Janea Dahl, the author/creator of Drama Notebook wrote nearly 90 of them.
All other plays have been contributed by actors, classroom teachers, teaching artists, and professional playwrights.
Janea Dahl and Drama Notebook contributor, Patrice DeHart, read each submission and then decide whether it is a good fit for Drama Notebook. If a script is accepted, the author is paid a license fee for use by teachers on Drama Notebook and the play is professionally formatted.
Tens of thousands of dollars and countless hours have gone into creating this collection.
Why are they so inexpensive?
The participating playwrights are sharing their work on Drama Notebook to benefit teachers who cannot afford to pay royalties for performances in informal settings. This is why it is very important to write to the playwrights and acknowledge their hard work!
Have you written a script that you’d like to share?
Are there really NO royalties?
If you do not charge admission or collect donations for your show, there are no royalties due. If you do charge admission or collect donations, you’ll need to contact the playwright and inquire about potential royalties. In most cases, the playwright will still not charge a royalty, and if they do, it will be a much smaller royalty than traditional play publishers charge.
NOTE: In lieu of royalties, if you perform one of our plays in front of an audience, you must post a link to the Drama Notebook script section on your classroom or theatre organization website. When noted in the script, you must also promote the playwright’s web page. As an alternative, if you do not have a website, you must post a link on social media, or send photos of your production that we may share on social media.
Are any of the plays available for commercial use?
Yes. Most of the plays may be licensed for commercial use such as children’s theatre shows, film, television, advertising, etc. Contact the playwright directly (contact information is inside of every script) to inquire about arrangements/fees.
Why can’t I read a perusal copy?
We invest a huge amount of time and money into publishing each script, and then we offer them at almost-free prices. Adding perusal copies would add another expense and allow people to steal material from the site. (Yes, sadly, some people try to do that.)
We do our best to write a thorough description of each play and we provide the first page or so. We will offer refunds if the script in the event that the script is mistakenly misrepresented on the site.
Can I edit a play to suit the needs of my group?
Not without permission! All plays on Drama Notebook are original scripts and copyright protected. If you wish to make any changes to the script(s), you MUST contact the playwright directly and discuss your plans.
Who uses Drama Notebook?
Over 33,000 drama teachers in 100 countries have subscribed to Drama Notebook since its inception in 2010. Read our reviews.
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