The Little Drummer Boy

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11 characters, flexible casting. Approximately 10 minutes long. Sweet and playful merging of the Christmas Story and the Little Drummer Boy. Theme of giving from the heart. Adapted by Jennifer Reif.

The Little Drummer Boy is a sweet play about the message of Christmas and gifts from the heart. Two children are bursting with energy on Christmas Eve until their father calms them by sharing the Christmas Story. The play moves seamlessly between the father’s telling of birth of Jesus, to Bethlehem where Shepherds, Wise Men, and a little drummer boy, come to honor the new baby king.

About the Playwright:

Jennifer Reif has been teaching, directing, and performing around the Pacific Northwest for decades. Her shelves are lined with children’s books and her happy place is in the woods. She loves devising theatre projects with kids and sharing creative ideas with teachers. Jennifer holds her BA in Theatre from Morningside College and also studied at Oxford University in England.

Excerpt from the play:


DAD A loving father trying calming his children on Christmas Eve

BOY A young boy who is very excited about Christmas

GIRL A young girl who is very excited about Christmas

JOSEPH The kind and loving father of the new born baby Jesus

MARY The kind and loving mother of the new born baby Jesus

SHEPHERD 1 A kind and steadfast shepherd who is called to honor Jesus

SHEPHERD 2 A kind and steadfast shepherd who is called to honor Jesus

GASPARD-WISEMAN 1 A wise traveler who searches for Jesus and brings a gift

MELCHIOR-WISEMAN 2 A wise traveler who searches for Jesus and brings a gift

MELCHIOR-WISEMAN 3 A wise traveler who searches for Jesus and brings a gift

LITTLE DRUMMER BOY A little boy who discovers that the best gifts are those from the heart

*Genders can easily be changed to fit your casting needs.

Setting: The set can be as simple or elaborate as you wish to represent the two locations. A simple staging option is to have a bare stage except for a big cozy chair to one side for the family to cuddle in as Dad tells the story. Use clear Christmas lights over the whole stage area to represent the stars and provide a warm Christmas feel.

At rise: It’s the night before Christmas. Two children are bouncing with excitement. The boy is playing a little toy drum. The girl is dancing around and wearing a crown. Perhaps she uses a blanket for a cape, which they can wrap up in later. They are happy and joyful together. Perhaps some Christmas music plays in the background as Dad enters.

All right you two. It’s time to settle down. You’ve got to go to sleep if you want Santa to come.

It’s just too exciting Dad! (She is standing on the chair at this point.)

How can you expect us to settle down when tomorrow is Christmas!
(They start to jump around out again.)

I know it’s exciting, but it’s time to calm down. How about if we sing some songs?
(Dad lifts her down and he sits in the chair.)

Okay, okay, okay. We can settle down. (She calms herself and begins singing the slow and sweet song.) I’m dreaming of a white Christmas…

(He is not settled. Sings and plays drum.) Jingle bells, Jingle bells, Jingle all the way… (This encourages his sister to join in the song as well. They are playful and happy. When they are done with one verse, Dad claps, they bow, and he continues.)

Let’s try this…come on, sit down. (They sit. He calms them with his peaceful energy as he sings)…Silent night, Holy night, (They join in on ‘all is calm’.) All is calm, All is bright…

Wait a minute…was it really a silent night?

What are you talking about? (Sweetly, not upset at all.)

The night Jesus was born. Was it really a silent night? I mean maybe it was loud.

Nobody really knows, but I’m sure it was a holy night.

What does that mean Dad? What is holy?

I suppose it means something that is really special, beautiful…even divine.

Like the baby Jesus?

Yes, like the baby Jesus.

Tell us the Christmas story Dad!

Yeah, tell us the Christmas story.

Okay I will. But just like the song, let’s be silent. Let’s be calm.

(Children settle in and take deep breaths to be silent and calm. Boy leaves drum on the ground. They might sit on his lap, or close by. When they are ready, he begins the story.)

Long ago and far away there lived a young couple. Mary and Joseph were their names. At this time, the land where they lived was part of the Roman Empire. (Adjusting the girl’s crown) The Roman Emperor Augustus wanted to have a list of all the people in the empire to make sure they paid their taxes. So, he ordered everyone to return to the town where their families originally came from and enter their names in a register there. That’s what we call a census. Mary and Joseph had to travel about 70 miles by foot…

And donkey…

…and donkey, to get to Bethlehem, which is where Joseph was originally from. They had to travel slowly because Mary was pregnant and the baby was due any day. When they reached Bethlehem they couldn’t find a place to stay because so many people had come to register their names for the census. Every house and every bed were taken. The only place they could find was with the animals.

I would love that!

Me too. I love animals.

Well it might not be the most comfortable place if you’d been walking for weeks. But they had no choice. So Joseph helped Mary settle in and prepare for the birth of the baby.

(Lights and focus shift to main stage. Nighttime. Stillness. Starry Skies. One star shines bright if possible. Allow time to pass and establish the magic in the air. A baby cries faintly and sweetly. Something magical happens with the lights. Chimes or bells fill the space briefly. JOSEPH enters and stands center looking to the heavens with gratitude and awe. He is alone on stage.)

(To the heavens) Thank you.

(Enter Shepherds as if they have been drawn to this place. They see Joseph.)

Glad tidings.

Glad tidings indeed.

Is it true then?

Is what true?

That a king was born today?

Yes. It is true! (Beaming with joy) Well, he is a king to me. He is perfect. My wife Mary just gave birth.

Then it is true!

An angel appeared to us last night.

That’s why we are here.

I wouldn’t believe it if I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes.

The angel told us of a savior, born in a manger.

We had to come and see for ourselves.

Well then, I welcome you. (Joseph ushers Shepherds off stage. Focus back to DAD and kids.)

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