The Mummy Speaks is a comedic adaptation of Edgar Allan Poe’s literary work, Some Words With A Mummy. Dr. Porter is a medical professional that performs experiments along with the help of his sidekick, Dr. McMillin. The two doctors finally gain permission to examine the remains of an Egyptian Mummy on display at a museum. Dr. Porter’s friend, Tully, has begged permission to witness the occasion. The situation goes awry when the mummy is given electroshock that stimulates his ancient existence back to life. Teens will love this creepy Poe tale with a surprising ending!
Cynthia Morrison, B.A. lives within the Bermuda Triangle. Her academic degrees major in law and theology. She is a writer and an award-winning playwright with theatrical works featured Off-Broadway in New York City. She is also a graduate of the Burt Reynolds Institute. Her stage play “Words with a Mummy” is published inside “21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World” as a textbook lesson in “adaptation of a play from literature”. Her fictional works have earned literary awards from Pinnacle, Florida Book Festival, Royal Dragonfly and Finalist from the William Faulkner Society (New Orleans).
Excerpt from the play:
Dr. PORTER: (M / or F representing M) A Medical Doctor with a great interest for exploring ancient science.
Dr. MCMILLAN: (Unisex) Friend and colleague to Dr. Porter. He assists in his experiments
SELIM (Sah – Leem): (Unisex) Egyptian Ambassador that wishes to be present during the Mummy experiment.
SHANNON: (F) Dr. Porter’s daughter
TULLY: (M / or F representing M) A friend to Dr. Porter. A bit eccentric and wishes to be present during the Mummy experiment as well.
THE MUMMY: (Unisex) a Mummy
SETTING: Boston Massachusetts USA Early 1900’s. Inside Dr. Porter’s front parlor / living room. The Mummy may be lying down, in a chair or standing.
DR. PORTER and his colleagues stand in the front parlor of his house and stare at the remains of an ancient mummified corpse.
Finally gaining permission to open the shrouds of the Mummy. I’ve been waiting a lonnnng time for this opportunity.
We should be thankful for the efforts of our friend Selim here. His political influence and Egyptian bloodline had a significant impact on the Museum director’s approval.
Glad to be of assistance, Doctor.
SHANNON enters the room.
Hello, Shannon. Have you delivered the message to Mr. Tully?
Yes, Father. His wife said he’d visit real soon.
And did you remember to get us a sack for the mummy’s wrappings?
Ah yes, I left it out in my bike basket. I’ll go and fetch it.
SHANNON exits the room.
A fine daughter got there, Porter.
Thank you, McMillin.
SHANNON returns. She presents a sack to PORTER.
It’s the best one I could find.
Well, it looks fine to me. Here, I’ll take the sack and the task of collecting the bindings if that’s alright with you, Dr. Porter.
PORTER hands the sack to MCMILLIN.
Very well. Now we have one medically trained ancient binding collector.
‘Ancient’ referring to the bindings, I hope, and not reference to the collector.
All are amused. SELIM checks his pocket watch.
Excuse me Shannon. Did Mrs. Tully say about how long her husband would be? Perhaps they were having supper.
TULLY enters the room.
Well speaking of the Devil.
I’ve been called a few names in me time but “Devil” is not one of them. (amused) Good evening all.
So glad you could make it Tully
I wouldn’t miss this for the World. I couldn’t get changed fast enough when I got your note.
You’re not thinking of staying on through this procedure, are you Shannon?
Actually I was hoping that you and the others wouldn’t mind if I observed. I promise not to interrupt.
Well seeing that you plan a career in medicine, even if it is with the animal kingdom. Well I don’t see why not.
Dr. McMillin, would you wish first rights to uncover the face?
I should be honored, Doctor. (addressing SELIM) Ambassador, would you mind holding the sack open for the remnants please?
SELIM takes the sack from MCMILLIN.
But of course, Doctor.
MCMILLIN slowly begins to examine the facial area of the Mummy.
Forgive me, but it appears that this mummy has no eyes.
Of course not. The first step in producing a worthy mummy is to remove all traces of water. Water permits bacteria, which are responsible for the process of decay. The eyeballs hold fluid so they are removed.
Dr. McMillin, before we get into exposing the horrid effects of ancient embalming methods I’d like to take another direction.
How so?
I’d like to experiment with electrotherapy to see if any amount of reflex is present inside the preserved tissues of this corpse.
Excuse me, gentleman. Wouldn’t that be crossing the line?
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